how did you get your mesa?

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Jul 22, 2006
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I went through a lot of deals and hard work to get my Dual rectifier, and it was so worth it. So i was just wondering if any of you guys have some good stories about getting your mesa? Ill share mine:

So I started off about four months ago, got a new job and saved a little bit of cash. I immediately started looking into getting a tube head/cab and it was looking like I was going to be getting a 5150II or 6505+...I liked the amp, but it really wasn't what I was looking for. I knew i eventually wanted a mesa but could not afford it. So I took one for the team and picked up a 5150II + peavey XXX cab for 700. That was a really good deal I thought. I also had picked up a schecter tempest custom for 600 (great guitar). So i played this for a couple weeks, and was just overall unsatisfied with the amp...the guitar was amazing. So i started looking for deals. I saw someone posting an ampeg svt 810 + svt 3 head for a rediculously low price, and i decided to see if i could make a trade. So i offered my tempest custom for it, he agreed. I was extremely happy. I turned around and sold the bass amp for 1400. Then a friend was looking to downgrade from his Dual rec. So i tried another trade, I offered my 5150II plus 200 for the dual, he agreed. I was in heaven. Then i sold my XXX cab for 400 and picked up a Marshall 1960A (Brand new) for 600. I still had 800 left in profit from the Ampeg stuff, so i bought my Esp viper 400 for 700. I started with a Peavey 5150II, XXX cab and a schecter tempest. Ended with a Mesa Dual Rec, Marshall 1960A and a Esp viper 400 and $100. Needless to say, I am extremely stoked!

So anyone else have any interesting stories?
I love getting sweet deals on amazing equipment. This is such an amazing head.
ya i just like... fell in love with my trem all over again today when i finally found my gain sound :lol:
thats important, getting the tone you want and EXPECT out of your amp makes it so worth it.
ya to be honest, i was so stocked about the red after playing the 3 channel triple, but it left something to be desired... until i flipped those little switches 8)
haha, I don't know...i tried the triple. There was just something different about it, it was so hard to find my tone unless i was cranked up so loud. Once i got to that level, it was outstanding, but if im in my house I don't want to have it shaking the ground to get good tone. I love my dual though, absolutely love it.
well, i actually did have the triple totally cranked (i was in the soundproof room at GC). Infact, i'm looking to purchase on of those 3 channel Dual Rec's for $799 from a guy in the next town over, let's hope that works out :p
I could write a book on my story. I waited 5 months, but i ended up getting a modded 3 ch. DR for $800 and a 2x12 VHT FB cab for $425. Pretty good deals and deffinately worth the wait. I have very good hook-ups.
Basically I swapped my Marshall DSL 50 + £150 for a two channel Dual Rec. It was only when the guy brought it round that I found out it was the older, small logo version. Needless to say I was pretty happy. Once he left i checked the serial number to find I'd just scored R0050 !! Needless to say I was then ecstatic lol. R0050 for what works out at around £550. That's about half you'd expect to pay on ebay over here in the U.K. Although it needed a bit of work and money to get it back to it's original glory I reckon I got a bit of a bargain :)
I walked in the store, told the clerk I was leaving with one and there wasn't anything he could do about it.

And after I wrote the check, he graciously carried it to the car for me!

In Atlanta, we have many Mesa dealers. Getting one isn't difficult.
cvansickle said:
I walked in the store, told the clerk I was leaving with one and there wasn't anything he could do about it.

And after I wrote the check, he graciously carried it to the car for me!

In Atlanta, we have many Mesa dealers. Getting one isn't difficult.

haha, but did you get a deal...?
i was just gassing over a dual rec, so i saved up for a while and bought it from a guy I know who works at a store that stocks them, he gave me a little discount under the table ofcoarse.

and i really love it, it sounds really good with my pgm 301 an interesting blend of sounds.
ok...i live in Aust...i had to find a selling of the mk iv i wanted in the Us the ask the seller if they were ok about sending it over ...after about two months of that and being turned down finally got a yes...and it came from there...
Saved, saved, and saved! Then bought! Ordered straight from Mesa though, as I don't trust the stupid kids who played on them before.

Never been happier!
ibanez4life SZ! said:
Saved, saved, and saved! Then bought! Ordered straight from Mesa though, as I don't trust the stupid kids who played on them before.

Never been happier!

I know what you are saying, The person before me wore these tubes out, It seems like he mistreated the tubes because they aren't that old. Im going to change them soon (i was planning on this anyway)
Saved up, dreamed ever since I knew what they were, and with a little (actually ALOT) of help from some close relatives and from the Lord above (no blasphemy here my friends), I ordered mine from a local vendor. I payed the downpayment of $600 and the rest was taken care of through a $2500 alotment I was given. My choice was either a new amp (the Mesa) or a laptop for college, and I chose the Mesa. But, as it would work out, after I graduated from HS people in my family just started sending me grad. money (i mean, even people I didn't even know existed) so, by adding up everything from change in the couch, $10's and $20's sent in small cards and all the money i had in my savings account, besides the $25 to keep it open, I was EXTREMELY blessed to be able to have both the Triple Recto half stack and a Dell XPS notebook.



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