Boogie MKIIB Rev Eq 60/100W head

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What's with American Transformers like Heyboer, Schumacher or Mercury Magnetics?
Heyboer is said to be excellent at reasonable prices.
you could sell the TAD Xfo on ebay.

And Hammond transformers too ! But I dont think that selling the TAD Xfo on eBay would be a very good idea... I am not the kind of guy to sold (or resold) junk products, conversely to... TAD !

Sorry to hear about the transformer. It's always a slap in the face when you take the time to explain a problem and are told to buzz off (that's a nice way of saying it).

You describe it exactly... Obviously, the guy I contacted doesn't know how a good quality transformer must be built and adopted a dogmatic attitude, shifting on to give me lessons on how a transformer should be wired in an amp... :lol: . They don't care about the quality, as long as a good profit is made and there is still customers to buy the (******) stuff. Definetly don't work with TAD... Or be really suspicious otherwise !

Sorry to hear about that TAD experience... I guess I mentioned it before...when it come to transformers, I can highly recommend JRE/Ritter Electronics.

Ah, yes, of course : I tried to get in touch with JRE via their website but... Everything is written in German, it's not very clear to me, and I do not understand Deutsch ! I think I dropped them an email, so I wait for an answer. Have you the direct email of Mr Ritter at JRE, so I would be able to contact him in person ?

So you like that Hagstrom? I've been considering a 335 for a while.

Yes, the Hagstrom Viking is as nice as good sounding, easy playing guitar, built with quality even if it is now made in China. I bought it as an alternative to my ES-335TD, with success.

I installed on it a B-7 Bigsby, and I finally changed the original HJ-50 pickups, which were very good but quite "dark/jazzy" sounding to my taste.

I found for peanuts a brand new pair of Gretsch Black Top Filtertrons on eBay, bought a pair of TVJ EM-1 rings (from f-soundholes / UK) and installed it.

Now I have the comfort and the melliflue tone of the semi-solid guitar, combined with the brilliance of the BT FT : exactly what I expected !


Hi All,

The latest answer from TAD in mid September :

"as stated before we can´t find any dysfunction on the PT, so we will forward the transformer to the consulting engineers who made the electrical design. This is located in the UK, so this will take some days."

My reply today :

"Designed in UK, built in Italy, and sold through Germany... What a business...
As I think that it is useless to go further now and it is time to end that ugly story, please send me back this transformer as I send it to you, so I can have a quality copy built locally to my specs, here in France.
Thanks & Best regards,"

These guys at TAD have no competence nor reliability except about mojo maybe - for sure, DO NOT mess nor monkey with them ! - Un homme averti en vaut deux...

Maybe I will contact Mr RITTER at JRE and send it the transformer for a quality-built replica, or I will do the same in France with the windings and transformers manufacturers I used to work with in the past.

Wait and see...

just found a TAD 2011/12 catalogue. On the site with the transformers it says: "Our transformers are either made in the US or in Germany...."
is Italy now a part of Germany, or means U.S. "Under Sicilia" :wink:
TiPiMods said:
just found a TAD 2011/12 catalogue. On the site with the transformers it says: "Our transformers are either made in the US or in Germany...."
is Italy now a part of Germany, or means U.S. "Under Sicilia" :wink:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Comme s'il ne leur suffisait pas d'être des ignorants, ce sont en plus des menteurs !
As if not enough for them to be ignorant, they are even more liars!
********, definetly ! Avoid TAD, indeed...

They returned the transformer to me, but I did not found the time to open the box yet and I have too many amps to service as my part-time job these times... Maybe I will have another bad surprise ?

Fortunately, I can rely on my MKIIA !

I never asked, but: wouldn't it be possible to get an original Export transformer from Mesa? They should not be that different for the MkIV ond the MkV.
TiPiMods said:
I never asked, but: wouldn't it be possible to get an original Export transformer from Mesa? They should not be that different for the MkIV ond the MkV.

I am pretty sure that here in France, such transformer will cost as much as a custom-made quality one, and it will take several months to obtain it. First, the French MESA importer doesn't like at all "foreign buying for export retrofit", even through a local dealer, if you see what I mean. And second, if you try to contact MESA in direct, they redirect you to the French importer... Not an easy situation...

yes, I know what you mean. I just bought 2 amp covers and one clamshell from Susan Bendinellis "Studioslips". They are really class A quality, but with additional taxes and customs quite expensive. But I have to say, I didnt find anything comparable here in Europe

BTW: I had a big laugh, when I was looking for the old knobs for the EQ. MESA directed me to MESA Australia! instead of Austria. :lol:

Next summer I will go to California to visit my sister, living in San Diego. So if you dont have any decent Xfo till then, I will get one original for you :wink:
yes, I know what you mean. I just bought 2 amp covers and one clamshell from Susan Bendinellis "Studioslips". They are really class A quality, but with additional taxes and customs quite expensive. But I have to say, I didnt find anything comparable here in Europe.

I worked with D2F cover for my Thiele cab, quite affordable and correct product : 1/2" thickness damped cover made from Cordura. But it's in the USA too. Otherwise, my mother made me some black jean cloth covers of the highest quality, with integrated pouches for the cables,etc... But it is my mother... :D . Me too I found nothing interesting in Europe yet.

BTW: I had a big laugh, when I was looking for the old knobs for the EQ. MESA directed me to MESA Australia! instead of Austria.

Could it be more simple ? Sometimes Americans don't even know the existence of Europe... What about Austria ! :mrgreen:

On the TAD website, you can find a bad and incorrect imitation of the EQ knobs sold nothing less than... 10 Euros per unit ! :!: :shock: :evil:

Next summer I will go to California to visit my sister, living in San Diego. So if you dont have any decent Xfo till then, I will get one original for you

Why not ? Yes ! Thanks for the possible facility...

I think that the transformer I had from TAD was intended to be used in a MKIV, because of the Bold/Tweed facility that doesn't exists on previous models. It is not a MKV transformer because the mounting isn't the same. Fortunately, if they had NOS MKII Export transformer, it would be the best, of course...

I will let you know my needs - if ever I always needed it - and of course I'll be able to send you the requested payment via the web, if you can find the right item.

A specific MKIIB question:
When in the clean channel volume is about 8 or more and I turn up the reverb a bit over 3, a kind of ugly short cracking distortion ocurs, which seems to be an overload of the reverb driver tube or the reverb itself. I tried different tubes and the one which worked best is some EH 12AT7 with long plates, even some old Fender 12AT7 tubes are too strong. On the IIB schematic all tubes should be 12AX7, but naturally the effect is worse, cause this tubes have a lot more gain.
anybody who had the same problems?
anybody who had the same problems?

Yes, TiPiMods. I changed the reverb driver of my MKIIB from a 12AX7 to a 12AT7, and I modified the reverb driver circuit by changing the cathode resistor assembly for a single 820R 1W, and added a 22µ/450V to filter the plate voltage, juste after the 10K HV supply to reverb transformer. The reverb gets deeper, warmer, with no saturation in any setting.

Interesting, I thought lowering the cathode resistor will result in even more drive and distortion.
My wise Fender book says, you shouldn't go below 2,2k on the reverb driver because plate dissipation is already on a limit for 12AT7 ( its a common "blackfacing" procedure to change the silverface reverb 1,5k cathode resistor back to 2,2k) But anyway, Fender reverb is different, because the reverb xfo is wired to B+ 450-460V, whereas the Boogie has this 10k/2W resistor in line and only 330V on the plate of the rev. driver.

maybe the problem is also located elsewhere later in the circuit, because it seems, that the distortion ony occures, when the reverb is open more than 3 or 4. Since the reverb poti is in the reverb recovery stage, there should be no difference...I have to experiment about that.

regarding cathode resistors: how do you find the right one? with the tube data sheet?

also very interesting how different the IIA and the IIB reverb section is: 12AT7 with 680 Ohms cathode resistor and bypass cap, 12AX7 with 1k, no bypass cap...
maybe the problem is also located elsewhere later in the circuit, because it seems, that the distortion ony occures, when the reverb is open more than 3 or 4. Since the reverb poti is in the reverb recovery stage, there should be no difference...I have to experiment about that.

So it may not come from the reverb driver, but from the recovery circuit. Try :

1 - a change of 12AX7 (V3A) recovery tube, in order to see if it ceases.
2 - to see if the problem occurs at low master volume level = low loudness, in order to see if it is not tied to a microphonic vibration (tube, socket, bad solder joint...).

also very interesting how different the IIA and the IIB reverb section is: 12AT7 with 680 Ohms cathode resistor and bypass cap, 12AX7 with 1k, no bypass cap...

In my original MKIIA, the Rk was 680R, no bypass cap, 12AT7. I changed nothing.

In my original factory Fx Loop Mod MKIIB, the Rk was 2K7, 1µF bypass cap, 12AX7. It didn't worked very good, so I modified it to 12AT7 and replaced the cathode circuit by a single 820R, no bypass cap.

820R (without bypass cap) is the most satisfactory value that I tested for a reverb driver with 12AT7 on Fenders. It also work well on Boogies MKI and IIA/B, on where I add a 10 to 22µF filter cap after the serial plate supply resistor to get rid of the remaining hum.

regarding cathode resistors: how do you find the right one? with the tube data sheet?

In fact, there is "usual" values, and these are generally the ones you find in the tube datasheets, except if it is a special design circuit.

OK - Here ends my Boogie MKIIB Rev Eq 60/100W head saga...

A friend's relation (a wealthy guitar collector and a talented player) wanted me absolutely to sell him my MKIIB along with my Thiele cab, "at any price" 8) , because he was amazed by the tone and the excellent condition, and didn't care for the hummy transformer at all...

So no more hassle : it's sold ! Everybody's happy :D : me with my MKIIA two-cabs / speakers / woods options, and him with his piggyback MKIIB with special design footswitch.

A+! :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
haha, anyway, it's not good to have too many amps :wink:
you have to play them from time to time, otherways they got pissed, they think you don't love them anymore, they think you have another favourite one, then they give you some trouble with tubes or caps...
haha, anyway, it's not good to have too many amps

Oh, really ? :lol:

I still only have a red Micro-Cube Roland, a tube-converted Vox Escort busker amp (I call it Vox AC3 Top Boost), two DIY design and built tube amps combos, three SF Fenders (PR, DR, TR), one Peavey Special 130 (1980, solidstate), and one Boogie MKIIA... If you add the three ones of my daughter, that's 13 :twisted: amps... It's not too many, indeed :D !

you have to play them from time to time

That's right, TiPiMods... And it's not so easy if you can't install them for immediate playing access.

they got pissed,
then they give you some trouble with tubes or caps...

Well... Since I have all the equipment to service them, I would say no... But yes, they need some inspection and servicing time to time, particularly before live use, for the safety of the performance.

they think you don't love them anymore, they think you have another favourite one,

Objets inanimés, avez-vous donc une âme ? :?: I am tempted to say yes, so that's why they need TLC time to time...

I should say that nearly all of my amps were sick when I got them, and many were à l'article de la Mort awaiting death. So I "cured and resurrected" them :mrgreen: and I think that's the reason why they give me reconnaissance éternelle eternal recognition by usually working with no big trouble and to-die-for tone through the years...

That MKIIB would therefore be THE exception, I must confess, but in fact I was tired and souped-up by that ugly transformer story while I waited for perfection for that amp ! I was prepared to carefully store it awaiting better time to work again on it, but things turned differently and why not, fortunately...:wink:


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