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  1. R

    TriAxis Presence Mod on tube freak I haven't had any time to play around with it since I did the mod, but maybe tomorrow I'll get a chance to play with it and see if it made any significant change.
  2. R

    TriAxis Presence Mod on tube freak

    Has anyone done this mod to their Tri? I've got some time so I'm gonna bust it out and see if it takes some of that thin spank out of the Tri that I can't seem to get rid of.
  3. R

    You know what's always bugged me?

    They put a shift key on the TriAxis and it could have been a usable key for more than a utility. How cool would it be if you could hit that key and toggle between Pull/Shift- Treble, Gain, and Presence like on the Mark series amps .
  4. R

    So on the Triaxis, is LD2 Red really the Rect Solo head mode

    If you have the 2.0 or the 2.0 with fat, the lead 1 red is supposed to sound "like" the recto orange mode the old (pre 2.0) did not have the separate board and the newer Tri's don't have the recto board either. Many will say it doesn't get you the recto tone but that's up to your ears to decide...
  5. R

    gas prices going to drive economy like the 1970's

    Sadly, it's already happening, higher gas prices drive everything that is reliant on it up, which then pushes other services higher for compensation. It will slow down when gas prices level out, the problem is that we all rely on our mobility so much in this country to get to work, food...
  6. R

    Noise gate for Triaxis
  7. R

    Triaxis failure. Keeps resetting. Help!

    check the power cord, make sure it hasn't worked it's way out of whatever outlet it's plugged into.
  8. R

    Cleanest Tone Settings on Triaxis

    I use both R1yellow and green. I like R1 yellow for more of a clean lead, but like the scooped feel of R1 green for chordal things.
  9. R

    WARNING: Bulletin Troll member 'sombra', '18&Life',Treva

    Why don't you guys make a thread about an ignore feature for the forum instead? At least that would be something more inline with a more positive approach to a negative problem. :wink: Ganging up and starting a witch hunt (even if the majority of the forum agrees) is not the way it should...
  10. R

    Quad pre ground loop noise lead channels only ?

    Hey Paul, is it racked? I had a problem with my 2:90 some years back when my band mates loaded my rack. When I hooked up all of a sudden I had this major hum that would not go away, I called Mesa and they had no idea. I eventually yanked it out of the rack, problem solved, the rack ears on the...
  11. R

    DeSoldering IC3

    definitely the easiest way and you don't need to worry about over heating the pcb and losing traces.
  12. R

    6 inch 3 prong power cables

    Just go get some of these and cut your cables to whatever length you need. You can find them at any hardware store and they usually cost about $5 a piece and take only a couple minuets to wire up.
  13. R

    ok forget the story what's wrong with my amp. (pics inside)

    Good luck, sounds like you know what you're doing.
  14. R

    ok forget the story what's wrong with my amp. (pics inside)

    No I don't think it's that messed up, but the fact that you couldn't tell for sure if that was a resistor or not leads me to believe that you may be getting a bit over your head. This isn't a transistor radio, it can hold some pretty ugly voltage inside if not dealt with correctly and instead of...
  15. R

    ok forget the story what's wrong with my amp. (pics inside)

    From the sounds of it, before you stick your paws in that amp call around and get yourself some good life insurance :wink:
  16. R

    clean/treble boost or OD in front of a triaxis

    I haven't tried one (still trying to get the rest of my crap figured out), but I'm sure with the right pedal you could get some cool results. I would just be worried about the pushing the internal volume too high, but you could mess with that and find the sweet spot. Noise might also be an issue.
  17. R

    How does this 2C+ tone sound?

    I hate working on power amps, when I went to school for electrical equipment repair that was the one thing my instructor wouldn't go near. Some kid had brought in an old combo that wasn't getting sound, so my instructor opened it and did the "one hand in" technique and had his other arm resting...
  18. R

    How does this 2C+ tone sound?

    But, it's been customized :wink: Sounds good Mick, I just got mine up and running last night. Lovely story, I get everything dumped back in the rack, fire it up and get almost nothing (I just got the Tri back from Mesa, so I was thinking "**** did they fix this fucker or not". Then I...
  19. R

    How does this 2C+ tone sound?

    it's a TriAxis :D
  20. R

    Triaxis Opamp swap comparo clips!

    Back to the 2134. I should have mine in a couple days, I already dropped in the socket (that was a lot of fun :x ), and I've got another 2134 for my GCX that I've socketed, so Tuesday is going to be fun, then I get to start wiring my rig, probably take me a few days for mapping signal path and...