Rectifier Classic Rock

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
Shropshire, UK
Here's my Roadking II in action...doing classic rock!!

Excuse the crappy camera sound
Well done............. Channel 3 vintage???????? I use channel 3 raw.... Let us know brotha.

Nice one...Correct, channel 3 vintage. It was early days experimenting but I think I used the following settings: (o'clock)

gain 10
treble 1
mid 10
bass 11.30
pres 12
master 11
EL34s, diodes, bold

since then I've boosted my mids up too 12 and lowered the pres to 9. Def have to set up with the ears rather than the eyes!

Had a real breakthrough since using higher mids and lower presence.
YellowJacket said:
Great tone!

In my opinion, tube amps sound great when you back off the gain a bit. That way we can hear the tubes, not just the distortion!!

true.. the oldskool way...get the power valves hot

ive found i had too much gain on my duel rec to get the blueys gary moore tones im after but ma getting cloer and now run a maxon od808 out front and its really nice at low volumes

what i have found it transfer that to louder practice volumes and the settings dont work at all and the amp sounds turd....anyone know why this may be??? surely it should be the other way around....?
Im now convinced something is wrong with my Channel 2. I initally tried those setting's and was really happy with how full the sound was (I have been battling channel 2/brit for a while now, always seemed very thin sounding). Got distracted and a couple hours later turned the amp back on an boom its sound flat again........WTF... I might just be insane.

PS. Yes I did check all my connections and settings.
moodyedge said:
YellowJacket said:
what i have found it transfer that to louder practice volumes and the settings dont work at all and the amp sounds turd....anyone know why this may be??? surely it should be the other way around....?

Think it must be a pretty common experience, spent my youth setting up my amps to perfection in my bedroom, only to find they sound terrrible at gig volumes. sure I wasted loads of time doing that.

Need to be able to spend the time setting eq at gig volumes... than the next issue is sitting nicely in a bands mix, thats another story altogether!!

Solved the volume thing....bought my own house away from neighbours... crank that mutha up now!!