New PRS Guitars are here!!

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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2006
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I think I need a SC-250! :)
Im noticing alot of PRS guitars going up for sale now, im sure its to fund the new 2007 PRS line, hahaha.
I really like the 513 and the SE Paul Allender model.. All of them are beautiful though as always
513 is a shameless ripoff of Scala Logic :lol:

PRS itself being a shameless ripoff of all things Gibson. Thanks Ted McCarthy. PRS guitars themselves are quite good. Not worse or better than Gibson, by any means. Hardly innovative.
Any idea when pricing will become available on these new guitars?
I played a 513 Rosewood, and by far one of the best guitars I've played. And, the workmanship is just outstanding!
Dersu Uzala said:
513 is a shameless ripoff of Scala Logic :lol:

PRS itself being a shameless ripoff of all things Gibson. Thanks Ted McCarthy. PRS guitars themselves are quite good. Not worse or better than Gibson, by any means. Hardly innovative.

first off, it's Ted McCarty- not McCarthy. Secondly, the "PRS Guitar" was innovation personified. Before PRS, you had a very small handful or 'premium builders'- Irwin and Alembic to name two...and they were too esoteric for many people, not to mention HIDEOUSLY expensive for their day. When PRS went public so to speak, it was an earth shaking event for the guitar world, when both Fender and Gibson were passe', and Charvel & Jackson were soup de jour.

The PRS guitar was a successful hybrid of both Strat and LesPaul (with leanings towards the latter), top-drawer woods, fretwork and attention to detail;and it had an Original, yet classic bodystyle. I was so impressed I bought 3 of them, and they were my main guitars for awhile.

You couldn't give strats or LesPauls away during those years thru the 90's (Japanese F & G guitars being the exception)...and yet I believe PRS was the catalyst that also reignited interest in the big F & G guitars...and the boutique market as we know it today was born. Suddenly, when the Gibson monolith saw that PRS was getting 2K for his guitars, AND THEY WERE SELLING WELL, (and some hatted, bare-chested player named Slash was playing a fake Lester) Gibson literally jacked up their prices overnight. And their crap "quality" continued.

If that isn't innovative, I don't know what is.

I have a 58 Historic LP that is one of the better ones I've come across. Even both my Tokai MIJ guitars waste the avg new Gibson. I don't take pleasure in saying that, but I HAVE found it to be true.

Until two days ago, the last PRS I had bought was my (then) new '90 Signature Custom; & I took a break from PRS in the later 90's after getting away from 24 fret gutiars in general. Now I'm back w/ PRS after many years, & my new PRS dusts every guitar I've ever owned or played to date in my 33 years of playing. I am still stunned at how good it really is. I'm about to order a Modern Eagle, and I expect it to be the same way.

So long Gibson & Henry J.
Crunchyriff said:
first off, it's Ted McCarty- not McCarthy.

Right. Made a typo. You know, typing error. Other than that, there's no point to your article. Know Paul personally, for a decade now, he's a Gibson buff. Couldn't care less about Fender's and there's literally nothing of Fender lore he incorporated in his design. The day he got McCarty on board, with all his nonexisting nondisclosures , it made his day.

You don't seem to know much about guitar design, do you? You just reverberate other people's opinions. Should I even bother to mention I owned several PRROTOTYPES of PRS 'legendary' guitars. Let me reiterate: 'I know the f@#$er personally'. He rocks, but, as most people in the business, he just seems to roll with the call, lately (lately = meaning last 10 years). Before anyone even heard of PRS, Paul was making some really cool ****.

Should you wanna talk serious issues, lemme know.
Dersu Uzala said:
Crunchyriff said:
first off, it's Ted McCarty- not McCarthy.

Right. Made a typo. You know, typing error. Other than that, there's no point to your article. Know Paul personally, for a decade now, he's a Gibson buff. Couldn't care less about Fender's and there's literally nothing of Fender lore he incorporated in his design. The day he got McCarty on board, with all his nonexisting nondisclosures , it made his day.

You don't seem to know much about guitar design, do you? You just reverberate other people's opinions. Should I even bother to mention I owned several PRROTOTYPES of PRS 'legendary' guitars. Let me reiterate: 'I know the f@#$er personally'. He rocks, but, as most people in the business, he just seems to roll with the call, lately (lately = meaning last 10 years). Before anyone even heard of PRS, Paul was making some really cool sh!t.

Should you wanna talk serious issues, lemme know.

I reverberate peoples opinions? Hardly, as these are my OWN opinions & experience from being aquainted with PRS guitars myself since 1988. I could care less if you owned "several PRS prototypes" are voicing your OWN opinions; and PRS is one of the top 3 US guitar Mfg's.

How well are YOU doing?

If you have known Paul personally "for a decade now" let's see, that would put the beginning of your relationship at 1997... care to expound any more about your relationship with Paul before he went into production in 1985? "Before anyone even heard of PRS, Paul was making some really cool sh!t." And you had hands- on experience, right? Uh-huh...

Why the venom, towards me OR Paul? Are you a shill for Henry J? Or are you ticked because Paul won't give you freebies, that is, if you DO know him?

Just what do YOU know about "guitar design"?

Wouldn't it make your day if a guitar design icon such as Ted McCarty got onboard with YOU? So what's the problem with PRS and Ted? Ted got burned by Gibson years ago. And you can thank the Gibson accounting beancounters for changing a few of his original designs to satisfy a bottom line. Gee, that happened to Bill Lawrence, too.

Why go back and get schtupped again?

I've been playing Gibsons and Fenders for 33 years. So I know just a wee smidgen about them, and I already stated the PRS leaned more to the Gibson side of the fence than Fender; the only hard relation to Fender was the slightly longer scale, and obviously the option for single coils.. SO what's your gripe, pal?

Do you actually pay attention to WHAT you are reading before you go off on someone?

"I know the f@#$er personally." Gee that sounds like real friendship to me...

Go direct your malcontent rant on somebody else and don't waste my time.
Enough. We don't tolerate personal attacks or non-meaningful discussion on this forum.
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