Lonestar Special - preamp tube replacements

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Timbre Wolf said:
I'll bet your LSS sounds sweet.

On re-reading this thread, I have to apologize for my previous reply: I was on the wrong track, thinking it was a Triaxis thread, and I probably made the wrong recommendations. Trying to apply Triaxis tube ideas to the LSS, I'm sure, just doesn't translate. Oops! :oops:

- T
No sweat man. It's obvious from your posts that you've experimented with a bunch of differen't tubes and I for one appreciate the info/opinions that you and others share.

Hell, untill I got my LSS and found this board I thought that if your amp worked okay the tubes were good. Never had a clue that different tubes affected tone (other than Groove Tubes number system as far as headroom was concerned) in different ways and I've been playing on and off for 40 yrs or so AND never owned a solid state amp...DUH!

If your amp don't glow.... she must be a HO! And that's all I got to say about that.
I use 5751s in V1 and V2, I like the NOS RCA tubes. I use a NOS GE 12at7 in the reverb slot, and JJ 12ax7s in the rest. This set up really works for me, it smoothed the amp out considerably. I also use a JJ "high gain" set of EL84s in the power amp.
I'm with you speedy. Since my last post I experimented some more and I'm also running 5751's in V1 & V2 (NOS JAN GE) and agree that they really "smooth" out the amp in good way especially when dialing in clean and slightly dirty tones. Think I'll go with this set-up for awhile, it's the best this amp has sounded since I got it back in April.

Tube set-up now is
V1 NOS JAN GE 5751
V2 NOS JAN GE 5751
V3 new mfg Tung Sol 12ax7
V4 new mfg Tung Sol 12ax7
V5 NOS Tesla E83CC (12ax7)
Power tubes are a quad of Tesla NOS EL84's
Hey Speedy, If you haven't already tried it, stick a 5751 in V5 along with the ones in V1 and V2. I bet you'll like it.
Finally bit the bullet, and tubes on the way. New setup will be:

V1 Long-plate Mullard 12AX7 with halo getter
V3 Sylvania black-plate 12AX7
V4 GE long-plate 12AX7
V5 Mullard CV4024

Matched quad of Tungsram EL84s.

Will report back after everything in place.

Thanks to all, but especially TimbreWolf for the detailed advice.
Wow - this setup turns the amp into a completely different instrument. It is even more musical on both clean and drive channels, and the variation in tones I can now get is fantastic. I understand what you meant about the sound becoming more 3D.

I loved the amp before, but it sounds simply amazing now.

Thanks to all again for the help.
timmerel said:
Wow - this setup turns the amp into a completely different instrument. It is even more musical on both clean and drive channels, and the variation in tones I can now get is fantastic. I understand what you meant about the sound becoming more 3D.

I loved the amp before, but it sounds simply amazing now.

Thanks to all again for the help.

8) Great to hear back about the transformation. Enjoy!!

- T
Trimmel, it's been a while since this last post. Do you still like this tube arrangement?
I have a LSS 2x12 and am thinking about retubing in a simular manner that you did as well as changing out the "Black Shadow" 90's with Celestion Golds.
Thanks for the reply Mick. I am going to switch out the speakers and retube.
What changes did you notice with the Gold? How do you like the tubes that you switched out?
I play a LP Supreme and the neck pup gets a little muddy. The bridge is good and clean. I want to clean it up and get the most from the LSS and the axe, although I may need to switch out a pickup or two or get a coil splitter installed. Any thought? I'm a noob and don't wantr to get crazy about this just the best possible from my gear.
I really have zip for experience with humbuckers thru the LSS. With the stock speaker I liked the 5751's in the v1, v2 and v5 positions. Tightened and cleaned it up without a noticeable loss of volume. (the 5751's are about 70% power of a 12ax7). However, I found that when I installed the Gold, I could run the 12AX7's and it still sounded nice and tight on the bottom end. If you read a lot of the topics here it seems that it's tougher to dial in a neck 'bucker than a single coil.

Also, if you're going to re-tube, call Mike at http://www.kcanostubes.com/content/. No $ interest. If you tell him what you're trying to do and a price range, he should be able to help you out.
The NOS Tesla EL84 power tubes are awesome in the LSS. FYI NOS is new, old stock, tubes mfgd in the '60's, 70's etc. Look at his site and you'll see that prices vary alot. Good luck! It's like anything else: it'll cost you $ but you'll gain knowledge and most likely, an even better tone.
I spoken with Mike and he has recommended Telsa (not JJ's) all around. When you switched back to 12 AX7's did you you NOS or the standard Mesa's?
I think I'll do the Celestion Golds first then retube afterwards to better dial in the tone of the amp. Mike seems to be very knowledgable about what I'll need in the LSS.
You'e right humbuckers are more difficult to dial in, but it will be worth it. I've read across this site and have leaned alot from others experiences. The bridge pup is good and I hear hints of what it can be! The neck is muddy. I've talked with Anderson about their equipmwent and may switch out my pickups with a H1 at the neck and H3 at the bridge if the other work does not get the job done.
Being a hobbiest I need to lean to play beeter and that should make as big a difference as anything else.
I am ordering my Celestion Golds on monday. Did you switch them out yourself or get it done by someone else. It appears to be an easy operation, but I don't want to screw this up. I want to ebay the C-90's.
boogieman90 said:
I am ordering my Celestion Golds on monday. Did you switch them out yourself or get it done by someone else. It appears to be an easy operation, but I don't want to screw this up. I want to ebay the C-90's.

You may want to reconsider -- holding on to the stock speaker. Mesa could void your warranty if the amp had to be serviced, at least thats the indication I got from them a whike back when I asked if swapping out speakers would void the warranty. They said as long as it a Mesa speaker it will not.....just FYI
Thanks for the info. I thought that this would be the case, but the results should be worth it although I still have 3 1/2 years of warrentee left. My LSS is built like a tank and I baby it. Do you anticpiate problems that require the warrentee?
I contacted John T at Mesa Hollywood. He stated the switch would only void the speaker warrenty. However if the speaker malfunctions and causes amp failure then I'd be in trouble.
boogieman90 said:
I am ordering my Celestion Golds on monday. Did you switch them out yourself or get it done by someone else. It appears to be an easy operation, but I don't want to screw this up. I want to ebay the C-90's.

I switch them myself but I'm very careful. I always put a piece of tin beneath the speaker terminals when soldering in case I drip some, I don't need hot solder hitting the cone. I also use rubber backed sealing washers(a flat washer with rubber on 1 side)beneath the mounting nuts as a precaution against vibration if the nut happens to loosen up. And they keep the back of the speaker frame from getting chewed up. Remember, neatness counts! :D
Thanks for the advice Mick. As a neebie I seek all advice I can get. Did you use any adhesive agent in your mounting. A friend has told me he uses silicon to e nsure his seal, but Mesa/Hollywood said no adhesive is needed.
I finally ordered 2 golds on Thursday. We they arrive then I'll see if I install them myself or have it done professionally.