mark IV with signatures

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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2009
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i bought an old mark iv short head the serial number is IV0045* on ebay about 5 months ago , it worked fine for a couple of days and then it took a ****, i took it apart to look at the circuitry and noticed there was writings on the side of the chassis along with the techs name, i didnt think too much of it but i thought it said randy or randall s. or something like that. I gave it to a repair tech the other day and when i was looking around mesa website i noticed randall smith is the founder of mesa/boogie. When I get the amp back and i found out it was worked on by randall smith with his signature would it increase its value at all?
I wouldn't pay any extra. Randy signs his name as RCS (I've never seen 'Randy' or 'Randall S' before) so it might not even be the man himself.

That said, there's a 'Rarest Boogie' discussion ongoing currently and it seems that I'm in the minority of not really caring too much about these very subtle variations.
unlikely to be worth more..he's worked on loads of amps, and signed/initialed every one he did most likely.