Got the email on 3/11 from Mike B that he was done and it would be "burnt in and playtested tomorrow".So to the OP this was what 7 weeks?Not too bad as i wasnt in a hurry ,just wanted my old antique to be back to "as- good -as-can- be condition ,++"Cant say that im not itching to get it back now (shipping back to east coast so im expecting that to take a while too)
For you techs/wizards ,part of his notes were "Added grid isolation resistors at the A/B sockets, and replaced the screen resistors on them too (the 470 ohm 2 watters were cooked)" Does this sound like something that was affecting my sound or anything very serious ?Just curious ....
All in all great service from MB would highly recommend while you still can get a hold of him.Will report back when i get my hands on it (blue stripe drg 3++)