I was at that show. It was fun and his guitar sounded great. I know what you're saying about the octave sound. Def sounds like squeezing. I'm thinking more like Jackpot during the verses. I just think it's such a cool tone. I got a Duncan JB recently and it seems a little bright but that's what he used to use. I finally get to take my amp to the shop tomorrow. I def think I have an issue with my preamp and I don't think it's tubes. My sound is just lacking depth and it's kind of shrill and the low end is woofy. Didn't always seem to be like this. It did get knocked pretty decent not too long ago. As for the SD-1, he didn't have it in his rig for the Chicago show that was on HDNet. I was right up front checking out the board after the show. He had the same board LA sound Design posted on the HRI forums. He had 2 Xacttone Precision od's linked together in one loop.