2 Channel "Blackface" Recto (& Mark III) Youtube Videos

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2005
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DC Metro Area
Well, I just bought a new video camera, so I took it out to my bands practice spot and screwed around and did a couple test runs to see how well it would track. We managed to overload the camera mic in short time because we like to play loud... :lol: So, there's plenty of mic clipping, especially on the Recto video when the drummer walks in and decides to start jamming along, but it's a quick idea of how the amps sound. I'll have much videos up next week. Sorry for the mic clipping and lovely Youtube compression. Here's some quick clips:

Mesa Dual Recto - 2 Channel "Blackface"


Mesa Mark III

Whoops, can someone move this over to this "Rigs and Tones" forum? I thought that's where I was. That's what I get for posting at 4 AM... :mrgreen:
Thanks! Settings are roughly:

2 Channel Recto - Revision G - "Blackface"
Treble - 11:00
Mids - 12:00
Bass - 10:30
Presence - 1:00
Gain - 12:00
Volume - Not sure in the clip, prob around 9:30 to 10:00

Boosted with a Maxon OD808 (and BOSS NS-2 to kill noise). Settings on the Maxon:

Output - Max
Tone - 12:00
Gain - Off

The cab is a Mesa (Traditional, Straight) 4X12 with well broken in V30's (used it extensively for about 5 years). Guitar is an EMG loaded Les Paul with an 81 in the bridge (89 in the neck, but not heard on the clip).

The tubes I use are probably ones most people hate... :lol: I use high gain JJ ECC83's in the preamp of all my Rectos, and in the power amp...wait for it...standard issue Sovtek 5881/6L6WCG's that will cost you $45 for a matched quad. Why do I use that combo of tubes? For a few reasons actually...first off, the Recto matches perfect with V30's IMO because of the mid emphasis they have. However, it can tend to get bright if you don't watch your dials. Also, the low end can be a little "too huge" and get boomy instead of tight and punchy. So, I love the Sovtek 5881's because they have a rather neutral mid emphasis, they roll off some of the top end (to keep it from getting spiky), and they have a very small bottom end which helps keep the Recto sub-lows in check. You combine that with the high gain JJ's in the front that also darken it up some, smooth it out (and let you back off the gain knob), and the boost of the stock Maxon (with it's high pass filter) and it's a perfect combo for me that rolls off spiky highs, keeps the bass tight and not boomy, and smooths out the overall tone in the process.

I use the same JJ 12ax7's in my Recto. But I am really liking JJ KT77's in the power section. The blackface Rev. E I just bought has KT77's in it as well. Really interested to see what they sound like in an early Recto.

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