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  1. M

    Using G Major with Triaxis...

    18&life say right, any effect processor out of triaxis fx loop. You can also connect it in the fx loop but some effects works well in the chain end and some other where the chain start. So, many triaxis users do this, connecting multifx after the triaxis output and before the power amplifier...
  2. M

    Triaxis USA price

    Here in Italy Triaxis 2,400 euros or little bit lower 2:90 1.800 euros
  3. M

    EL34s in your 2:90 (PICTURE) * UPDATE* UPDATE*

    You say right man, i've just take a look to Mesa Boogie site. Sorry for my previous post. :? :?
  4. M

    EL34s in your 2:90 (PICTURE) * UPDATE* UPDATE*

    i know that. Half drive= Class A
  5. M

    g-force question

    It's a great unit, imho the best choice if you ask more from your effect processor. It's a intermediate/pro unit but simple to use and with some cool effect. I've sold it because i need money and now i've a g-major. Nothing to compare with those units. G-force goes 5 steps up. Compatible with...
  6. M

    triaxis midi expression pedal help

    18&life, as always....... you must to sing in a educational lessons in your town or near you house. :twisted: You are always in this forum and we all appreciate your partecipation to the forum live but you still don't understand that a forum is a place for search answers, for make questions...
  7. M

    Retubing Triaxis?

    Try some jj or EH. They sounds good to my ears. My suggestion is to try different brands so you can do the best choice for your music. Opinions are always different and for the first time retubing it become more complex buy a specific brand instead another. So, buy some different tubes and try...
  8. M

    im building a rig for the first time

    For your minimalist rig you can buy something pod dedicated.... look for some line 6 product and they works fine together. :wink:
  9. M

    2.90 RETUBING

    For those who want to know the right placing tubes in our 2:90 (newer or older), i've a mesa pdf very helpful. Right placement, channels identification and also how to retube with a tube mix of el34 and 6l6. PM me if you want them via email FOR THE WEBMASTER: if you plan to build a...
  10. M

    TRIAXIS & 2.90 Fuses

    can find them in a common electrical store. :wink:
  11. M

    Fuses in Mesa 2:90

    i'd mine with the same problem when i bought it brand new. A mesa tech had checked it and he told me that the power amp works fine. A blow fuse could be depend by: - bad tube. - wrong fuse replacements. Use the appropriate fuse.
  12. M

    Triaxis question concerning power amp selection

    quote]I could never sacrifice my tone to give into a SS amp regardless. me too, but i've listened some amazing tones coming out from transistor power amp and also some horribles tones from tube amplifiers and vice versa. The players make the difference..not the rig he uses. IMHO peace 8)
  13. M

    Triaxis question concerning power amp selection

    The mesa 20/20 is a good choice if you want to downsize the poweramp using another mesa product. It sounds very well if you want less power, less weight and also a tube power amp. Take a look to the Brunetti rockit. It's also a good power amp.For home practicing i find more usefull a simple...
  14. M

    Anyone find their Triaxis a little harsh? (Dsonic pickups)

    Hi, i've a triaxis and also a d-sonic wired in bridge position with solid bar toward the bridge. Try to decrease presence level and also treble and gain. i run the tri into a gmaj into a 2:90 and i've a 4x12 recto with 4 v30. i'm satisfied with the this moment...... :twisted...
  15. M

    Dunlop 535q mod true bypass needed

    Anyone with the mods to transform a 535 q in a true bypass pedal? To my ears it isn't a really true bypass. :evil: :evil:
  16. M

    Cables for 2:90

    +1 R3dlined: you can use shielded or unshielded cable for the 3 switchs.
  17. M

    Triaxis Question - Can anyone Help?

    Hey mercurialuk, don't go crazy with this issue.... call Mesa Boogie support center. They know wath's going on in your Tri. Mine do the same thing and it's normal. When you change mode, a specific circuit become active and jumpin' from a rhy green to a lead 2 red may cause a little "BUMP"...
  18. M

    Choosing a New Wah!

    the dimebag is a true bypass? I'va a 535q but it sucks my guitar tone when it's off. :?
  19. M

    Video Clip - Band Rehearsal Dual Rectifier Triple Channel

    yeah, another lefthand. Good job guys, i know how camcorder can destroy every song when it used in the same room without a separate mic track. Keep on rollin'. 8) 8)
  20. M

    Good EQ for triaxis

    Thanks bros, i think the Dunlop is a good starting point. i really don't know if i need a simple basic eq shaping or dozens of custon eq presets for all the presets i use. :roll: :roll: :roll: Anto