Drinks anyone?

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right now im drinking evan williams green label with sprite, its ok i guess, but its getting me drunk so i cant complain, ive recently started drinking miller light all the time, i think its a great beer(to get drunk) but i'd take a guinness over anything anytime
t0m said:
right now im drinking evan williams green label with sprite, its ok i guess, but its getting me drunk so i cant complain, ive recently started drinking miller light all the time, i think its a great beer(to get drunk) but i'd take a guinness over anything anytime

As stout's (black beer's) go , the Guinness we get here in the state's is on the light side . Higher alcohol , less flavor .

Try a bottle of Storm king .... @ 50 degree's

Bliss .

If you try to do a six pack ..... Hide your key's beforehand . :D
Ok....I think really liking Svedka vodka, more flavor, yet smoother than Smirnoff....Bought a 1.7 ltr on sale today, was cheaper than Smirnoff, tastes great with Monster (Green), as well as cranberry juice, have yet to try it in a screwdriver....
Eldi, if you're in the states, see if you can find Tito's vodka. Costo can get it. It's WAY cheaper than the top shelf vodka's (Grey goose, belvedere, etc.) and drinks just as good or better. Check it out. you'll thank me.
I'm thinking of trying some home made vodka infusions. I wanna start early in an attempt to come up with a "Christmas" flavored vodka for the holidays. I'm thinking fig, date, vanilla, anise, mint, nutmeg, cinnamon, and possibly a touch of clove and citrus or pineapple. Not sure of the balance of those flavors yet, but I'll have to go heavy with the fruit flavors in order to "balance" them with the other stronger spice flavors. I "think" that'll get me close. Anyone here ever try making any alcohol infusions? Tips, tricks, or suggestions? I'm not sure sangria counts, but if you've done it, and can give some constructive criticism, let me know what you think.
Well with NO ONE"S advice.. I had some Gin/Tonic.... (my staple) BUT gosh I was darn lucky! I stayed off of eBay! usually I get a package about Thursday from UPS that i don't recall ..and it is some wildy expensive ebay item... ! i think tonight is ok. Bed soon for this guy :)