Can I Sue Mesa for making me DEAF?!?

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2007
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Van Nuys, CA

I have played guitar for almost 20 years. But I can remember how bad my ears were ringing after the first time i plugged in my first Mesa Triple Rectifier. I actually sold the Triple as i felt it was just too **** loud, and didn't like the Buzzsaw effect, and bought a Recto Pre and a late 90's 2ch. Dual Rec. Sold both and went with a Stiletto.
last week I bought another used Dual Recto, but this time an early edition, #112. It was loaded with some ancient looking tubes, and I have been experimenting with different tubes in the amp this week to see the difference, as the amp is quite different than i remember my other Rectifiers being. I tried it with my Traditional Cab, my 2x12 Recto, and my Recto Standard as well. It came with Groove Tube 12AX7c's and old Philips 6L6GB's. I changed out all the tubes to JJ's, ecc83/12ax7's and EL34L's that i had sitting around from a previous amp. (the EL34L's sound like crap in a Stiletto).

I thought the sound out of this Rectifier into the Traditional was a little different than my other amps, and decided to try it with the Standard cab.
That was the right mate for THIS particular amp now. This amp is so much tighter and crunchier and more brutal than any other Rectifier I have ever played it's amazing.

However, my ears have been ringing pretty bad since i bought this amp...but after just playing it this morning I am starting to wonder if my Shiny Chromed out new toy has hurt me.

Does MESA quietly have a secret plan to make us all DEAF? Is this why their amps get so loud?

One has to only wonder.

If you think Mesas are loud, you should try a Carvin Legacy... Holy balls those things are loud.

I owned one for all of 24 hours. I sent it back the very next day.
Man, go to an audiologist and get some custom musician's earplugs... pretty much necessary at proper Boogie volumes, and if they are properly made the frequency response is still really good. Just tell them what you want them for, they'll know what you're talking about.

If you're determined to play w/o earplugs what you have to do is go 3-4 days between loud sessions.
haymez said:
If you think Mesas are loud, you should try a Carvin Legacy... Holy balls those things are loud.

I owned one for all of 24 hours. I sent it back the very next day.

Really? that wasnt my experience at all... My buddy had a Legacy and I had the V-3 and we maxed them out and was really supprised at the lack of overall volume (and tone).

My Mesa's walked all over both of them.

Now years ago I had the original X100B amps and THOSE were loud.
If you have really developed tinnitus, there's a number of successful treatments so I wouldn't sweat it too much. One of the more interesting ones I recently read about entails wearing headphones that emit a frequency that will cancel out the frequency you hear ringing, which in turn lets your ear relax and become uninflamed,thereby removing the cause of the ringing in the first place.
songrider said:
Now years ago I had the original X100B amps and THOSE were loud.

Really? I had one that was my first tube amp. I remember having to turn it up to 7-8 at gigs and still not cutting through.
probably playing 2 loud, i usually only run 50W threw 2x12 and can hear fine. As long as everyone is eq'ed right
My girlfriend complains I can't hear her talking very often.

Think its time to turn it down? :D
The Rectifier you bought has a different circuit board than the other stuff you've played. It's the first version that was made available to the public in 1992. It's practically a prototype. Only less than 300 of the particular amp you have are in existance....In other words, keep it!! It's as good as recto gets! And if you sell it, you're in for some nice pocket change.
Elpelotero said:
The Rectifier you bought has a different circuit board than the other stuff you've played. It's the first version that was made available to the public in 1992. It's practically a prototype. Only less than 300 of the particular amp you have are in existance....In other words, keep it!! It's as good as recto gets! And if you sell it, you're in for some nice pocket change.

Oh, i was quite aware of what i was buying this time around...
We have all heard of the fabled "Pre-500" and while i had the 2 ch. later 90's recto before, and it WAS different than the 3ch. Triple i had, i wasn't blown away by it at all, and sold it shortly after buying it.
I found this for sale locally (literally right around the corner from me), and paid a bit more than i normally would have (i didnt even try to bargain with the guy) knowing that if i decided to sell it, i would at least make my money back if not more.
I have been trying to decide whether or not to sell another amp for a Diezel Herbert or Engl SE, but dont really like how compressed the Diezel gets and only liked ch. 2 on the Herbert.

After what I am hearing with this new "ancient" recto, i am getting more impressed and falling into that Guitar Daze where you end up playing a lot louder and longer than you originally wanted to. I could never even get this tone out of my other rectos with an EQ in the loop!
it isn't easy to describe it either...just not as flubby or loose, much tighter and crunchier and just more everything!

if i ever do decide to sell this one however, i will be coming here before posting it on ebay, to give another Recto fan the chance at glory.

and when playing with the band i usually do wear earplugs, but since i have been testing this amps tone, i havent been wearing them at home (and forgot to put them in the other night at a gig) which has left me with one hell of a lot of ringing in my ears.

But i still blame it all on MESA.
Murphy Slaw said:
Eventually it won't be loud enough!

You'll need 2.



actually the other reason i got it was to create the wonderful tones of running the Stiletto Deuce II and the Dual Rectifier TOGETHER!!

I tried it and you can't believe how this setup sounds...
Wear some plugs man... as someone who was born with a moderate/severe hearing loss in both ears, I'm telling you now, there isn't much out there that sucks more than not being able to hear properly. Can't hear people talk, can't hear your fucking own guitar, etc, etc... it sucks balls.
Well, I don't know how your amp is, but mine came with a tag on the power chord warning of hearing loss, so that would throw any lawsuit out of the window right there lol
They have a disclaimer and safety warning in their manuals... so...

Elpelotero said:
As far as tones you get and settings, what do you do for cleans? Also, what do you do w. the Vintage channel?

here's what i have discovered so far...

on Ch. 2 Red, i have the mid to about 3'oclock, bass about 12:30, presence about 11:45, Treble about 12, gain 12:30.

What really makes the difference is the guitar AND the pickups.
With a mahogany guitar loaded with an Duncan Distortion, so far this is the absolute best match i have found at the moment. I tried 3 of my customs, one loaded with an EMG81, and the other loaded with an SD El Diablo, one with an duncan JB, and all 3 guitars are incredibly different. best for metal is the duncan distortion. JB sounded terrible. EMG was very clear and seemed to lack enough drive to push the gain, but was smooth. the El Diablo, is very very clear, and overdrives the amp just a tiny bit, but the Distortion is absolutely wonderful with this amp, very punchy and crunchy.

i think orange is using similar settings, perhaps a tiny bit more gain, and the bass a bit lower (maybe 9:30-10:00). sounds very full and warm.

Clean? I haven't tried it yet on this amp. I know it isn't supposed to be good, but i will check it out eventually. still getting to know this amp...and it's relationship with guitars and pickups and settings and such.

I am just still amazed that is actually sounds so good through the Standard cab, which i was actually trying to sell a few weeks ago.
This amp doesn't seem to have the super bottom end that the newer rectos have that ends up flubby and i said earlier, this amp seems really freakin' crunchy and much tighter. Not nearly as tight as my Stiletto mind you, but still pretty **** close!

Maybe i will try out the clean sounds later and report back, but for the band i need them for, Cleans aren't really an issue.

i still have the Stiletto and Triaxis/Gforce for cleans if i want.

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