I need some advice....some help, from all the mesa gurus!

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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2007
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Well I got a mesa roadster, my first tube amp ever!!!! and I cant me more happier. Its exactly what I am looking for. My move to mesa was like:

Rouge > Crate > Peavey > Line 6(spider, flextone, hd147) > MESA

So now I am thinking how can I setup all the effects and change channels and effects in one press (like line 6)!. So I was going around the forum...(btw this is the best informative forum ever!) and found out that if I get a g-major or rocktron , midi controller (leaning towards fcb1010) , and fcx4 I can use the controller to change channels and effects in the processor. All in one press....thats freaken awesome.

Now is where I need my help. Me being new in the world of mesa..and midi. Can anyone give me some advice on how to set up everything up and use what kind of cables and tool to make this process smooth. I know I am sounding dumb...but anykind of help will be highly appreciated. Is there any kind of tutorial I can read to pick it up?

Again, this FORUM ROCKS!!!!
It all works with relays....

If you go with the G major, that already has two of them. The Behringer floor board also has two more. That will let you control 4 functions on your roadster via external triggers (located on the back of the roadster). If you get the Axcess, you will get 4 more relays, allowing you control of up to 8 functions on the Roadster....for example, 4 channels, loop, reverb, tuner mute...etc.

If you wire all this up (via the relays and specific triggers), you will be able to assign any of the loops with any patches on your processor, creating effortless switching of everything.

Expensive, and a lot of wiring, but amazing results.

I'm waiting till I can lay our for the DMC ground control and its audio switcher...simply a cleaner and more efficient setup IMO....all the relays are on the single audio switcher, and you have more to work with.
So if I connect the midiboard to gmajor..then to the fcx4..to the amp. Is it possible to hit one button of the board and update the processor and amp?
Yes, with that setup I would set the (you mean cfx4 by axess right?) cfx4 to change channels on the amp, have the g major always in the loop and have the behringer set to change the g major and cfx4 at the same time, or have the behringer set to change the g major and have the g major set to change the cfx4. That way you have all 4 channels plus all the fx you want, and you can also use the g major as an eq if you want to change little things with the roadster's tone. When you don't want fx you just set the g major to patches for bypass or eq only. This way you have less cable's to connect (otherwise for all 8 functions you'd drag 2 from the behringer along with the midi cable for switching and 2 more from the gmajor for switching).

It's annoying to learn and can be very frustrating, but it helps simplify live playing situations. If I used more than 2 fx I'd be going that route, but I never do (live anyway). Good luck
i use the Gmajor with my Stiletto along with the FCB1010 and it works great.my Stiletto has 6 modes but i can only switch between 2 at a time,the Gmajor does the channel switching for me.that is in my FX loop ,then coming out of the amp EXT.SWITCH CHANNEL JACK i go into the Gmajor SWITCH OUT REMOTE JACK.you have to program the Gmajor relays to channel switch.now one button push i change Gmajor presets and channel all at once.hope this helps
so correct me if I am wrong....:

FCB 1010 > GMAJOR (goes to the loop of roadster)> CFX4 > To the footswitch connection of roadster.

Then program fcb1010 to change GMAJOR and CFX4.

Sounds right? I wish some of the mesa guru's had a tutorial for this...it would make life easier for us mesa noobs! But i sincerely appreciate all the help I have been getting to so.

If I dont get the cfx4 and just get the gmajor and fcb1010. I can only change two channels in the roadster, right?

Also I went to http://www.axess-electronics.com/ ...I could see the cfx4, but didnt see the special cable for roadster. Did they started making the special cable for roadster? I have been hearing rave reviews about Mario.


I might actually make a diagram in powerpoint....and upload it over here. So someone can edit or say if its right. Then we can save that in knowledge base...which will be really helpful to everyone, I think.
if you just use the Gmajor w/ the fcb1010 like i do you can change channels on the amp ,the Gmajor has 2 relays so you can use one for amp channel changes and the other to switch something else on the amp,like a boost switch or something all the while changing presets at the same time.you dont need the CFX unless you need more options.try the Gmajor w/ the FCB and see how it works out for you,you can always add the CFX later on.as far as cables you need 2 for the FX loop{ 1 for SEND and 1 for RETURN}a 5 PIN MIDI cable {from FCB MIDI OUT/THRU to Gmajor MIDI IN{ and a RelayJack Cable{ from amp Ext Switch Jack to the Switch out Relay Jack on the Gmajor.{
If that works for the roadster it will be super sweet...cause gmajor already has the tuner and I dont need the solo boost. All I need is channel changing and effects changing at the same time...
thanks man I will try that out....and lets see what happens:)
i should add that some Boogies ,wont work with this set up.i called Mesa to make sure it would work with the Stiletto,and there was no problem.because of the circuitry it may not work with your amp,sorry if i misled you .i would call Mesa first just to make sure.but i think it will work,just call them first,it may just be a problem with older amps.let us know how it goes.
fbomb...its all cool I was getting the gmajor and fcb1010 no matter what. I guess I have to call mesa now..to make sure if it works. If it doesnt work I will get the cfx4, has anyone used ROADSTER with gmajor and fcb1010 only?


Just play your guitar and save your money, you don't need all that. :D

Or just ignore me. ;)
That works too:) LOL.....but come on man, you need that nice delay to kick in as soon as u turn on channel 3 and get ready to spit out a solo that will melt the heart!
vertigo_ said:
That works too:) LOL.....but come on man, you need that nice delay to kick in as soon as u turn on channel 3 and get ready to spit out a solo that will melt the heart!

That's why I don't need all the switching and such, I'm not out to melt hearts, I'm out to MELT PANTIES!!! :twisted: :twisted: 8) :twisted:
i would actually go with a RJM Amp Gizmo instead of the Axess unit.... the Amp Gizmo has 8 controls... 4 four your channels... 4 for your functions (solo, reverb, etc.)..... they also sell a cable that is specially made for the roadster to utilize it's footswitch input... so basically you hook up one end of this cable to the appropriate jacks on the amp gizmo and the other in the footswitch input on the roadster..... you hook up your midi out on your controller to the midi in on the amp gizmo.... then you hook up the midi out on your amp gizmo to the midi in on the gmajor..... its really easy and a lot less wires going around then other suggestions so far.... very very very simple to program as well .... basically you hit the button that writes the patch... press the buttons on the front that go with each channel/function and hit save and your done.... it'll use the message from the midi controller to store those settings as well as the patch your on, on the gmajor..... hope that helps.... did i mention the amp gizmo is cheaper?? :wink:
the yahoo groups for the fcb1010 and the g major are a must when you get to all the midi MADNESS :shock:
My quick thoughts on pedals vs rackmount effects is this...

Most guitarist just need a couple carefully placed effects in a song that are generally bypassed most of the time. Pedals were designed with this in mind, they are cheap, some offer good quality, and a true bypass.

Other guitarist use effects to get their tone, using them all the time. Rackmount effects were designed with this in mind, they offer lots of effects in one solid package, usually buffered bypass (if you're lucky, but this isn't always a requirement), expensive but quality, analog/digital conversions lessens warmth and sensitivity for me.

Some effects you can only get by running the effect in front of the amp: distorted bends through a delay for example. Wah and other effects should be in front also. Which many rackmount effect units don't provide.

For me, digital effects are good for improving an already crappy tone. If you have a quality analog tube amp then digital effects can really suck the tone and feel.

I personally am not considering anything more than an analog delay pedal, wah, and univibe in front of my Roadster.
Here is how I control my Roadster. I use the Axess CFX4 to control channels 1-4, and the G-Major to switch the FX Loop and Solo. I called MESA about the G-Majors relays and was told it would be OK for the Loop and Solo switching only. So far it works flawlessly. I have the FX Loop switched out for my basic (dry) tone, and use the G-Major to switch in the FX Loop (or Solo boost) when I call up a patch for effects. I use the Behringer FCB1010 to control everything. It will even switch the Solo Boost on and off regardless of the FX Loop. Great for fills and harmonics with my dry tone.


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