Can you use a marshall footswitch with mk1 Dual recifier

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Apr 19, 2012
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Hi guys

Can you use a marshall footswitch with a series 1 Dual rec

i have taken the components from my old dual rec foot swith and transferfered them to my the marshall case

although its still not working

anyone good with wiring on the pic you will see the original dual rec switch in the marshall case

also the red and white wire...are thet soldered in the correct postion ?

any help would be great
First remove the resistor and connect the LED leg directly to the middle terminal of the switch. Turning the switch the other way round will make this easier and neater, although if it has a 'keyway' in the hole you won't be able to and you'll need to do it by extending the wires.

If that doesn't work, reverse the red and white wires.
its a Marshall AVT foot switch

not sure if this will work

tried the red and white wires swaped in bothe directions...still nothing to dual rec
Raider said:
Hi guys

Can you use a marshall footswitch with a series 1 Dual rec

i have taken the components from my old dual rec foot swith and transferfered them to my the marshall case

although its still not working

anyone good with wiring on the pic you will see the original dual rec switch in the marshall case

also the red and white wire...are thet soldered in the correct postion ?

any help would be great
Was the original Dual Recto footswitch working before you did all this?

Out of curiosity, why did you do this?

Raider said:
Done what you said still didn't work
It *should* work - the Mesa footswitch arrangement is the LED in series with the switch, no other components.

Try temporarily removing the LED and resistor from the circuit entirely, and connect one of the red or white wires to the middle switch terminal and the other one to one of the outer ones - it doesn't matter which - just to test that the footswitch cable is OK (these often break), and that the switch is OK. If it doesn't work, swap the wire on the outer terminal to the other outer terminal. Still no good: probably the cable is broken, although it could *possibly* be the switch.

If it works, now you have to figure out how to connect the LED into it... report back after trying the first bit :).