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  1. B

    opinions on quad

    would it be possible if you could post some clips with you 20/20 :)
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    opinions on quad

    is it possible to mod the bias of a PA. Im asking because i know im not going to use all the power of a 2:90 or any other simul-class which has lots of power. I would go for a 20:20 but thats biased for some EL84 which never heard any clips from, but i would prefer 6L6. So is it possible to bias...
  3. B

    opinions on quad

    Well since im planing buy mesa boogie gear. Ive had the Quad preamp in mind and i would like to know what you guys think of this amp and what PA do you use with it.
  4. B

    Two Mark IV clips...

    nice tone in the Texas Rock Blues, but dont play any chords with it or watch ur dynamics on the chords. I would listen to the rest but my computer is being an #$%.
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    check it out!!!

    um, its expired
  6. B

    Wich speaker for Mark IV Head?

    I would say the V3.
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    Mark IV clean tones vs. Marshall TSL 100

    forgot to mention, those arent mine, those are Koreldyre clips. You can ask him about ur mark q's
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    Mark IV clean tones vs. Marshall TSL 100

    i would definatley go for the mark IV. those are all mark IV except for the first song (apathy).
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    Roadking el-34's

    wow man! thats perfect acdc tone right there.
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    To those who own both a MarkIV and a Road King

    thats why mark IV rules :D
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    Picture of Roadster and Stiletto Ace head - taken at NAMM

    Hey man im also praying for the same thing. Im digging that black diamond plate.
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    MESA's NEW AMP!!!!!! The Roadster

    do any of you guys know how much will the roadster cost?
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    Mark IV Clips

    Holly craps man! sweet tones! Ididnt imagine the mark could go that heavey. Are the cleans also mark?
  14. B

    Mark IV pics :D

    yeah i know, its way lower when used--> 1200
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    Stiletto or Mark IV?

    aah thanks people.
  16. B

    Stiletto or Mark IV?

    well im planning on this year to buy a mesa amp but ive been lateley hooked up with the Mark IV and the stiletto but cant decide on which one. Which one would you guys recomend. If this is any help i would like nice clean fat smooth cleans and maybe with some drive in it to get some bright...
  17. B

    Mark IV pics :D

    very sweet man :shock: How much does a mark IV cost when ordering a new one from mesa boogie? I think i may buy that or the stiletto.