Are Monster Cables worth the hype?

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Guitar Player had a descent article about cables a while back. It's available online. Check it out. They reviewed 49 cables and posted both technical data and subjective listening observations.
I absolutely WON'T use monster cable products. Not because of any discernable difference in quality, but because of their rediculous "strong arm" tactics used against anybody using the term "monster". They even tried to sue the NFL Bears organization for use of the term "monsters of the midway"(the FANS of the bears started using that BEFORE the CEO of Monster was even BORN). I've even turned my back on an old "friend" that now does PR for them because of this. Not just because of the bears, but because monster goes through rediculous lengths to "protect" their name. They've sued (a job site), the ball park that has "the big green monster"( a huge green wall in the outfield), a vintage clothing store, Disney, for "Monsters, Inc.", and a host of others. They make TONS of cash from the rediculous mark-up on their products, only to "blow it" on frivolous litigation. I could understand if they were only after electronics companies, but a vintage clothing store? get real.
I refuse to buy monster products for the same reason....and the fact that there are vastly superior products out there for less money.

I was not aware of this, but I’m glad to find out so I can avoid companies like this.

But the good news I don’t use Monster anyway :D
And yeah I agree there is way better stuff out there, I recently tried Planet Waves and like it but one that has not been mentioned is Canare, have been using GS-6 for around 15 years now every cable I ever made I still have.

Another thing with Monster, I was in the Guitar Center last week looking at a wall of them. Expensive yes that’s for sure! And I do believe half of the price is just for the pretty packaging.
Cables at retail locations are marked up at least 400%. Accessories make all the profit that keeps GC open.
camsna said:
Cables at retail locations are marked up at least 400%. Accessories make all the profit that keeps GC open.

That's just awful. I guess that's what it takes though. I wish there were better ways for them to make a profit. I do feel guilty going there to test out equipment, the whole time planning to get it off eBay. Oh well. If I were to buy a guitar, I'd probably get it from them, so whatever.

It's amazing how much more money there is to be made off cheap gear like Squier Strats and Crate SS amps than with good equipment.
I use Monster cables and have never had a problem with them.

Yes, they are expensive, but reliability is very important to me and the jacks and solder joints have never come loose or crackled on me. The people that say "don't pay more than $15 for a cable" have never had one popping and cracking in a live setting on them.

As far as tone, I don't know that I would notice a huge difference between brands without making the jump up to Zaolla or a similar brand, and something in that price range is just too much money for me. Maybe if I was recording, but not for playing live around town.

I might try a Mogami or Planet Waves side by side just for fun since people here seem to really like them, but I have a hard time believing that something in the same price range is far superior in sound and quality over another. Even if there is a subtle difference in tone between them, I don't think I can justify replacing $200+ worth of cables in the search for the latest and greatest. But hey, I'm open to trying anything once.
When it comes to hooking up pedals and I'm using Live Wire is the sound really noticeably different than if I was using monster cables?

Or should I concentrate on the chords that are going from the pedal to the loop?
G.I.G. said:
I use Monster cables and have never had a problem with them............I might try a Mogami or Planet Waves side by side just for fun since people here seem to really like them, but I have a hard time believing that something in the same price range is far superior in sound and quality over another.

I agree, the Monster's work just fine for me. But, I've tried all three and the difference to me is not very noticeable.
yea mogami all the way i have a 25 foot never had a lick of problems outta it.

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