I need a good vibe pedal....suggestions.

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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2007
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Hey fellas~

I'm looking to get a vibe pedal to hold me over til I get my KR Megavibe for my pedalboard. I'm on the waiting list, which I've heard can be up to a year, but in the meantime, I'd like to get something good that I can use for now. Who knows, if I can get somthing I really like, I might just keep it, and sell off the Megavibe. Anyways, I'd like to hear your opinions on what you all use, and how you like them. Good or bad.

Personally, check out the Lovepedal pickle vibe- great build, great sound, small footprint, good value, and safe investment.....
Should tide you over and would be a quick turn-around if you sell

+1 on the Lovepedal Pickle Vibe. I just received mine a few days ago and had a chance to use it live at church this morning. I use mine in front of a Full-Drive 2 Mosfet, and it sounds fantastic. I was not overly impressed the first time I used it, but when I used it live today it just came to life. The "throb" and "pulse" were definitely there, and the unit sounded very swampy and Trower-ish when stacked with the Full-Drive 2. I did not get lost in the mix and the Pickle Vibe does not have a volume drop like so many other Vibe pedals.

I originally wanted a Fulltone Mini Deja Vibe but pedalboard space became an issue. The Pickle Vibe sounds VERY close to an actual photo-cell Vibe, especially live. The pulsing blue light is also very cool and is bright enough to see a mile away. Excellent tone, superb build quality, and it's TINY so those of us with limited space can enjoy a quality Vibe sound. As a note, I also have a Mojo Hand Nebula phaser that gives a very good Vibe-ish sound. The Nebula's pulse is a bit more subdued, but it sounds very good as well and would work in place of an actual Vibe clone.
The Mini Deja Vibe arrived a few days ago and I now have it on the board. I expected the Mini DV to blow away the Lovepedal Pickle Vibe. In the end I chose the Mini DV for the board, but the Lovepedal was a VERY close second. The Mini DV sounds very good, but so does the Lovepedal. Comparing the two pedals actually increased my respect for the Pickle Vibe. It is amazing that something so small (and non-photo cell) can get so close to a true vibe sound. In case anyone would like to know, I will describe the differences as I hear them. The Pickle Vibe is a tad thinner overall, but has more of a phasing or modulating effect. The Mini DV is a bit thicker and warmer, but with less modulation or phase. As expected, the "pulse" or "throb" of the Mini DV is also thicker and more three-dimensional. However, both pedals sound very good and each one is pleasing to my ear. I will keep both and will no doubt switch between the two of them as dictated by my moods. The way I see it, I now have two killer vibe pedals. In addition, both sound right at home in front of my FullDrive 2 and Crunch Box. I hope this may be of interest to anyone looking for a vibe effect.

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