To those who own both a MarkIV and a Road King

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Well-known member
May 10, 2005
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Toronto, Canada
I'm trying to find this tone on my Roadking. Maybe it just can't be done.

On my Mark IV Lead channel- Harmonics, Triode, Presence pulled out. Amp is full power. Treble about 7 Mid 4 Bass 5 Pres 7, Gain 8, Master 5.

This is the setting they use in the owners manual that is supposed to get me close to IIC territory. I have never Played a IIC so I don't know how close it sounds but I can tell you I love it.

The reason for me trying to find this on the Road King is if I can I may just sell my Mark. Deep down I hope you al;l tell me it's not there and I better keep both!!!! :lol:

Never played a Mark IV, do you have a clip handy so us Road King-ers that haven't palyed a Mark IV can hear it and try to dial it in? That be a fun challange.
tele_jas said:
Never played a Mark IV, do you have a clip handy so us Road King-ers that haven't palyed a Mark IV can hear it and try to dial it in? That be a fun challange.

I would love to but do not have any recording capabilities.

I couldn't get the smooth Mark lead tone with my RK which is why I sold it and have a Mark IV on the way.I really love that smooth tone.

Here is a video clip of a Mark:

Oh yeah and to record you can just use the record out from the Mark and use a 1/4 to 1/8 adapter and plug it into your sound card and record that way.
The Mark series changed guitar amplification... Santanas sound was from another world when it first came out... that was the beginning of the Mark series... The new Boogies seem to be more an attempt to recreate the old vintage amps sounds but with way more versatility than the old amps. My 65 Deluxe Reverb was a beautiful sounding amp but I'd take a LSC over it any day of the week. The new Stilletto combo sounds amazing. And the Rectifier series just rips your face off if you want that...but the Mark series is the original smooth, buttery sustain that made Mesa Boogie famous and had players in the 70's & 80's dreaming of someday getting one... they were $$$$ back then.... An in my opinion unless you gan get rid of the Rectifier series edge with the extra options the Road King has... you'll never get the Mark Series smoothness from it. but I suspect it's genetic to that line. Nothing wrong with it.... it's all personal taste but the Mark series is the smooth series. Again it's all personal taste which is what is really cool about how Mesa has branched out with their product line. Pretty much any style of player can find the right Mesa now... but if you want the trademark Boogie melt you smooth sound I think you have to go back to the roots which is the Mark Series.
Yeah exactly, the Road King is still a dual Rectifier so it has that crunchy edge to it so it doesn't quite smooth out for lead.The Road King would have had me sold if it could have got that Mark tone since I drool over that smooth lead.
aenigma said:
Oh yeah and to record you can just use the record out from the Mark and use a 1/4 to 1/8 adapter and plug it into your sound card and record that way.

I would not know where to begin on how to plug this into a sound card. I'll ask my son to show me how.

brianf said:
aenigma said:
Oh yeah and to record you can just use the record out from the Mark and use a 1/4 to 1/8 adapter and plug it into your sound card and record that way.

I would not know where to begin on how to plug this into a sound card. I'll ask my son to show me how.

Oh it is really easy.You just take a 1/4" cable and plug it into the direct out from the amp and then put one of those 1/4 to 1/8 adapters on the other end so you can plug it into your sound card.The one you would want to plug into would be the mic. input and it shuld be a kind of pink color.
Hey Brian,
I'm in Vancouver and I'm huge fan of John Petrucci. I own Mark4 head, 3-ch Dual Recto head and RoadKing head.
The Roadking can't do either the Mark2C+ or Mark4. I never tried a Mark2C+, but IMO If you are really into the tone of Mark2C+, just keep your Mark4. I think they sound close.
The Mark4 and the RoadKing are totally different. IMO the ch3 and the ch4 of the RoadKing sound almost like the Dual Recto, but the RoadKing delivers more high ends and low ends, also more bites. The ch1 of the RoadKing sounds pretty good, I can nail SRV tone with my Klon and the ch1 . The ch2 of the RoadKing sounds like, I've no ideas about it :? It doesn't sound like a Marshall IMO, still MESA. Maybe you can get nice overdrive, but the ch2 is not my cup of tea.
I'm going to sell my RoadKing, if you are interesed in it, let me know. :)
I'm disagreeing with the people who claim that you can't get a Mk IIc+ sound from the RK. And I feel sorry (but am not surprised) when people tell me that they sell their RK for another amp. I know that I came very close to returning my RK after I because frustrated one too many times.

It took me 11 months of constant tweaking to find the c+ rhythm sound with my RK, but I have finally done it with my RK head, EBJPMM axe, and RK 4x12 cab. I can post settings to give you an idea, but you'll certainly have to patiently fine tune the settings for your individual equipment.

NOTE: If you don't have a RK 4x12 cab, then forget about using my settings (I've tried with different cabs, and the sound is completely different).

I can't completely justify my bold claim because I do not own either a MK IV or a 2c+. But I have spent time with the Mk IV and the RK side by side in a private room at Guitar Center, and I have countless records and solo clips that feature the MK IIc+. After 11 months, I found a sound that I believe is as close as possible to the coveted IIc+ rhythm tone. In either case, I have definitely killed that annoying Recto-ish buzzsaw sound with a sizzling, silky Mk-ish sound).

I'm at work now, but I'll post the settings whenever I'm back home and have a few minutes.
Pretty close to how yours is. My bass is at 2, mids at 5 and my presence is a 3-4 and I run both drives slightly over 8. I think it is a bit closer with the presence pushed in. The IIC+ does not have any .001 cap in the negative feedback circuit. With the presence pulled it is IMHO a compromise to get the signal a bit smoother. I like the amp both ways, but it is way smoother with the presence pulled.
aenigma said:
I couldn't get the smooth Mark lead tone with my RK which is why I sold it and have a Mark IV on the way.I really love that smooth tone.

Here is a video clip of a Mark:

Oh yeah and to record you can just use the record out from the Mark and use a 1/4 to 1/8 adapter and plug it into your sound card and record that way.

Wow, is that really a Mark IV?! I'm surprised he's not using the RK there. Where is that clip from? Are you sure it's not his Mark IIC+?
Whether he is using a MKIV or not that is exactly what my MKIV sounds like. Smooth and silky lead....

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