.50+ Caliber Cleans

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Active member
Jan 5, 2007
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San Jose, CA
Hey there,
I just recently recorded with the '89 50+ caliber that I had been attached to for so long, but moved up to a mark IV for lack of clarity and options on the lead channel and amp in general.

But I took a souvenier before I sent it away, and thought id share it with everyone who is thinking of purchasing one of these amps.

the cleans are amazing quality, and there is no computer-EQing on this, only a little added reverb.


By the way, please don't judge the playing quality, I was tired, found a backing track to do it on in about 5 minutes, and only had time for one take on the thing.
let me know what you think
I know you did this a while ago but I wouldn't mind hearing the clip if you still have it. I just bought a .50 cal. head and would like to get a taste of what to expect when mine gets here

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