Anybody modded their V yet?

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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2010
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No, I haven't modded my V. It's still less than a year old. But when it gets older, I could see myself trying either or both of the following:
- A bigger cap for the Mark IIc+ mode (as per some of the original IIc+'s).
- I have no use for the channel 3 Bright switch in a band situation. I just leave it in the Normal position. But I would love to have a "Deep" switch instead!

Currently just toying with the ideas.
If somebody has tried something similar (or different), it would be interesting to hear.

(Or maybe Mesa releases a "Vb" that incorporates either or both of my dreams... one can always wish.)
I was about to have my V modded for an adjustable depth control and possibly more gain on crunch mode so it can sound as gainy as channel 3..... that was until i found the right preamp tubes. Now i see no need.
Cron said:
I was about to have my V modded for an adjustable depth control and possibly more gain on crunch mode so it can sound as gainy as channel 3..... that was until i found the right preamp tubes. Now i see no need.

Tell us about what preamp tubes you chose, what sound you were looking for, and what kind of music you play...
How about changig the resistances (is this how you say it?) of channel 3??? Some with less resistance in the Input to get some more gain out of it... and some condensers (again, is this the right word?).

Usually this is the main thing one alters to get a better tone... is this possible in this amp? Or are the components already the best for the job?
A friend tried this on his F-100 and it sounded A LOT better, didn't seem like the same amp...
its resistors, and its capacitors, and before you do that i suggest the following:
1.) hotter pickups
2.) booster
3.) tubes with higher rated gain factor.
4.) EL34 powertubes

because, the CH3 in mesa already has a lots of gain.
and i mean, A LOTS of gain.
Those are the words!!! I'll keep them in mind, thanks.
Me and the other guitar in my band are planning to do this thing in his F.100 model, and it's only 6l6.
Will this damage the amp?? Do this changes really improve the amp? This amp has the gain of a recto, shouldn't the recto have more gain than the mark v?
Hendog said:
Cron said:
I was about to have my V modded for an adjustable depth control and possibly more gain on crunch mode so it can sound as gainy as channel 3..... that was until i found the right preamp tubes. Now i see no need.

Tell us about what preamp tubes you chose, what sound you were looking for, and what kind of music you play...

I play hard rock and pop. Wanted crystal bell like cleans and massive crunchy gain.

For power tubes i went from stock 6L6's to JJ 6L6, i know they arent the best but even they improved the bottom end of the amp and made it sound fuller. I also have some Sed 6L6's and Ruby el34bht on order.

For me the key to unleashing the bottom end on the mark V was a NOS Jan Ge 5751 in the Phase inverter.... its subtle when soft but once you turn up you really notice it. It made the amp a little duller and cured some fizz problems while at the same time removing the choked feeling on the low end. The slight dullness was counter balanced with a Tung-sol 12ax7 in V1 and i was happy! Cleans were massive with tons of headroom.... eq's on gain channels were more usable across their range etc etc.

I proceded to try some chinese 12ax7's in the v 3-5 slots but they were more compressed and not as organic sounding so in the end i only kept the 2 preamp tube swaps.

Im not saying this will work for everyone but it sure did for me.