Attn: All Voodoo Lab Owners

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2008
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Southern California
I have been thinking about purchasing a Voodoo Lab Micro-Vibe to back up my Lovepedal Pickle Vibe. I had the Micro-Vibe and Sparkle Drive several years ago but have not owned a Voodoo Lab pedal in a while. I have seen some negative comments about the quality of their footswitches on the web. Have any of you experienced any problems with your Voodoo Lab products? Specifically, the footswitches? I am interested in all comments regarding Voodoo Lab products, their build quality, reliability, etc. Thanks.
I haven't used any of their effect pedals, but I do use the Voodoo Pedal Switcher, and it works flawlessly for me. The construction is solid, and the tone/signal stays in tact. I also use the Pedal Power 2+, and it is rock solid too. I've been looking for a vibe pedal myself. I'd really like to score a KR Megavibe, but the waiting list is like a year, the Effectrode is a killer vibe pedal, but pricey. The Mojovibe, and Dejavibe seem to be killer pedals too. All seem to be a bit warmer sounding IMO than the Voodoo. Of course, it all depends on what you're after.
Voodoo Lab has a horrible track record as far as foot switches are concerned.
I finally pulled the switch out of my Tremolo pedal and mounted a switch that I pulled out of a different pedal. The original switch was mounted directly to the PCB. The replacement switch is not. I ran leads from the switch to the PCB.
I've owned 2 Voodoo Lab pedals over the years and never had any problems. I liked the Sparkledrive better than the Superfuzz, which has a harsh top end you can get rid of.
I don't have any of their efx pedals but I do have the Ground Control Pro, GCX, and Amp Selector and I have had ZERO problems with any of them.
Thanks everyone for the replies. I decided I did not want to take any chances on bad footswitches. Tonight I splurged and ordered a new Fulltone Mini Deja Vibe. The Lovepedal is a nice unit, especially for the size and price ($124 shipped), but nothing beats the sound of a photo-cell vibe IMO. I was going to purchase a Micro Vibe as a backup, but the Deja Vibe will get the spot on the board and the Lovepedal will become the backup. Again, thanks to all who replied, you made my decision easier.
MarkofXlnts said:
Thanks everyone for the replies. I decided I did not want to take any chances on bad footswitches. Tonight I splurged and ordered a new Fulltone Mini Deja Vibe. The Lovepedal is a nice unit, especially for the size and price ($124 shipped), but nothing beats the sound of a photo-cell vibe IMO. I was going to purchase a Micro Vibe as a backup, but the Deja Vibe will get the spot on the board and the Lovepedal will become the backup. Again, thanks to all who replied, you made my decision easier.

Good choice. I love mine.
TTSTWO said:
MarkofXlnts said:
Thanks everyone for the replies. I decided I did not want to take any chances on bad footswitches. Tonight I splurged and ordered a new Fulltone Mini Deja Vibe. The Lovepedal is a nice unit, especially for the size and price ($124 shipped), but nothing beats the sound of a photo-cell vibe IMO. I was going to purchase a Micro Vibe as a backup, but the Deja Vibe will get the spot on the board and the Lovepedal will become the backup. Again, thanks to all who replied, you made my decision easier.

Good choice. I love mine.

I never got a chance to check out a Mini Deja Vibe in person before I ordered, but I did watch several demos online and read every review I could find. I think I will really like it, I have been very happy with every Fulltone pedal I have purchased. Out of curiosity, have you done any experimenting with the internal trim pot?
I would bet money all those negative reviews regarding Voodoo Lab footswitch problems were more than 2 or 3 years old??

I was a victim 3 or 4 years ago with a VL Analog Chorus. Beautiful sound, defective switch. They replaced it, took them a while to do it, BUT......

They claimed a couple years ago that they have dealt with the footswitch problem by getting new switches from a different manufacturer. In their defense, they do have a 5 year warranty, and they will honor it under almost any circumstances. I think they know that the footswitch thing really put a serious dent in their public rep, but I also think they have fixed the problem. I dont think the footswitch issue is nearly the problem it once was. The pedals still have great sound and are otherwise built to last.
My Analog Chorus sounds really great (very CE-1-ish) when it's working. The footswitch has died once and I think that's the current problem with it. I've been dragging my feet on getting it fixed because it's already been back once to Voodoo Labs to get fixed. The Analog Chorus has been the only effect pedal that I've ever had fail in over 20 years, knock on wood.

They make a great chorus pedal. It's sad that it doesn't stand up to light usage.
That REALLY sucks. The VL tech guy told me on the phone that they had gotten rid of the defective switches and replaced them with new switches from a new supplier. But that was maybe 3 years ago. Musta been a fish story.......

Sorry to hear it. Their stuff really does sound good, but reliability problems will absolutely choke a small company like Voodoo Lab right outa business. Reliability may be more important than top notch tone, otherwise how else would we explain the fact that Boss is still selling a ton of pedals? Considering the inflated prices VL charges, you'd think they woulda fixed that problem a long time ago.

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