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  1. C

    PRS Singlecut Questions....UPDATE!

    A maple top DOES make a difference in tone with any body wood, whether it be alder, basswood, Mahogany, etc. On certain woods it can be overkill, such as maple on swamp ash.
  2. C

    Stiletto Pacifier for Roadster

    "50watt dork Ace?" What is it exactly that you find 'dork' about 50 all-tube watts? Just because it isn't 100 watts, or better yet, 150 watts? Honestly, I'm curious. Some of the finest recorded and live guitar tones over the last 30+ years were done with 50 watt amps.
  3. C

    best guitar cable

    Certain cables are 'microphonic' and will pick up handling noise. This phenomenon is NOT confined to cheap cables. The pricey Monster 1000 series, while a good sounding cable (unlike the 500 series IMHO) is plagued with this problem, and is best confined to studio use where one is not...
  4. C

    2X12 or 4X12?????

    It depends on the sensitivity rating of the speaker. For example, a certain speaker may have a 97db rating- which usually means that how loud it is with one watt at one meter with a SPL meter. Other speaker models may rate at, say, 100db... and a 3db increase is considerable. It is @ the...
  5. C

    Carvin CT6 -vs- PRS Singlecut

    Russ you are right, bro. the Asian guitar behemoth cannot be ignored any longer. Japan is finally getting its due. Korea is starting to whip out fine instruments, though the electronics still suffer in most cases. I have two MIJ Tokais- a '58 LP spcl clone (LSS-100), and a '59 ES-335 replica...
  6. C

    Carvin CT6 -vs- PRS Singlecut

    So you are willing to give Carvin a pass on their cheap electronics? My that's consistent. IF you correctly read my post, I said "no company is ever 100%" and I am conceding in this that PRS is included in this statement- though VERY few and far between. That being said, what makes you think...
  7. C

    Carvin CT6 -vs- PRS Singlecut

    Some background on myself before I give my $.02: At one time I owned two X100 Carvin Stacks that I used for number of years. Zero breakdowns. I couldn't say that about my next amp (sadly)- a Boog Quad Preamp. I've also owned 4 different Carvin guitars; as well as plenty of Gibsons, Fenders...
  8. C

    Guitar sold

    mods- I will delete this thread as soon as transaction is complete. Thanks.
  9. C

    I was all set to get an Ace but.......

    WHAT?? HUH?? :P Actually all these players had Marshalls in common, but some were KT66, 6550 as well as El34 based, and all lend different characteristics to the party. I mght say that part of the Brit flavor may well have been not only the circuitry & power tubes, but Mullard, Brimar and...
  10. C

    Guitar sold

  11. C

    New PRS Guitars are here!!

    I reverberate peoples opinions? Hardly, as these are my OWN opinions & experience from being aquainted with PRS guitars myself since 1988. I could care less if you owned "several PRS prototypes" are voicing your OWN opinions; and PRS is one of the top 3 US guitar Mfg's. How well are YOU...
  12. C

    New PRS Guitars are here!!

    first off, it's Ted McCarty- not McCarthy. Secondly, the "PRS Guitar" was innovation personified. Before PRS, you had a very small handful or 'premium builders'- Irwin and Alembic to name two...and they were too esoteric for many people, not to mention HIDEOUSLY expensive for their day. When PRS...
  13. C

    I was all set to get an Ace but.......

    Imho, nothing could be further from the truth. Clapton, Gibbons, Page, Beck, Hendrix, EVH, Blackmore, Trower, Schenker, Richrath, Young and Young, (need I go on?)... All sounded THE SAME????? May I suggest a trip to a good ear doctor? :P
  14. C

    Guitar sold

    Mods- can you delete this thread please? Thanks!
  15. C

    New JJ KT-77 power tubes - got a set!

    You might well want to try a KT77/6L6 integrated quad.
  16. C

    New JJ KT-77 power tubes - got a set!

    I just ordered the KT77/6V6/GZ34 package for my TOV. will give an update when it arrives and gets tested.
  17. C

    Avatar cabs?

    There are other quality alternatives to VHT. Bogner for one, and Swanson makes great, quality cabs too.
  18. C

    New JJ KT-77 power tubes - got a set!

    I'm about to try the KT77's in my TOV. I may get REAL twisted...and try the KT77/6V6 integrated set. YEAH!
  19. C

    TBB age Groups!?

    I've got the Peterson VS-II and am equally happy. Makes other tuners MOOT.
  20. C

    Pedal for boosting Leads for my Mesa/boogie?!

    That's a great approach that some players use, but it may be a problem if you have a parallel & not a series loop.