Best way to avoid clipping when using pedals in FX Loop?

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2014
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I recently bought a Boss CE-5 chorus pedal to use in my Mark V FX loop. I noticed that the clean sound is clipping a little, specially in the last 3 treble strings.

I starded setting the send level to 12 as recommended by the manual, and I also tried other knob positions but no luck.

Does anyone have a guide to avoid this? Maybe I'm doing it wrong, since there is a lot of switches and knobs in the process like master of each channel, gain, main output, etc.
Maybe try reducing the effect level on the pedal itself. What settings are you using currently on the pedal?
Turn your fx loop level down even more than noon. I find mine to be pretty hot, and it will start clipping my Eventide H9 if it's turned up more than 1/3 of the way.
I was able to eliminate the problem on clean channel by setting the master on each channel on a lower level than the main output knob. Masters are between 7-8 and main output is at 9.

Still, on ch2 and ch3 I can notice some "quality loss" with the chorus on. It is not a clipping exactly. I'll try lowering the fx loop level under noon.

Settings on Boss CE-5 are level at 3, rate at 10, deth at 4 and no cuttoff (flat).
Some BOSS pedals have a bit of trouble with hotter signals, my DD-3 was the same way.
I had the clipping on ch1 also. Try to work with the gain vs the volume on the amp. I get the best results when I have the gain just a little lower than the volume on the channel. I notice it the most when I am running 10watt mode. Try bringing up your gain closer to what your volume is set to. I have the Boss CH-1 chorus. Try without the chorus pedal to insure you are not actually clipping. Also try to set the amp master to at least 10 O-Clock, freakin loud I know, that is why most of the time I operate in 10watt mode.
Chorus pedals + cleans can be a tough I noted elsewhere, I had a really tough time with my EHX Small Clone chorus pedal and the V. No amount of FX Send Level, Channel Master and Output volume tweaking could make the clipping go away and produce a great clean tone at the same time. Of course, the Small Clone, being the budget pedal it is, doesn't have input level control.

Eventually, I ditched the Small Clone altogether and put a TC Electronic Nova Modulator in its place in the loop. The Nova Modulator's chorus effect is not quite as warm and mellow as the Small Clone but the Nova can do a lot of other tricks as well (flanging, phasing, vibrato, tremolo plus combinations thereof). And it has got input level control.
Hello Guys,

I recently bought a Fender Stratocaster 57 Reissue and I'm again getting signal clipping on ch1 from my Boss CE-5 Chorus. As I have to turn the ch1 Master up with this guitar, it is harder to keep the Master knob far from the main Output knob to avoid the clipping. Also, different guitars need different volume settings and it is a pain having to test for clipping all the time for each guitar.

Are any of your using a Buffer like the Puretone Buffer? I know this would help me keep the signal clean If I use a pedal board and a lot of pedals, but will it also avoid clipping?

And what about this guy?

I'm actually building my board with the BOSS CE-5, TC Electronics Nova Delay, BOSS RC-3 Loop Station, Xotic EP Booster, CryBaby Wah, MojoHand Nebula IV Phaser and Polytuner. I will add a dedicated power supply from VoodooLab and also the Pedal Buffer.
When I had my Stiletto ace, I noticed when I had the channel volumes a ways past noon, I would get some clipping.

I used a combination of turning the send down, and lowering the channel volumes and increasing the master and this fixed it.

I was using tc electronics Flashback delay and hall of fame reverb.

I was still easily able to get the level of effect I wanted and a drown the drummer out volume.

I then picked up a boss GE-7 eq.

I literally thought the pedal was broke when I put it in the loop cause it clipped SOOOO bad.

I was then finally able to do a combination of send and channel master that worked, however on the Boss pedal the range at which it started clipping was WELL below the tc electronics pedals.

Now with my Mark V25, there is no send level. But I have not run into any issues with clipping on the tc electronics pedals, even with the volume pegged. But clearly that is just because what ever level is being sent to the pedal is hardwired low enough to not cause it to clip, where as my stiletto with the send allowed me to "push the limit".

But be advised, if the chorus is like my boss eq pedal, it will clip at fairly low levels, atleast lower then the tc electronics pedals I own.
I have other pedals like the TC Electronic Nova Delay, Xotic EP Booster and none of them cause clipping. I'm already looking for other Chorus pedals to replace my BOSS CE-5. I'll probably go with a Jam Pedals Waterfall or a DLS Chorus Waves. From what I read about them, they are good for FX Loop level.

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