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  1. J

    Road King II channel 3 fuzz

    Ran the amp thru my power conditioner, changed out cables. Fuzz is still present. I will try to explain it a little better. The fuzz is almost responsive to my pick attack. If I pick lightly it is not there, as soon as I bite down, especially on an open A string, it fizzes out, much like a...
  2. J

    Road King II channel 3 fuzz

    Hey guys I am having problems with my 3rd channel on my RKII. I like to use the this channel for classic rock low gain stuff. I noticed when i am playing i hear this faint but yet noticeable "fizzzzzz" after the note. Almost like a blown speaker fizz. I have tried several cabs (mesa, vintage...
  3. J

    2x12 Rectifier Cab Casters

    Just go on mesa website and buy it there.
  4. J

    Dual rec. Road king II volume and tone.......

    I appreciate everyones input so far. To answer your questions; Im using (2) 2x12 recto cabs. The 10 band eq is set to having the lows just above center line, the mids are cut down about a 1/4 and the highs are just at the center line. I have my gain at 10 oclock my treble at noon and my...
  5. J

    Dual rec. Road king II volume and tone.......

    Honestly its not that loud, especially with the MXR 10 band eq.
  6. J

    Dual rec. Road king II volume and tone.......

    I have a couple tube amps, Mostly all of them sound good when just slightly cranked. I tend to disagree when people say "Its a tube amp, you gotta dime it out" this is only true with older model tube amps such as a jtm-45, 2203 etc etc. However the problem Im having with my road king is the...
  7. J

    Can Recto's do death metal

    I can understand that thou I never play mine live, but if someone really wanted a clean/crunch/and insane lead. you can just roll off the volume in the crunch channel.
  8. J

    Can Recto's do death metal

    I agree and disagree, Many people see this amp as a one trick pony. Not entirely true when running it with a eq pedal many tones are possible, the crunch channel has a very good medium gain tone great for allot of application including EVH tones :D. Then the lead channel is of course great for...
  9. J


    I love all the smoke and mirrors people come up with in regards of certain guitarist tones. Slash, gilmore, EVH, dime etc etc. I about choked on my drink when I read that dime used a modded superlead. hahah what did they do rip the guts out and stick a SS randall in there. Oh sure you know...
  10. J

    mark IV with signatures

    Gotcha so it just makes for a good conversation piece. Thanks guys!!
  11. J

    mark IV with signatures

    very unlikely to be signed by him or to be worth more?
  12. J

    mark IV with signatures

    i bought an old mark iv short head the serial number is IV0045* on ebay about 5 months ago , it worked fine for a couple of days and then it took a ****, i took it apart to look at the circuitry and noticed there was writings on the side of the chassis along with the techs name, i didnt think...
  13. J

    Roadster Vintage gain mode!!!

    Yea vintage mode on my RKII is awesome. This thing is soooo versatile, i havent touched my Mark IV, marshall, or my 6505+ in weeks.
  14. J

    RKII problems AGAIN!!!!!!

    Yes, everyting works fine, until I engaged the brit mode, then it blows the tube and everything sound shitty, I've replaced it twice now and was able to clarify that was the cause. Im giving mesa a call..5 year warranty is bad ***.
  15. J

    RKII problems AGAIN!!!!!!

    A couple days ago I noticed my RKII starting too sound thin and very sizzly. Channel two became completely un-playable, it was very harsh tone and the only way i can describe the character of it is "schhhhhhhh" So I replaced the V2 pre-amp tube. and paced thru the channels, everything sounded...
  16. J

    Mark IVa Re-tube

    yea there gtg
  17. J

    Rectifier Classic Rock

    Im now convinced something is wrong with my Channel 2. I initally tried those setting's and was really happy with how full the sound was (I have been battling channel 2/brit for a while now, always seemed very thin sounding). Got distracted and a couple hours later turned the amp back on an boom...
  18. J

    Roadking series 1 and 2 clean settings

    Series 1 doesn't have the lone star circuits...sorry.
  19. J

    Rectifier Classic Rock

    Well done............. Channel 3 vintage???????? I use channel 3 raw.... Let us know brotha.