hi guys i apologise in advance if this is the wrong place to post this but im new.. be nice please 
well my roadster combo just started to make a low hum when i switch to channels 3&4 but it happens randomly.
i have browsed a few forums but i couldnt find anything with a similar problem.
anyway i have tried to do a few things first before posting here:
when the HUM started to happen i had a 12ax7 custom set in there (and the hum was a lot worse than in the video below) so i changed it for the mesa stock set of 12ax7's, the result was minimal but it did go from a constant HUM (custom12ax7's) to a broken up random HUM as seen in the videos that comes and goes at it pleases. I have also tried it on all switches diode/recto 50/100watts and its still present.
the weird thing is the HUM has never came on on channel 1&2. The Hum is also there if i unplug the guitar and cable, and if i turn all volume controls down even the master.
as you can probably realise this is my first top amp and my knowledge is limited so excuse my not so accurate terminologies.
another thing to note is that after recording the video in the link i sat behind the amp thinking what to do next, so i slapped the top left of the amp (if you are looking from the back it would be the area which the manual channel selector knob is at the back, that type of area), and it made it a little worse by slightly increasing the HUM, so i did it again and it stopped. no HUM.
I have spoken to 2 tube amp techs (as their not many in my small town here in Australia but one in particular that i spoke to was very informative and is ringing the mesa dealership interstate for some extra info also)
when talking to both different techs i was told that it may be one of many things including anything from a bad power tube, ax7 or soming called a fillament cct issue. So im bringing it in to them in the next few weeks as i am strapped for cash right now.
I thought maybe one of you guys here on the boogie board may help and assist my issue, or if anyone has had the issue lead me in the right direction?
this the link of the short video i made is below, it will link you to youtube.
also here is the times in the vid where the HUM can be heard.. please turn up volume to hear HUM properly
first hum comes in at the start then i change channels then comes in at 0:29, stops, comes back at 0:32 stays till i switch to channel 2.
comes back after switching thru to channel 4 at 1:11 stays for a second, comes back in at 1:16 till the end of recording
sorry about my dog
and i do apologise for the long post.
please help.
J. 8)
well my roadster combo just started to make a low hum when i switch to channels 3&4 but it happens randomly.
i have browsed a few forums but i couldnt find anything with a similar problem.
anyway i have tried to do a few things first before posting here:
when the HUM started to happen i had a 12ax7 custom set in there (and the hum was a lot worse than in the video below) so i changed it for the mesa stock set of 12ax7's, the result was minimal but it did go from a constant HUM (custom12ax7's) to a broken up random HUM as seen in the videos that comes and goes at it pleases. I have also tried it on all switches diode/recto 50/100watts and its still present.
the weird thing is the HUM has never came on on channel 1&2. The Hum is also there if i unplug the guitar and cable, and if i turn all volume controls down even the master.
as you can probably realise this is my first top amp and my knowledge is limited so excuse my not so accurate terminologies.
another thing to note is that after recording the video in the link i sat behind the amp thinking what to do next, so i slapped the top left of the amp (if you are looking from the back it would be the area which the manual channel selector knob is at the back, that type of area), and it made it a little worse by slightly increasing the HUM, so i did it again and it stopped. no HUM.
I have spoken to 2 tube amp techs (as their not many in my small town here in Australia but one in particular that i spoke to was very informative and is ringing the mesa dealership interstate for some extra info also)
when talking to both different techs i was told that it may be one of many things including anything from a bad power tube, ax7 or soming called a fillament cct issue. So im bringing it in to them in the next few weeks as i am strapped for cash right now.
I thought maybe one of you guys here on the boogie board may help and assist my issue, or if anyone has had the issue lead me in the right direction?
this the link of the short video i made is below, it will link you to youtube.
also here is the times in the vid where the HUM can be heard.. please turn up volume to hear HUM properly
first hum comes in at the start then i change channels then comes in at 0:29, stops, comes back at 0:32 stays till i switch to channel 2.
comes back after switching thru to channel 4 at 1:11 stays for a second, comes back in at 1:16 till the end of recording
sorry about my dog
and i do apologise for the long post.
please help.
J. 8)