Mark IV clean tones vs. Marshall TSL 100

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Billy Adams

Well-known member
Feb 15, 2006
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Well, I own a triple Rectifier full stack and I want to make it into 2 half stacks. Ill be using Midi units for switching. But, my problem is, should i get the mark IV or the Marshall tsl 100. I havent heard the mark IV clean channel very much, but i know i love the dirty on it. Im not real impressed with the tsl 100's dirty but i love the clean. But if the mark IV can get a full bodied clean that the rect. cant.. Ill buy that. Lets here your un bias thoughts.

Does anyone have clips of what the mark IV can do?

Billy Adams said:
Also, can you MOD a mark IV head to be rack mountable? And if so, How?

No mods are necessary. If the amp has a short chassis (17"), all you need to do is purchase the rackmounting kit. I got mine for $50 on eBay, but they sell at almost $200 new.
There is a long head and short head correct? Is there any difference in sound? Is the short head the one that is 17 inches?
Short head is 17" and rackmountable as was stated...No diff in tone...
My son has a TSL100, and I agree, the clean and crunch channels are where it's at...
I think, for you, either amp will be a good choice to put against your rectifier..The Mark IV will be great as you could use it for cleans, as well as a lead channel, and the rectifier for your rhythm work..
The TSL will give you the marshall sound, with EL34's . But with the big bottle 6CA7 (GT or EHX) will give you a bigger sound, bigger bottom, rounded highs, may make it more mixable with the recto.. You may even like the lead channel with less pre-amp and more power amp gain...
Ultimately, your ears will have to decide, but either will be a good alternate for your Recto.....
ax. 8)
Do you think the mark IV has as nice of clean as the marshall? are you saying the big bottle 6CA7 in the marshall will be better or is that for the mark IV.
Big bottle in the TSL.. I put a quad of the GT6CA7GE's in my son's TSL, as well as GT12AX7M's in the pre amp... Made a world of difference in it. He's in a metal band, and the other guitarist has a DSL with svet EL34's. The 2 amps sound completely different... The TSL is much bigger sounding, with a better breakup, wheras the DSL has a harsh, brittle, fizzy tone..It made a big difference in all 3 channels, but the cleans are to die for now.....The EHX big bottle 6CA7's are made by Sovtek, and are listed online (ebay) at BIN +- $45 a quad, a good deal for sure... :wink:

As far as the 2 amps are concerned, as I said, either will be good as an alternate tone for you against your Recto... Plus, you could A/B/Y with the Recto, both in lead channels, and be super huge sounding... I've done it myself at home with the TSL and my mark III, and nearly **** myself.. :shock:
ax. 8)

that's a rackmount mark IV.

And believe me, a friend of mine owns a tsl 60 head, and my mark IV has a much better clean and lead channel.

only the crunch on the tsl is better imo, but the mark comes close.
i would definatley go for the mark IV.
those are all mark IV except for the first song (apathy).
Yeah, those clips sound really good. Did you just use stock tubes in those recordings?
forgot to mention, those arent mine, those are Koreldyre clips. You can ask him about ur mark q's
here's a clip of my mark iv's clean channel

That sounds real good. Yeah, I decided to go with both actually! lol... I going to use my mark IV in my main rig and for smaller stuff ill use the marshall head.. and if im feeling saucey ill use both on stage.

Nitrobattery what else do you have in that rack... what did you run your signal through to get that tone?

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