Triaxis failure. Keeps resetting. Help!

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Active member
Feb 29, 2008
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Hey, this is my first post. Hello to all you guys! Great Forum here. Well, i am here because my Triaxis (2.0 nofat T-4212) wich i play since years suddenly has some strange kind of failure. I switch it on, in all windows a "20" is displayed for a short time prior the actual values of the actual preset is shown, wich is normal of course, and then its ready to play. So i start my practising session. Well, since a week or so, from time to time it happens, while i am playing suddenly my sound completly goes away and then after like 2 seconds it comes back. First time i just continued to play, but it happened again from time to time. (two or three times per hour). So i watched my rig while i play and i found that the Triaxis is the rackpiece from where the error occures. Its like someone quickly switch the Triaxis off and on again, the "20" is shown again for a sec then it shows the values of the last used preset, and then the sound comes back and the preamp is ready to play again. But, of course, it does it by its own, i didnt even touched the unit. Now, since this is a very annoying failure, i am not sure what that can be, maybe one of you had like the same failure experienced earlier and knows what this is!? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks guys!
check the power cord, make sure it hasn't worked it's way out of whatever outlet it's plugged into.
I actually have a similar problem. My TriAxis doesnt remember the FX loop or function SW settings . This means that I cant use the MODERN/HALFDRIVE/DEEP on the 2:90. :( It works after saving the program as long as the TriAxis is turned on, but as soon as power is turned off, the settings are forgotten. What could it be? Anyone?
Does it have som sort of internal battery perhaps? If this is the case though, why doesnt it reset all the presets completely?
....if you eventually use Preset 1-20, these are the factory presets. They are restored automatically to thair default settings unless you use a special routine to defeat that (see manual). If its the other presets act wiered as well it might be a weak battery, but dont know for sure, sorry. Well, about my Triaxis, the last two practising sessions it did not 'reset', but i guess that was just luck. I opened it today, unplugged and replugged all connectors and viewed for lose cables, nothing found so far...
I'm not using the factory presets... It has been working fine for about 7 years, but all of a sudden I have this problem. Where is this battery located? Is it something I can change myself or do I have to send it to an amp tech?
Hi, have you managed to find a solution to this yet?

I have a similar issue with my Triaxis. First, it started turning itself off and on quickly. Then it progressed to the the unit turning itself off, while the tubes continue to glow. It also started making a loud unpleasant noise. After speaking to Mesa tech support and Fatboy, here's what I found:

1. Check the ribbon cables in the unit. Older Triaxises have known issues with the ribbon cable connections going corroded over time. Remove the ribbon cables carefully and clean the connections.
2. The voltage regulator in the Triaxis (LM323) does not regulate 5 volts correctly. This causes the unit to overheat and reset itself.
3. The presets are not saving because the internal battery has gone dead. Replace it.

I've sent my triaxis to a tech to check all these factors today. I'll let you know if this works.

Guys, please correct me if I'm wrong, or if you have had similar issues and want to add some info, please post.


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