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  1. G

    Nailing a Vox ACx tone with a Roadster

    2nd channel, clean mode, EL34 with GZ 34, Maxon overdrive, EQ in the loop and it does the job. Yellow jackets and a Vox cab would bring me even closer but its ok as it is. Thanks a lot
  2. G

    Nailing a Vox ACx tone with a Roadster

    Thanks for your input. I had sort of dismissed the brit mode for this application. Mainly because I need the reverb. I'll try to push the other modes of the second channel again and see (backing the bass a lot as you suggested- I did not try on my loop EQ). If it does not work, well I try the...
  3. G

    Nailing a Vox ACx tone with a Roadster

    Hello, Yesterday I played a Vox AC50. The second channel, bright switch engaged, gave me exactly what I'm after for a particular project. So far my attempts in nailing that tone haven't been that successful. It would be great if a roadster owner who knows vox AC amps very well could give me...
  4. G

    any tips for hauling a roadster combo down the stairs?

    Hello, My purse holds a miniature chihuahua from wich I never part, and aside from her I don't have any friends. So I guess I'll find myself a dolly. Thanks Jf
  5. G

    any tips for hauling a roadster combo down the stairs?

    Hi, I wondered if somebody here knows a trick that makes moving those 100 pounds amp easier. Anybody ever tried moving straps or a moving trolley? Thanks, Jf
  6. G

    Roadster FX Loop Bypass

    I remember bypassing did wonders compared to the alternative, but when I tried an EQ in my loop I was so blown away I did not try to put in in front of the amp with the loop bypass. Will try and report.
  7. G

    Roadster 212 combo or roadster head

    If you live on the first floor, you might want the combo. If you live upstairs, like me, you might regret getting the combo once in awhile. You might even regret it more than not getting a road king.
  8. G

    more songs I've recorded with my LSS

    nice work. J'aime votre usage de la trompette- et le LSS kick des culs. J'aime les vox- very stylish. D'où êtes vous au Québec? Jf
  9. G

    A Roadster in action

    Yeah French is hilarious. I cut those tracks this summer. I'm afraid I don't recall the settings precisely. I remember I play a Roadster combo 2x12 loaded with EHX EL34. On the rythm part (Tigresse) a BBE treble booster is used, thru the brit channel. On the lead part I use a Maxon OD 808 on...
  10. G

    A Roadster in action

    I'm afraid youre right
  11. G

    A Roadster in action

    Hi, Here is the link to my myspace page, where you will find two roadster-featuring tracks. Try 'Tigresse' first I'm rather satisfied with my tone :) TGell me what you think Jf
  12. G

    I took your advice and added a 2x12 rec cab to my ROV. pics

    If you play at moderate house level: Try to tilt your 2x12(or put it on a shelf) so the cone of the spreaker aims at your chest, at a distance of six foot minimum.
  13. G

    Roadster + GE7 - anyone using it?

    I never liked coupling an eq (mine MXR, I like it) with other effects in the loop. I find it better to bypass the loop with the roadster.
  14. G

    treble booster with roadster?

    Hello, I'm thinking of trying out a treble booster in front of my el34 loaded roadster. Does somebody here ever tried a particular one? I'm trying to figure out if the BBE freq boost (100$) would be as interesting as Analogman's treble booster (200$)... Any tested recommendations? thanks Jf
  15. G

    Rectifier with EL34 + Maxon OD-808 = god

    I put a 808 in front of my el34 loaded roadster. Its by far the best setup I ever played. Thanks for the tip.
  16. G

    integrating a new band

    integrating a new band hello, I was contacted by a band in search of a lead guitarist a few weeks back. I did a few jams with them and learned to play most of their material. The band will play a gig soon, and they chose to play by themselves. They basically said 'your playing is ok but you...
  17. G

    Roadster 2x12 please

    I just got an email from mesa. The speakers are 16 ohm in parallel, so the load is 8 ohm. You were right
  18. G

    Roadster 2x12 please

    I use the 4ohm outlet for my 2x12 combo, as illustrated on this photo of the back panel.
  19. G

    Rectoverb vs Roadster Combo

    I gladly went from a series II RoV to a Roadster. Overall, I think the Roadster is more flexible in the Recto tone region, thanks to its back panel options. The two first preamps really got a vintage vibe. The 2nd preamp apparently it built for EL34, but still you can squeeze interesting...