mark I RI fuse problem

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2006
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Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Hi2all, i own a very early issue of mark I reissue combo (it doesn't have tweed switch and has SUS-4 case, serial number is U0064) and i'm very satisfied with it's raw, chunky sound (i only wish it had master for clean channel), But there's problem with fuses - my amp blows a fuse almost every 2nd time i turn it on, sometimes it blows about three fuses in a row! I'm from europe (ve've got 230volts in here, combo has properly set voltage switcher) and i'm using 1.5 A fuses as it's said on backpanel under the voltage switch. I just can't figure why, tubes seem ok (no weird behavior while warming them as is mentioned in manual). My mesa also tends to catch local radio stations while using distortion input - i've tried it with different guitars, cables, cabinets etc. and it does it with everything, maby it has something to do with fuse problem.
It's hard to tell if it's a power tube problem unless you replace them with new ones. Other than your wall voltage being too high I don't see why your fuses would blow other than tubes. On occasion, you may have a bad power supply filter cap and that would pop the fuse as well. A visual inspection would be needed. If your picking up radio free Europe, it's not from your power tubes. Amps will use your pickups, cables and even the wiring in your house to pickup radio signals. A power conditioner should help.

1. Replace Power Tubes
2. Check Filter Caps for Yellow Goo or Bulges
3. Learn Surfing With the Alien so you can put those radio effects to good use. :D
I have a triple recto ( 230 volt version ) and I need to put a 2A fuse in mine,
I think you are using a fuse for 117 V version which is 1.5A. Check your manuel for the correct fuse A
thanks for replies :)

Right now i don't have any chances to get matched quad of 6L6GCs , but I'll try to get at least matched pair of them for test (my amp has 100/60W switching). The ones i'm using are approximately three years old (JJ 6L6GC). I'll try to make some "inside shots" of my boogie, since it's almost 18 years old amp (markings on PCB says 09/12/89) it will maybe need to get some caps replaced.

As for fuses, i'm using 250V 1.5A, but it seems that they aren't "slow-blow" (they aren't filled with "sand"). They look just like this one


. User manual says that 3A fuse should be used (for 117V system), and says nothing about fuses for europe versions of this amp (I have only pdf version of manual downloaded from mesa homepage). I've had 1.5A 250V (that looked same as one pictured above) in this amp for almost two years without any problem.

This thing catches radio everywhere - at my home, in studio, in my band's rehersal room, in local music shops...i've tried it with various guitars, cabels etc and it does catch it with everything, I wonder if there could be faulty input jack , or grounding somewhere in amp (I'm not electrician, just guessing:)) kinda sucks when i turn my amp loud, and some lousy 80's pop song starts coming out of cabinet :) I'm also pretty sure that this radio thing started to appear with fuse blowing problem.
If it isnt a slo-blow fuse it will blow when the amp is first fired up.The 1.5amp is right for the Eur.version,but it must be slo-blow.When the amp is first turned on it will draw more than 1.5amps momentarily until the caps charge up.That is why a slo-blow is needed.
Sometimes SloBlo aren't sand filled. Read the Fuse itself. If it is Sloblo it will state so on it.