I was all set to get an Ace but.......

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I love Mesas, but I also love amps! Why stick to just one brand? I want all kinds of sonic arsenal! Now, only if Marshall had Mesa's quality build! Having "said" that, let's see how it sounds when all the dust and hoopla settles 8)
fbomb, yes I did. It is worlds better than the first I have to admit. I think I'm just getting a little tired of the "cold" sound of some Mesa's. Marshall's have a little warmer and more unique sound.
more unique sound.

Sorry, that just struck me a little funny since I'm old enough to remember when Marshalls were pretty much all there was to use and everyone sounded the same.

Now everyone uses Recto's so they are the new standard and the tables have turned. Now hearing that Marshall midrange honk is kinda' refreshing and I realize I do miss those grinding frequencies.
in would go Mesa, i would go Bogner, i don't think i would ever go Marshall, and if i do it is only because i have 7 more amps
jackieTHEjokeman said:
fbomb, yes I did. It is worlds better than the first I have to admit. I think I'm just getting a little tired of the "cold" sound of some Mesa's. Marshall's have a little warmer and more unique sound.

hmm, the stiletto doesnt strike me as a "cold" amp at all IMO. I know that u mean by that though. my rectoverb had that feeling.
Lurch said:
Also have they set prices on them yet?

I've read posts that say it's the same as a DSL ($1375) but others that say $2100. I don't think anyone knows for sure.

The street price for the JVM head will be $1750. This isn't what i "heard". This is info straight from a dealer i know. The 2x12 JVM combo will be a little over 2K. The VM head is around $1350.
Lurch said:
more unique sound.

Sorry, that just struck me a little funny since I'm old enough to remember when Marshalls were pretty much all there was to use and everyone sounded the same.

Imho, nothing could be further from the truth.

Clapton, Gibbons, Page, Beck, Hendrix, EVH, Blackmore, Trower, Schenker, Richrath, Young and Young, (need I go on?)... All sounded THE SAME?????

May I suggest a trip to a good ear doctor? :p
To a certain extent yes. They all used different guitars, playing styles, effect, and different levels of gain but they all had that basic 'British' EL34 Marshall midrange that was a staple of 70's and 80's rock and metal.

You really don't hear it anymore now that everyone uses Mesa's. The mid control on these amps is at a lower frequency and it doesn't have the same 'British' sound. It is more brutal, but it's all lows and highs now without that familiar 'honk'.

If you can't hear the basic underlying British Marshall tone in every one of those players you listed maybe it's you who should see the ear doctor. :p
WHAT?? HUH?? :p

Actually all these players had Marshalls in common, but some were KT66, 6550 as well as El34 based, and all lend different characteristics to the party.

I mght say that part of the Brit flavor may well have been not only the circuitry & power tubes, but Mullard, Brimar and Amperex 12AX7's preamp tubes as well. Unfortunately, many amps today don't/can't take advantage of the wonderful sonics these preamp tubes offer; also the prices on these are hideous.

Then there are the speakers used like Celestion G12H30's, greenbacks, etc; the latter cannot be taken seriously enough. There is a HUGE difference between an EV12L and say, a Greenback. Two great speakers with two different worlds of tone. A greenback = BIG WARM FAT MIDS! I would say that the brit sound you are referring to is more a result of the speakers used than the amplifiers themselves to a degree, in light of the 3 different power tubes that Marshall used over those years; preamp voicing notwithstanding.

I for one can't stand the 'rectifier' sound. (But then again, I'm a Marshall guy to a large degree...) You are correct, the sound today largely is void of proper midrange, and I don't care what amps one may prefer, guitars are a MIDRANGE instrument.

I agree with you 100%: The lack of good guitar mids is rampant today & that's why many mixes today uhh, suck. :(

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