Hey guys! Has anyone here...

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Shang Chi 66

Well-known member
Mar 13, 2009
Reaction score
...experienced any strange, overbearing bass response on channel 2, especially in the Edge mode of all places?

I can turn my bass control (the rotary knob) all the way off, and I can still get this big, sort of sub-bass going on, particularily on the low strings.

Anyone else experienced anything like this, or have any suggestions to what the cause may be?

Thanks gentlemen!
sorry to hear your problem.

if it is only happening on ch 2, i would at least check the V2 and V3

good luck :wink:
Hi, I've got the same Problem in Channel 2. Its a very deep Boomie Sound. First I thougt it sounded like a broken Speaker but its definitely Channel 2 in every Mode.

Shang Chi 66 could you please tell me and every body else here, if it helped when you have swapped some of the tubes ?
Hörman said:
Hi, I've got the same Problem in Channel 2. Its a very deep Boomie Sound. First I thougt it sounded like a broken Speaker but its definitely Channel 2 in every Mode.

Shang Chi 66 could you please tell me and every body else here, if it helped when you have swapped some of the tubes ?

Horman, I did swap out those 2 preamp tube positions (and the V1 as well), and no change, it did'nt help. I tried the power tubes as well, just to be sure it wasn't those, and again, no diff.

I've also changed drivers (speakers), lifted my cab off of the floor, tilted it off the floor, and nothing, no change.

I have an assortment of Celestions & Eminience drivers of varying tonalities, and none of them do anything with that bass response.

The way that you described it is dead on...a very, "deep boomy sound" It's there even with the bass all the way off...and my amp at least, it's really bad in Edge mode, to the point where I can hardly even use it (unless I don't play on the low strings, and what use is that!)

I don't know guys, it's definately puzzling, and annoying. And right now, there's a pretty bad winter storm whipping through Lansing Mi. where I am, and my repair guy is in Jackson, so running it out to him to have a peek is out of the question for the time being.

If anyone has any other suggestions or possible remedies, by all means, please chime in. I'd hate to have to be ampless for a couple of weeks (or more!) if it's not really necessary. :?
Thanks man. Yeah, I had already called em, spoke to a Chris...basically, as an user, you're pretty limited to swapping out tubes. I was just hoping that someone here might have thought of something else that I had'nt.

In any event, the rest of the amp sounds great, and seems to be operating fine...however, I did pay for a 3 channel amp, not just 2, HA!

So, whenever this east coast storm lets up some, I quess it's into the shop she go's! :(
Hey Shang Chi 66, any news ?
What have you done ? Did you get it fixed or a new amp ?
I've still the same Problem but cannot afford to be without my amp at the moment.
edge mode is very scooped.. i think all of the MKV's have a lot of bass on that channel
What are your settings... if you have the drive up at 2:00 o'clock or greater you probably need to have the bass and middle down at 9:00 o'clock or less on that channel. The Mark I mode seems to have the most bass of all the modes in all the channels, but I imagine within any given channel there is only so much circuit variance they can achieve between the modes, meaning crunch and edge are going to be in the same ball park as far as the eq'ing of the channel. Personally, I use the Mark I mode and have it dialed in pretty good. I have both that and channel 3 set up for fairly heavy solo type overdrive that I can dial back to a crunch on either channel just by rolling a bit of volume off on the guitar. It's nice to be able to bring in all the bottom end on some songs when your just chunkin along and filling the room with that massive low end. One of the beautiful perks of this amp.

There could be something wrong with your amp... I'm just saying that it's quite possible that you aren't used to the way the amp is designed to sound and some of the extreme settings you need to use to dial it in. Embrace the Boogie!!!
Hey guys!

Horman; sorry man, did',nt mean to leave ya hanging with no news!

Chris at Mesa told me that I should'nt be experiencing any undue, "boominess" in that channel, particularily the in the Edge mode. Therefor, he advised me to take it in so that my repair guy (authorized of course) can have a peek.

I have not yet taken it in, in part because of time restraints, and also because it doesnt seem to be bothering me as much. In other words, I've gotten used to it being there. And I've never played/heard another one in person, so I can't even be certain that there actually is something wrong with it, or if that's just in fact how the amp sounds, ya know?

I should really take it in I suppose, just in case there is something actually wrong with the amp. Afterall, I'm not the only one who seems to be noticing this as something unusual.

Also to the other post, I keep the the bass control below 9:00 in any mode on that channel, (regardless of the gain setting) and even if it's at 0, there's still this boomy bass going on. Not over the top enough to ruin the sound of the amp, but enough to be somewhat, "in the way" of the tones

Horman, if you decide to take your amp in before I do, let us know (and I'll do the same)

Rock on & out everybody! :)
After I have read your "problem" yesterday, I tweaked a lot in edge-mode
et voila - a new, amazing "LARGER_THAN_LIFE_ROCKSTAR"setting:

gain: 5:00h - full - crank it up!!! ;-)
master:5:00h - full Yepp, we'll need compression...
presence:7:00h - turn it down and after you found your playing volume adjust it to taste!

treble: 7:00h - no need...
middle: 7:00h - we don't like them anyway - LOL!!!
bass: 7:00h - amazing low-end altough it is not dialed in

...silly eq setting, I know

loop "on" - send level at noon or less

EQ "on" - preset depth poti - somewhere between 9:00h and 5:00h should work

for my ears 10W, 45W with diode rectifier or 90W - all in "full power" mode - worked great

Tested with Tung Sol preamp tubes, Mesa EL34 STR 447, 2x12 Rectifier vertical cabinet w/ Celestion Vintage 30
and PRS Standard 24 w/ PAF style humbuckers.
niilz said:
After I have read your "problem" yesterday, I tweaked a lot in edge-mode
et voila - a new, amazing "LARGER_THAN_LIFE_ROCKSTAR"setting:

gain: 5:00h - full - crank it up!!! ;-)
master:5:00h - full Yepp, we'll need compression...
presence:7:00h - turn it down and after you found your playing volume adjust it to taste!

treble: 7:00h - no need...
middle: 7:00h - we don't like them anyway - LOL!!!
bass: 7:00h - amazing low-end altough it is not dialed in

...silly eq setting, I know

loop "on" - send level at noon or less

EQ "on" - preset depth poti - somewhere between 9:00h and 5:00h should work

for my ears 10W, 45W with diode rectifier or 90W - all in "full power" mode - worked great

Tested with Tung Sol preamp tubes, Mesa EL34 STR 447, 2x12 Rectifier vertical cabinet w/ Celestion Vintage 30
and PRS Standard 24 w/ PAF style humbuckers.

Vewry intewesting...I'll have to give these settings a spin

niilz, what kind of larger than life rockstar?

would that be an awesome AC/DC crunch, EVH distortion, Gibbons crunch, johnny b goode? whats it sound like?

mind you i dont have the amp yet, and im trying to live in fantasy via descriptions till i do have it.. soon, though soon. (it also easier to find these posts if i comment :)
...well, I guess it doesn't work with your threequarter/EVM12L cabinet (probably) - might be way to flubby...

Do you still have your 2x12 V30 recto horizontal? - You'd be surprised how good these speakers can sound (at least I was...) :D

Anyway, as i miss my former 4x12 cab with EVM12Ls I just ordered a bunch of speakers and will test them as soon as possible - first test speaker for the MKV will be the Eminence Delta Pro 12A ;-)

So please tell me how this setting in Edge-mode worked out with the EVM!!!