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  1. H

    prices from mesa on cabinets???
  2. H

    Tremoverb/Subway Rocket for sale!

    Could you post pics of the Subway Rocket? Thanks.
  3. H

    load an LSC w/ greenbacks?

    I have an LSC (10/50/100 version) 2x12 combo. I am wondering if I can load the combo with greenbacks. - They are 25w each. Would I need to limit myself to the 10/50w settings? - Is an open-back cabinet the best option for the greenback speakers or should I consider a closed 2x12 extension? - I...
  4. H

    BB Preamp with the Stiletto Deuce

    +1 on the BB pre. I run it with my LSC and only really use it on channel one, but it sounds amazing.
  5. H

    Can I Sue Mesa for making me DEAF?!?

    If you think Mesas are loud, you should try a Carvin Legacy... Holy balls those things are loud. I owned one for all of 24 hours. I sent it back the very next day.
  6. H


    Price reduction + added midi cable to the deal + added trade info
  7. H

    My Mesa's

    I plan to bookmark this page in case my wife ever says, "You have too much guitar crap" That should shut here right up...
  8. H

    New Clip: Pull Me Under - Dream Theater (Mark IV)

    Wow. That makes me happy in my pants. Great tone!
  9. H

    New Mesa amp rumor!!

    That thing would only run like $12k, but oh my would it be $12k well spent :twisted:
  10. H


    This has been traded. Thanks for looking!
  11. H

    Mike Einziger's Tremoverb tone? This gives you an idea of the pedals that he has affecting his sound (circa 2000).
  12. H

    What does this sound like?

    Thanks for posting this link. I'd have missed this CD and the upcoming live show had it not been for this post ;)
  13. H

    LSC and Stiletto effects loop

    Picked up the LSC. I love this amp.
  14. H

    LSC and Stiletto effects loop

    Perfect answer. I use a RecPre right now and the effects loop blows. Wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to run in to the same issue with these combos.
  15. H

    LSC and Stiletto effects loop

    I am weighing an LSC or Stiletto combo. One thing that concerns me is the effects loop. I will be using a G Major in the loop and I'd like to know if Mesa "got it right" for the effects loops in these two amps. Thanks in advance for replies.
  16. H


    Bump and price reduction. $1000.
  17. H


    Yes, I am only selling the pre amp. I wanted to post a photo to show that it was in the condition stated, but I didn't want to remove it from my rack until it was time to ship it :wink:
  18. H


    bump for change in terms + new sell option
  19. H


    Looking to sell or trade a Mint Rectifier Recording PreAmp. I'd like a Stiletto Ace (head or combo) OR ~$1000 (Paypal only, I'll eat the fees).
  20. H

    Combo + cab question page 21-26 (I believe the wiring set up that you need is #7)