Let's see your "Pig rig" pics (Lonestars)

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plan-x said:
I would not use the slave out for this purpose. (Although I may be wrong) I would use the LSC completely for one side to get the best tone and then send the other side to the power amp. If you use the delay in the loop on the LSC, then you'll get the preamp warmth sent to the other amp, which I presume is solidstate. Of course there's the concern of running one side of the power amp and not the other. Who cares, rotate back and forth. Ha ha. Bridging the power amp can solve that problem if you can bridge at no lower than 4 ohms.

Thanks, you have given some things to think about and try! :)

-Gary K
Hey Gary, yeah, you might want to ask around a bit more on that one. I'm afraid I don't know the answer. I've been playing around with stereo setups for a while know, but it has been exclusively using 2 guitar amps. I haven't tried using the slave out yet. Cheers, Danny
egkor said:
Hi Danny,
Thanks! I have the 2 1x12 ext. cabs. I have a Boss DD-6 stereo delay pedal. I was thinking I need a 2 channel power amp. What is the signal that is the input to the DD-6, is it from the Slave Out of the LSC?

Is this the idea/path: Guitar -> LSC Guitar In -> LSC Slave Out -> DD6 Mono In -> DD-6 Left Out -> Power Amp Left In, DD-6 Right Out -> Power Amp Right In (then of course Power Amp speaker outs to L/R 1x12 cabs)?

Thanks again!
-Gary K

Don't forget that you need to maintain a load on your LSC or you'll blow your output transformer....

The way I'd suggest doing it is using the LSC head as per normal, with the delay in the loop. Then, buy a second, relatively inexpensive head (unless you have money to burn, then buy whatever you want :D ), and run the stereo delays second output into the FX loop return of the second head. Make sure that both heads are hooked up to a cab, and you're off to the races.

It's semi important that you choose a second amp that has an effects loop since you'll be bypassing the preamp on the second amp. I say semi important, because if you choose something like a Fender Twin as your second amp you could probably get away with running it direct in the front, you just have to keep the Fender's gain turned pretty low.

This route will be easier than the stereo power amp route.

And before I go, you can't connect your slave out to a delay, then feed that delay back into the effects loop return of the same amp.... it'll cause a feedback loop. You need to use the FX loop send.
Thanks for all replies WRT "Lonestar Stereo" configurations.

Since this is a "Pig Pictures" thread, I am going to create a topic in the "Lonestar Series" sub-forum for running the Lonestar Classic/Special in stereo. Please look for that thread for posting further "Lonestar Stereo" content, thanks!

Here is a link to the new thread: http://forum.grailtone.com/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=36045

-Gary K
my pig rig...
I still I would like to get the head version with a two 1X12 Cabs......that combo is a BEAST!!!

Wow, :eek: everyone is stackin these pigs now. They sounded really good as a stand alone combo but stacked, takes it over the top. Actually, I don't think I ever had a better sounding rig. And I go back as far as Blonde Twin amps.
Cool...another pig stack! jjboogie that's a good looking pig rig. Once you play stacked you'll never go back!
Telemaster said:
Cool...another pig stack! jjboogie that's a good looking pig rig. Once you play stacked you'll never go back!

Thanks brother! Yes it looks great on stage! I love it!

I have to admit I am really itching to switch to the LSC......still want a Mesa stack though but I need more girth! 8)
Just couldn't resist posting my pig LOL ...


Bought my first LoneStar in 2006, a LSC version 1. Had power issues (volume would keep droping out of the blue) so Boggie built and shipped me a new one, happened to be the new version 2. Really liked it but was not thrilled, so I giged with it for awhile, then put it away in storage and brought the 1985 MKIII black stripe combo back out. But I just did the Reeder and mid mods on the LSC, which is the way they should have released this amp in the first place. I'll be debuting it tomorrow at Bowdoin Park, Wappingers Falls, NY. We're heading the WPDH Roof-A-Thon (http://www.thesundownband.net) so if you're from the NY Hudson Valley area stop by and give me a shout.
sundownron said:
Just couldn't resist posting my pig LOL ...


Bought my first LoneStar in 2006, a LSC version 1. Had power issues (volume would keep droping out of the blue) so Boggie built and shipped me a new one, happened to be the new version 2. Really liked it but was not thrilled, so I giged with it for awhile, then put it away in storage and brought the 1985 MKIII black stripe combo back out. But I just did the Reeder and mid mods on the LSC, which is the way they should have released this amp in the first place. I'll be debuting it tomorrow at Bowdoin Park, Wappingers Falls, NY. We're heading the WPDH Roof-A-Thon (http://www.thesundownband.net) so if you're from the NY Hudson Valley area stop by and give me a shout.

Cool rig! The pic doesn't show in the post, but I copied and pasted the link into a new browser window and I could see it.
Here's how my "New" Pig Rig looks.It's not really new, I split up the combo into a headshell and speaker cab so my tired old bones could transport it easier. Now have to make two trips, but I'm lots less likely to throw my back out! LOL
If there's any interest... I would be willing to swap one of the 2x12 cabs (27") for a 1x12 cab the same color (27").
Just shoot me a PM or email me at [email protected].
Here ya go....

I see some Marks of to the left there! :) That LSS rig is awesome. I love the look of the head plus 2 cabs!
I started a "Special vs Classic" thread here a few months back and here I am now. Extremely happy Lonestar Classic 2x12 owner for about a month. British Tan Bronco Vinyl. Greatest amp I've ever played. Paired along with what is in my opinion the greatest sounding/feeling guitar, the PRS 513. And of course the G&L. I enjoyed seeing everyone else's so much I figured I'd post my own. Take care everyone!


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