Engl Savage 120 vs Uberschall Twin Jet vs Cobra vs Roadster

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Mar 10, 2009
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UPDATE: Thanks for the help guys. Please look at my newest post a little down the page.
Any of those amps you mentioned would do it. I know Acacia Strain use rectos.

Good luck with your quest.
I've owned all of them aside from the Bogner. They're all great amps. I currently have a Roadster and am definitely extremely happy with it. For the type of stuff you're wanting to play either the Cobra or the Roadster would be the way to go...with the Roadster coming out ahead in my opinion. The Savage is FANTASTIC, but much tighter than either the Cobra or Roadster and won't give you the same vibe. An EL34 loaded Roadster with a boost will cover the most ground and probably come close to nailing the sound you're looking for.
Deweyssoss said:
Hey guys I'm choosing between these 4 amps.

Engl Savage 120
Uberschall Twin Jet (new version)
Framus Cobra
Mesa Roadster

I play play metal. Stuff like Whitechapel and The Acacia Strain.

Out of these heads, which one could get closer to that kind of tone?

Have you tried any of them? I would recommend trying before you buy and try and bring some presets with you (most manuals have factory presets).

I have played all of them and my favorites are the Roadster and the Twin Jet.... they've very different amps IMO. To say which is better is a matter of personal taste. I would also throw the Diamond Spitfire or Spec Op and the Splawn Nitro into that mix... those amps are fucking killer.
I agree with jdurso. Try them all in person. This is the best way to make sure you get exactly what you want! I almost bought a Roadster this past weekend and honestly everyday this week I have almost gone down to the store to buy it. I love the cleans, mid gain sounds and crunchy sounds. I think the shred soloing lead is a little lacking and I have a hard time justifying that price tag if I'm not completely in love with the amp.

I want to try an ENGL Powerball though. I've been using an ENGL preamp for a little and I really like the gain on it. Unfortunately I don't know the closest place I can play on an ENGL.

I think it's a good idea to play on it with your guitar and the cab that you will be using with it. I know this is a pain but you get a better idea if it will jive with the rest of your gear.
Turumbar82 said:
I agree with jdurso. Try them all in person. This is the best way to make sure you get exactly what you want! I almost bought a Roadster this past weekend and honestly everyday this week I have almost gone down to the store to buy it. I love the cleans, mid gain sounds and crunchy sounds. I think the shred soloing lead is a little lacking and I have a hard time justifying that price tag if I'm not completely in love with the amp.

I want to try an ENGL Powerball though. I've been using an ENGL preamp for a little and I really like the gain on it. Unfortunately I don't know the closest place I can play on an ENGL.

I think it's a good idea to play on it with your guitar and the cab that you will be using with it. I know this is a pain but you get a better idea if it will jive with the rest of your gear.

here you go turumbar... unfortunately thats a little bit of a haul from Orlando but maybe worth the trip. I've heard great things about that place.

Thanks, I actually know of rocksolidamps. It's not too bad of a drive. lol It's about 4 hours. My brother lives in Lake Worth so I could always drive down and crash at his place for the night.

Honestly, when I bought my first mesa, I was living in Pa and the closest dealer was in Youngstown, Ohio. My dad and I drove 3 hours to get to that place. I got a Single Rectifier. Funny thing is they said they had one down in the stock room that hadn't been opened. So they brought that up and I paid for it ($1100 back then) and drove all the way home 3 hours. I opened up the amp and was telling my brother all about it and he said, "I thought you got the Single Rectifier?". I said, "I did". Then I looked down at it and low and behold they gave me a Dual by accident!!! lol My dad kept saying, "keep it!" but it had a filled out warranty card with it so I thought it was somebody else amp already. So I called the store up and the sales guy about crapped himself when I told him his mistake. He asked if I could bring it back, so the next day I did and they gave me the Single Recto and a few packs of strings. lol
Turumbar82 said:
Thanks, I actually know of rocksolidamps. It's not too bad of a drive. lol It's about 4 hours. My brother lives in Lake Worth so I could always drive down and crash at his place for the night.

Honestly, when I bought my first mesa, I was living in Pa and the closest dealer was in Youngstown, Ohio. My dad and I drove 3 hours to get to that place. I got a Single Rectifier. Funny thing is they said they had one down in the stock room that hadn't been opened. So they brought that up and I paid for it ($1100 back then) and drove all the way home 3 hours. I opened up the amp and was telling my brother all about it and he said, "I thought you got the Single Rectifier?". I said, "I did". Then I looked down at it and low and behold they gave me a Dual by accident!!! lol My dad kept saying, "keep it!" but it had a filled out warranty card with it so I thought it was somebody else amp already. So I called the store up and the sales guy about crapped himself when I told him his mistake. He asked if I could bring it back, so the next day I did and they gave me the Single Recto and a few packs of strings. lol

Dude, totally should have kept it...

Anyways, nice amp choices man. Haha those are all really good, and I would have a hard time choosing between any of them. However be a bit specific about what kind of tone, versatility you want. Do you want a usuable clean and mid/crunch channel? And what kind of high gain sound do you want?

In terms of high gain the Engl is very tight, midrangy and aggressive. Cobra is aggresive as well but not quite as defined and percussive. The new Uber has a kind of bawling growl to it, you just have to play it yourself to understand it. The Roadster was great, open and organic. However, I choose a Rectifier over a Herbert so I might be a bit biased for that sound...
I just love my Roadster.......brutal metal tones.

Ive own 2 Engl savages and one engl powerball. the powerball is a **** amp..don t like it.
the savage is a really good sounding amp but it lacks some bottom end. you know Mesa have a lot of that hahahahha

have not tried tha bogner and cobra......but go for Mesa. quality and sound
Hey guys. Sorry for the late update.

Unfortunately I'm still stuck on which amp to get.

This is the full list I'm looking at.

Diamond Nitrox
Engl Powerball
Engl Savage 120
Framus Cobra
Mesa Roadster
Voodoo Modded Peavey 6505
Uberschall Twin Jet

I'm also looking for 'good' low volumes tone. Doesn't have to be amazing, just better than average.

Like I said, looking for a death metal type tone. Stuff like Whitechapel, Veil of Maya, Acacia Strain, etc....
I'll also mention that I don't have the opportunity to try out most of these amp, due do no guitar stores that stock these brands where I live.
So I'll most likely have to buy blindly online.

Thanks guys!
I don't know what was said in your first post since you've edited it, but do you already have a cab? And do you have access to actually play all these amps? I'd be really careful just going by sound clips you hear online unless there's a very specific description of the amp settings and what cab it was played through.
Chugga-Chugga said:
I don't know what was said in your first post since you've edited it, but do you already have a cab? And do you have access to actually play all these amps? I'd be really careful just going by sound clips you hear online unless there's a very specific description of the amp settings and what cab it was played through.
Yes I already have cabs. A VADER 2x12 and Mesa 4x12 w/V30's.

I don't have access to test these amp, so I'm forced to buy one by ear.

Anymore help guys?
Diamond Nitrox
Engl Powerball

A lot of people have been unhappy with these amplifiers. I'd be careful about them.

The roadster, Twin Jet or Cobra would all be great amps imo.
Deweyssoss said:
Like I said, looking for a death metal type tone. Stuff like Whitechapel, Veil of Maya, Acacia Strain, etc....

Thanks guys!

Be a little more specific. What in the sound do you want? Deep low end, openness? Tight bottom end, aggressive midrange, good bite?

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