Another prob with my mark iic+ head. Please Help.....

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Active member
Nov 7, 2006
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Hey guys, *please* help me out. :(

As you know I posted several threads about my recent purchase of a mark iic+ head I got off of ebay. When it arrived, it worked for 5 min, then it started smoking.. so I took it to an authorized Mesa Boogie tech in NJ. Anyways after spending $400, he fixed several burned out transistors, replaced the noisey fan, changed the tubes around (the instructions that were given to me were wrong apparently from the previous owner), replaced the EQ switch from a 2 way to a 3 way one (apparently someone had modded this intially), changed and fixed the reverb. Now after ALL of this, I came back home, and the distoration does NOT seem to work now. I am pulling the Lead Drive knob to Level 10 and turning the volume up all the way to LEVEL 10.

Frustrated, I drove 150 miles back (one way) to the tech and he noticed even more probs after further inspecting it. Some of the transistors that were sodered on where NON-MESA and he couldn't even recognize what the owner previously did with the amp. He also changed all the tubes again (non-mesa) and I spent another $164 to get this fixed. Then he tried the distoration and I was NOT happy with it. It sounded like a CLEAN, muddy sound (again the levels were at 10). He told me this amp is for blues, not metal. :shock:

I have to say, it has a WONDERFUL clean sound, BUT I was expecting this AMP to have a crushing distoration like Petrucci's or Metallica's sound, but instead I am having to deal with a muddy clean sound. The tech stated nothing is wrong with any circuits or the switching. I spent 2 hrs in NJ for him to run tests. Overall, I know have spent close to $4200 for everything.

Is there anyone out there who might have any more suggestions? I am not too bright with the circuity of the amp so I can't explain to a tech if they are right or wrong. Is this amp supposed to be like this or do you guys use perhaps another mod or a separate pedal to add the metal crunching sounds?

I live just 5 miles outside of Philadelphia, PA so if anyone knows a closer place where I could take, I appreciate it.

Thank you for listening!

Please reference my previous thread:
hey, that's BULLSH*T are you sure this guy is a QUALIFIED MESA BOOGIE TECH not a MEZA BOOGIE tech or something.. FIRST OF ALL.. I can't believe you payed for HIS MISTAKE.. is he fucking retarted or something.. you drove all taht way for his stupid *** to find anothe rmistake that he could of found out himself the first time if he spent more time on the amp.. then he tells you that this amp isn't going to give you a nice hard rock tone.. you should of slapped his tooth. If I were you.. i'd contact mesa boogie.. notify them of this "tech" because if you go back to him he'll find anothe rproblem and another one and another one until you' owe him a million dollars... this is pissing me off.. I feel for you man, i really do..
Dude the iiC+ is one of the best straight up gain amp's around..this " Tech " know's F### All about mesa's if he said that this was a blue's amp..RING MESA UP, TELL THEM YOUR STORY AND HE WON"T BE A TECH FOR MUCH LONGER..that is a awful story.. i hope all the best for you and your wonderful amp...there is somthing very wrong with it but..but i am sure you wouldn't have to pay anymore..
Boogieman said:
If you don't mind the wait and the shipping expenses, why not send the head to Mesa and let them work on it?

I am going to do that on Tues, is there anyone in particular I should speak to?
Thanks for all your replies guys. . I know it *KILLS* me thinking about this (seriously -- I couldn't sleep for a couple of weeks now b/c of this). I was ready to just give up
Like everybody said,stay away from that guy.Could be one of the previous owners modded the amp to have less drive.It happened to another poster here.Mesa is your best bet.
In all seriousness, pack it carefully and send it to Mesa. You can get a authorization from Mesa's tech department. They will certainly restore it back to full health
axelfatu said:
Boogieman said:
If you don't mind the wait and the shipping expenses, why not send the head to Mesa and let them work on it?

I am going to do that on Tues, is there anyone in particular I should speak to?

YES! speak to Mike Bendinelli! he's the creator of the 2c+. You can call Mesa nad ask to speak to him directly. I've done it several times. Great guy that REALLY knows his stuff. he's Mesas head tech and the chief repair guy.
There is nothing anyone can do without seeing the amp, or at minimum the preamp circuit. You basically do not have a fully functioning IIC+ and have been seriously taken advantage of. An amp for blues my *** !!!
axelfatu said:
He also changed all the tubes again
this part alone bothers me the most, sticks out like a sore thumb.

axelfatu said:
and I spent another $164 to get this fixed
By any chance did you ask him why? Its just my own curiosity.

axelfatu said:
He told me this amp is for blues, not metal.
That statement alone would scare me!

You may want to ask Boogie to document the repair to this amp.
If they find incompetence you might be able to get back some of the money in small claims court.
We all feel for you right now, on behalf of everyone we wish you the best. Hopefully you can get ALL your money back, infact get all your money back and some extra to actually pay for a real tech to fix the amp. Anyways shame on the guy before you to sell you a broken mark IIC+.
axelfatu said:
I am going to do that on Tues, is there anyone in particular I should speak to?

Like everyone said, try to speak with Mike B. It might be a good idea to open up the chassis in case he needs to have some idea of the current state of the head.

Good luck.
6L6C said:
You may want to ask Boogie to document the repair to this amp.
If they find incompetence you might be able to get back some of the money in small claims court.

Yes I’m quoting myself!

I was reading some of the post including my own and I just wanted to make it clear incase taken the wrong way.
I’m not the type of person to launch lawsuits in fact I never have in my 43 years on the planet.
Mistakes do happen! And sometimes a part that was working perfect a minute ago could fail. As stokes said there may have been a mod done to the amp and the tech just repaired the amp as it was modified.
The part that bothers me is changing all the tubes AGAIN and where these tubs matched pairs? Where they in Boogies bias range?
So that’s why I feel you should get this documented (is it incompetence? Is it an error? Or did he repair the amp as per some mod made by other owner?) question that only Boogie can answer.

axelfatu said:
I was ready to just give up
although you are going through hell right now (along with money you did not plan on) but in the end you will have a *** kicking tone machine. It will work out.
Hey thanks guys for all your support and replies.

I can't wait to speak to Mike B tomorrow.

Thanks again everyone and I will let you know what happens!

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