New Clip: Pull Me Under - Dream Theater (Mark IV)

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2007
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I decided to give this one a shot. Please forgive the sloppy playing (on the leads in particular). I don't have a keyboard so I had to wing the keys on my guitar. I didn't have time to perfect the playing or the track volumes. I just thought I would share the clip since I'm still in the process of learning the whole song (that and my wife told me to shut it down).

What do you think? I know I used more gain the original but I wasn't necessarily going for the original tone.
as always, the thickness in your tones makes me think there's hope for the rest of us. You must have the perfect mic position.

Lead tone was a little loud though.
I agree...that sounds like perfect mic position.

Track is pretty good though...I can't even distinguish from the original unless I really pay attention.
Elpelotero said:
as always, the thickness in your tones makes me think there's hope for the rest of us. You must have the perfect mic position.

Lead tone was a little loud though.

I will say that I have found the perfect mic placement. Very happy in that regard.
omghi2u said:
I agree...that sounds like perfect mic position.

Track is pretty good though...I can't even distinguish from the original unless I really pay attention.

Thanks for listening.

I ;ve got the Shure 57 on axis pointed directly at center of the speaker cone. The Sennheiser e609 is angled midway between the center and edge of the cone. I'll take pictures soon. BTW, the cab is loaded with Celestion V30s.
what amp did you record with? those leads are really awesome sounding. I wish i could get that sound form my Dual Rec
edwin song
Nice sound man.

I'd be interested to see those mic placement pics.

Gonna get a new computer soon and start taking home recording more seriously.
Nice job. Real good tone. I might have to get a Mark IV. Are you making the backing tracks yourself, Bravo!!!!!!!
dct said:
Good playing and pretty authentic JP tones! It rocked.
I liked it.


whackmaster63 said:
Nice job. Real good tone. I might have to get a Mark IV. Are you making the backing tracks yourself, Bravo!!!!!!!

Thanks! Yes, I created that backing track.
Enc3f4L0 said:
Nice sound man.

I'd be interested to see those mic placement pics.

Gonna get a new computer soon and start taking home recording more seriously.

tramp said:
Yeah come on lets see those pictures!!

Thanks guys Follow the link to see pics of my mic placement:

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