Avatar 4x12 on its way

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2006
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Ordered one up yesterday with Celestion V30's and Celestion G12T-75's in an X pattern. Now its not the traditional Mesa cab but may save me some money and be good enough for what I do. I dealt with Trevar at Avatar and he too is very helpful.
My Dual just must be too much power for these 1x12 cabs I got. Anyways I hope to talk amongst all you about getting various tones and this and that but I'm not even up to that point yet with these 1x12's.
Will I be happy or not?
I've dealt with Dave at Avatar many times. They are GREAT people to deal with! I think you'll be happy with the cabinet. The x pattern works out really well, and if you aren't happy with the sound, two speakers will probably make all the difference. I have two Greenbacks and two Vintage 30's in my Marshall cabs, thanks to Dave.
You will dig it. I have an Avatar with 2 V30s and 2 G12H-30s. Kind of wish I would have done V30 and the GT-75s, but as it stands it is a great cab for the money.
I normally run my DR through a Mesa cab, but the other day I put it through the Avatar and thought it was very nice.

Good luck. Waiting sucks
Can't believe it came early WOW. I mean I ordered it Monday and I receive it Thursday... how cool is that. Of course I had to drag it in the house and hook it up that very second. Its good for what I paid but didn't solve the sustaining/volume problem I got. Jeeze louize could it be the Monster guitar cable I'm using OMG! I'm at wits end with this. I tried other guitars, had my guitar set up twice, bought thicker speaker cables, new pickups, strings, had my wiring improved, troubleshooted my home's electricity, went with Eurotubes "my fav" tube kit. Its GOT to be my guitar cable cuz I played my guitar and effects through a friend of mine's DR and 4x12 and it sounded great. So I suppose thats my next action; purchasing the best guitar cable in the universe... any suggestions?
Sorry if I missed something, but what's the problem you're trying to solve?
Say I hold a note, well, it doesn't sustain at a steady volume... drops out after only 6 seconds I guess. I have to pick it to keep it going. My guitar cable is pretty long so that's why I'm considering changing it. But that's my problem in a nuttshell.
MichiganboySB said:
Say I hold a note, well, it doesn't sustain at a steady volume... drops out after only 6 seconds I guess. I have to pick it to keep it going. My guitar cable is pretty long so that's why I'm considering changing it. But that's my problem in a nuttshell.

Where are your presence settings and volume settings at?
Presence usually noon or 1 o clock, Master volume is about noon, channel volume about 10 o clock, pretty loud. This 4x12 improved my feedback behavior a little but dies off too quickly, was hoping it was what my problem was.
Try 11:30 on presence and 11 on channel volume.

Are you using vacuum tubes or diode rectifiers?
Where are your BMT (bass, mid, treble)?
Okay now, finally discovered whats been the problem ALL this time! Its not my amps (Budda Superdrive II 80, Dual Rectifier), my two 1x12 Harry Kolbe cabs and 4x12 Avatar nor my home electricity and pedalboard. Its been my (insert drum roll here) guitar set up. Here's what went down. Downloaded this GREAT GREAT guitar maintenance video called GUITAR SHOP: SETUP & MAINTENANCE, followed the easy instructions and set my guitar up. I learned SO much from him its incredible, I feel like I can set anyone's axe up and make it sound great. So got my guitar going and played 5 hours straight... you know that feeling where you can't put it down? So these other guys around the area showed me their guitars and I'd suddenly notice flaws (as though i'm an expert now :) But my powerchords are incredible and man thats it. Never have I thought just how critical having your guitar properly set up makes.
I'm so happy cuz I'm at that point where I can seriously lay down some good original tunes and share what I come up with instead of complaining all the time. So I will thank you guys now for sharing this same passion with me and look forward to anything else you have to say.
MichiganboySB said:
Okay now, finally discovered whats been the problem ALL this time! Its not my amps (Budda Superdrive II 80, Dual Rectifier), my two 1x12 Harry Kolbe cabs and 4x12 Avatar nor my home electricity and pedalboard. Its been my (insert drum roll here) guitar set up. Here's what went down. Downloaded this GREAT GREAT guitar maintenance video called GUITAR SHOP: SETUP & MAINTENANCE, followed the easy instructions and set my guitar up. I learned SO much from him its incredible, I feel like I can set anyone's axe up and make it sound great. So got my guitar going and played 5 hours straight... you know that feeling where you can't put it down? So these other guys around the area showed me their guitars and I'd suddenly notice flaws (as though i'm an expert now :) But my powerchords are incredible and man thats it. Never have I thought just how critical having your guitar properly set up makes.
I'm so happy cuz I'm at that point where I can seriously lay down some good original tunes and share what I come up with instead of complaining all the time. So I will thank you guys now for sharing this same passion with me and look forward to anything else you have to say.

Can you share where you found this downloadable video? I have been wanting to learn more about guitar setups myself.
Yes, it would be very nice if you can post a link to this. You can never know too much.

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