I'm the guy who bought GTS's "other" Mark IIC. I liked with it for a few of months. Then, in early September I sent it off to Mesa to get upgraded to the IIC+. It just came back this week. It's been a good week.
My thoughts are this:
1) LEAD CHANNEL: I like the IIC+ lead channel better than on the IIC. I felt that the IIC was too harsh...both on rhythm work and on lead stuff and at all (low-medium-high) gain settings. Furthermore, if did choose to crank the gain on the lead channel, my IIC would never get that liquid feeling where the notes just ripple out smoothly like a rivulets of water in a stream. The IIC+ does. Mmmm. The change to the lead channel is (I believe) the main reason people get this mod.
2) EFFECTS LOOP: The effects loop on the IIC is fine as long as you never use the lead channel. But, in my opinion, you don't need an effects loop if you only play the clean channel...you can just put all your effects between the guitar and the amp. For the IIC, the trouble comes when you want to put some delay sound onto the lead channel. Because the IIC puts the effects loop BEFORE the lead circuit, all of your echos (or reverb, or chorus, or phase, or whatever) get all mashed up by the lead channel's distortion. Total crap. Like I said above, it's just like putting these pedals between your guitar and the amp and then turning on the lead. Ick. Totally useless. The IIC+ mod gives you a proper effects loop (ie, it comes after the lead circuit so that the distortion is first). If you like a little delay, you need the mod.
3) TREBLE SHIFT: I don't know if this is "official" or not, I think that he changed how my Treble Shift works. In the IIC in rhythm mode, you could push or pull the Treble Shift and hear the change in tone. Fine. When switching the IIC to Lead mode, the Treble Shift was automatically activated whether or not the pot was pulled. To my knowledge (perhaps wrong), the IIC+ should be the exactly same (switchable in rhythm, always on in Lead). But, when I got it back from Mesa after the IIC+ upgrade, it was totally opposite...in rhythm mode, the Treble Shift is always defeated (whether or not the pot is pulled) and in Lead mode, you can pull or push the pot to activate or deactivate the mode. In my opinion, this new way (whether it's standard IIC+ or not) is superior.