Drinks anyone?

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^^^ Have you tried Dogfish Head's 90min IPA? Good stuff! Continuously hopped for 90min. I'll have to try the Stone Ruination IPA one of these days.
had the 60 minute for the first time a couple weeks ago, i didn't know there was a 90!!
I got this new thing. ..my fridge is almost freezing the beer in my bottom drawer in the fridge. Only the bottom drawer. I call em beer slushies. They are really cold with minute ice particles. Man are these things going to be good in the summer. That is unless my fridge is about to take a poop. :(

My wifes glass bottled Captain Morgans Parrot bay coolers aren't freezing though. Go figure.
Speaking of beer , Victory brewing is releasing their take on Perkuno's hammer , in collaboration with Tom Baker (of the now defunct Heavyweight brewery) called Baltic Thunder .
Yippie ! a BIG baltic porter . Can't wait to try it !
stella and petrus bruin van t'vat, jupiler bottle... cuba libre... white russian...
Some of my current favorites...

Shiner Bock
Sam Adams Winter Lager
Leinenkugel Red Lager
Leinenkugel Honey Wheat
Yuengling Lager (this is my "go to" beer)
Otto's Red Mo (Otto's is a local micro-brew)
Magic Hat #9
Bass Ale
Harp Lager
I go with Single Malt scotch, or johnny walker black (or better). on the rocks. I may just be the only 25 year old that orders Rusty nails too.. (thats scotch and drambuie for those who wonder)

For beer the best I ever had, and can never find is Ayinger (thats the brand) its bavarian... if you like good rich beer seek it out. They make the best Oktoberfest I have ever had, in 17oz bottles. The Celebrator is a dopplebock and quite strong/good as well.

Worth the money, if you enjoy beer, don't buy it to party and get drunk with. thats what bud light and natural ice are for ahahahhhahahahh
Anything that doesn't kill me first. I like everything.

I've yet to try a beer that I can't drink. I like some more than others, but I'll drink about any beer....except for Natural Light. Ugh.

My favs...Golden Monkey, Corona, Dos Equis, Killian's Irish Red, Sam Adams, Red Stripe, Warsteiner, etc, etc, etc.
Lager... Anything from Amstel to Bud to Grolsch to Heineken to Warsteiner to whatever.

Australian red wine.



WKD Blue and lager.

Goliath ale, Hobgoblin ale, Centurion's Ghost ale.

Lager shandy.





Coconut rum.

Jameson's whiskey.


All on one night. :eek: :twisted:
Can't go wrong with a white russion (caucasions to lebowski lovers) make it as hard or smooth as you want....I like making it with the higher proof kahlua and then go light on some good vodka.
rajones71 said:
Can't go wrong with a white russion (caucasions to lebowski lovers) make it as hard or smooth as you want....I like making it with the higher proof kahlua and then go light on some good vodka.

Nice beer can really hit the spot sometimes though. I really like Troeg's Troegenator and Stone Brewery's Stone IPA.
Glenmorangie Malt Whisky , Grouse (low flyer)

Slange Var !! ( Cheers !!)