Choosing a New Wah!

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ibanez4life SZ!

Well-known member
Jan 27, 2006
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Hey guys!

My Morley Tremonti power wah is about at its end...I've had it for over 2 years now, and I'm ready for something new...

Overall, the tremonti seemed to work more like a boost rather than a wah...Now, I'm looking for something more vocal and with a more present sweep.

What would you recommend? The Dimebag Crybaby from hell seems to be popular...what else should I look into? I've also heard alot about Wizard, Teese, etc., but personally know really little about them.

Must have a good bypass btw
A friend of mine has the Teese Wizard, and it sounds great! Fulltone Clyde Deluxe may be worth a look too..
I use a really old Crybaby with a couple of the Fulltone mods and a dunlop Hot Potz. It does all I could ever need a wah to do,really vocal sounding with just the right amount of boost and range.
I've had the Dime wah, other Crybabys and have a Clyde deluxe which is a good one. However I'm waiting on my Area 51 to show up anyday now. Talk about a kick *** wah this thing is all you mentioned and then some. I also had a RMC3 which was super good too except I had noise issues with it especially playing out. All Teese wah are the poop, I didnt give them a second try though. Area 51 for me all the way...
Anyone ever use the Budda Wah? The reviews seem good and I'm thinking about getting one.
cant play pool with a rop said:
Area 51 for me all the way...
I just did a looksee at the Area 51 wah.. Looks pretty tempting. I've been considering doing the Clydification on my RI Vox, but maybe I'll just donate that to a worthy cause.
after last night i am officially done with my crybaby wylde wah. i liked it at first, but im finding rocking it all the way back destroys any gain/sustain in my signal.. i would no longer recommend it to anyone.

i also miss the smooth light feel of the line 6 floorboard's wah, the combination of the heavy metal casing and the potentiometer's physical resistance give it a really different feel.. i'm thinking about trying a Morley. bad horsie maybe?
I am also thinking about buying a new wah pedal. I currently have the Dunlop 535Q and I don't really like the clicking noise it makes when I engage or disengage the wah. Is this just in the design, or is there something that needs to be fixed on my pedal? It really became evident when I was using it in the studio for solos, you could hear the click when it engaged. I was looking into Morley, specifically the Bad Horsie II or the Tremonti Power Wah, with the electro-optical design. Which one would you suggest, keep mine, or get one of these? Or another model that you would suggest? Thanks.

that looks sick, but geez, it's double the price of all the others! haha I think I'd rather track down a EMB or a Dunlop Rack Wah for that price!


I'm using a VOX wah.
But I just had to toy with the electronics.
Now it sounds GREAT :twisted:
You could buy one secondhand en mod it.
A inexpensive way to a "boutique-esque" effect.
Wah mods can be found on the internet.
It's not that difficult if you can solder.

eltrain858 said:
after last night i am officially done with my crybaby wylde wah. i liked it at first, but im finding rocking it all the way back destroys any gain/sustain in my signal.. i would no longer recommend it to anyone.

i also miss the smooth light feel of the line 6 floorboard's wah, the combination of the heavy metal casing and the potentiometer's physical resistance give it a really different feel.. i'm thinking about trying a Morley. bad horsie maybe?

You know you can adjust that Wylde wah's action right? You can take it from rather stiff where you have to really be deliberate and can set it partially cocked all the way through to absolutely floppy and falls if you take your foot off of it.
I'm going to sell my Geoffrey Teese Wizard.

For my stuff, the reasons are:
1. The sweep is too wide. So when I go high, there's a pierce.
2. The small volume boost of the Wizard accentuates the above.

I love, love, love the Tone of the Wizard, but I know of no way to lessen the high-freq end of the sweep. The volume boost is great for cutting through, but ****, that's what my guitar's volume pot is for. Doesn't help to have Vintage 30s and a P.R.S. H.F.S. in the bridge position.

I just ordered a Wizard Wah last week. Should arrive tomorrow. I have a Morley Bad Horsie which is nice for its easy activation but does not really sound that good to me. I love Crybaby's but I went through 3 of them in less than 3 years. I currently use a Vox Realy Mccoy reissue that I like but does not cut through my DR as well as I would like.

I bought the Wizard Wah blindly so I'll play it for a few weeks and do a comparison.
I wish they made a wah that expressed itself intelligently. Auto wahs always suck. I am an average at best wah guy. Maybe I just need to really spend more time with them. I would rather be moving around more though than stuck in one place.

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