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rabies said:
it's just an amp with no new voicings. nothing to get all excited about in a downtown economy.

have a voice of your own.


bipolar sob!

Anyway, the Mark Series sound is the guitar sound I've heard in my head for ten years. I think I've found my voice, bro.

And I'll be able to run 4x EL34s in it. :D
phyrexia said:
And I'll be able to run 4x EL34s in it. :D

now that's the critical component that I keep forgetting. get close to MOP with 4xEL34 and IIC+ mode I guess.

I just watched the roots on TV and the dude was running a stiletto half-stack w/ les paul. pretty decent tones. I like that head...

and I may like the Mark V, who knows. Mesa makes some good **** overall. otherwise, I wouldn't have the half-back cab still.
i have a question for mesadude

does the IIc+ mode sound like your IIc with the treble pulled @ around 7 & master 1 pulled?

thanks. hope your enjoying your new amp :)
rabies said:
it's just an amp with no new voicings. nothing to get all excited about in a downtown economy.

have a voice of your own.


Downtown economy? As opposed to Midtown, or Uptown economy? Mark V's are only sold Uptown partner!!!! Maybe you spend a little to much time in Browntown if you know what I mean!!! Get your head out of your ass!!!! What a douche! Sorry to anyone offended!
CaymanSMC said:
This sounds like Mesa has only shipped one Mark V so far.

Has anyone else received their's ?

UPS expected date is May 5th on mine. I only orders it last week too!!! I really lucked out! :D :D

UPS expected date is May 5th on mine. I only orders it last week too!!! I really lucked out! :D :D[/quote]
caf said:
i have a question for mesadude

does the IIc+ mode sound like your IIc with the treble pulled @ around 7 & master 1 pulled?

thanks. hope your enjoying your new amp :)

I really don't know, exactly, as I haven't used the Mark IIc for quite a while. All settings sound good!

MeZa 8)
mesadude said:
newfinator said:
I'd also like to know how its Mark IV 'mode' compares to a real Mark IV. It would be interesting to hear from someone that has both. If it can do everything a IV can, plus the other stuff then it would be a winner for me. I am in the minority in preferring the IV to the IIC+ overall.

I have a Mark IIc (not the c+) and a Mark IV. I'd say that both of the settings are pretty darned true on the Mark Five, comparatively speaking.

I guess the difference I see is that the Mark Five is set to emulate the lead channels of the IIc & IV, not the rhythm or clean channels of each. So, one doesn't get the other channel options which the IV or IIc offered, only the lead settings essentially.

Remember, all of this is MY subjective opinion. I have been playing lead guitar since 1963, and have been buying and using Mesa amps since about 1983. And I live about 10 miles from Mesa Engineering in Petaluma. So I've been there numerous times and am quite familiar with them, and a few of their personnel. Just FYI.

MeZa 8)

So is there a GREAT metal rhythum channel?
Hey Meza,

Not sure if these Q's got lost in the shuffle...

Jmango said:

I am hoping you can answer a few questions as you are the first person I have heard of that has one of these.

1. How is the clean channel? Lone Starish?
2. How is the Reverb? Lush and warm or just there like some other Mesa amps...
3. Any popping when changing channels?
4. Any reverb fade out /fade in when changing channels?
5. Can this thing do thick metal to clean strumming and everything in between?

Sorry to interrogate man, but you happen to be the single source of information at this point... ;)

Yeah...I just got mine as well.

It's nice. Very easy to dial a bunch of sounds, and I have only owned it a day.
Very nice Reverb (the Mk IV 2nd channel had a terrible reverb).

It is up to the hype. No reason to own my Mk IV anymore.
1. How is the clean channel? Lone Starish? I don't know...I don't own a LS

2. How is the Reverb? Lush and warm or just there like some other Mesa amps...nowhere near as bad as the Mk IV

3. Any popping when changing channels? None I heard of IF you have the wattage matched. If you go from channel to channel with different Watts selected, then it will pop.

4. Any reverb fade out /fade in when changing channels? Nothing I noticed, but I will post better info after taking it to band practice.

5. Can this thing do thick metal to clean strumming and everything in between? It has 3 nice clean channels, a good Rhythm and a bunch of nice lead sounds. I like the IIC+ tone best for channel 3. I won't need "extreme".

This thing is SOOOooooo easy to dial in. Think of the best Mk IV you could imagine, laid out in the way you always wanted, and has a great IIC+ tone tossed in.

What else do you want?
AFter playing the amp for a few days I can offer the following review:

It's a fun amp because I like a lot of tonal options. For those who like the Mark III and Mark IV, this amp is the bomb. But for those who like the Mark I and Mark II series amps, including the C+, this amp is a little disappointing. The cleans are very nice but not "Lonestar Classic" nice, and not even Mark IIC+ nice (I really like the cleans on the C+). I won't be selling my LOnestar or my original Mark I any time soon, if you know what I mean.

The amp sounds much bigger and better IMO thru a 4X10 and 4X12, but I feel that way about all Mesas.
sfarnell said:
For those who like the Mark I and Mark II series amps, including the C+, this amp is a little disappointing. The cleans are very nice but not "Lonestar Classic" nice, and not even Mark IIC+ nice (I really like the cleans on the C+). I won't be selling my LOnestar or my original Mark I any time soon, if you know what I mean.

This is NOT what I wanted to hear after I have sold my LSC 10/50/100 23" wide head.
I want to point out that the EL34 Bias Switch has a shield, just like every other Mesa amp that has ever had this feature. :mrgreen: :lol: