Cab Advice for a Mini Rec

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May 24, 2011
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So.... I went and tried out a Mini Rec and came home with it about 2 weeks ago. Crazy how great it sounds. I have it over a Recto 2x12 right now but I'd like to get a 1x12 of some sort. I'm looking for something that will take up less space and something that will allow me to control the volume just a bit more than the 2x12 does. Yes it kicks a lot of *** when you get just a little juice going through the 2x12 but it's not so good for the late night playing with other people trying to do their thing.

When I was trying out the Mini I got the chance to hear it through a compact 1x12 thiele with a C90 in it. I thought it sounded great through that and was pretty tempted to just up and get that cab for it but decided to hold off.

I was hoping for some input on how the 1x12 wide body closed back/thiele compares to the compact and if anyone has had a chance to compare the actual mini rec cabs to the thieles. For some odd reason I like the look of the wide body cab more than the compact but no dealer in my area has one I can hear any time soon.

Thanks for reading!
I've try many cab and my favorite so far is a Marshall with GT100.

It's a boomy speaker but if you want to use only 1 x 12, you gonna need that low end punch to avoid the mid/too high sound if you ever crank it up !
The 2x12 Recto will sound better than a 1x12 Theile at low volumes. More bottom end and less boxy sounding.

Ultra low late night playing is not the forté of a tube amp. You'll get better results with an emulator and headphones.
screamingdaisy said:
The 2x12 Recto will sound better than a 1x12 Theile at low volumes. More bottom end and less boxy sounding.

Ultra low late night playing is not the forté of a tube amp. You'll get better results with an emulator and headphones.

Ive been curious about this too as I can get an original thiele 112 witht he EVM12L speaker or I can hold out for a recto 212 for the mini rec im getting. Which one is "better"
Seanthesheep said:
Ive been curious about this too as I can get an original thiele 112 witht he EVM12L speaker or I can hold out for a recto 212 for the mini rec im getting. Which one is "better"

I'm not a fan of the EVM-12L, but I've only heard it in an open back combo I used to have and I've read that it sounds much better in a Theile cab (the EVM 12L was specifically designed for use in a ported cab).

I am a huge fan of the Vintage 30.

My opinion is obviously biased, but I feel that the Recto was designed with the V30 in mind and through my experiments I feel it sounds best when plugged into a Recto cab. Obviously some people feel different, and that's cool too... but that is my opinion.
I'm not thrilled with my MR into a 1x12 recto cab. It has a lot less low end than my 4x10 open-back. I am interested in trying a 2x12 recto and a Theile.
Hmmm ok, because i played the mini rec through a closed back V30 PRS cab very similar to the recto 212 and thought it was flat out amazing so I may go buy a recto 212 for the mini then

It just so happens that I was going to start a new post regarding my AWESOME experience playing my Mini Rec for the first time tonight through my new 112 wide body thiele, front ported, closed back with C90 cab! How strange it was when I saw your post.

I purchased a new 212 horizontal recto cab (V30s) when I purchased my Mini Rec about 2 or 3 months ago, and this combination definitely sounds great.

Tonight I played my Mini Rec through my new 112 widebody cab mentioned above and it sounds FANTASTIC to me........maybe even a bit better than the 212 Recto Cab. Actually, I purchased my 112 widebody extension cab for my MkV combo amp, and it definitely sounds great with my V as well!

Based on your initial post, I think you will love the sound of the Mini through the widebody thiel cab. I definitely do!! :mrgreen:

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