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  1. L

    Combo with an external Cabinet

    You're not supposed to connect your external 2x12 at the same time as the internal combo speaker (on the 8ohms output) and your external cab on the 4 ohms output. This is not described in the manual and is not supported by Mesa. I had a long winded discussion in an other thread because I wanted...
  2. L

    MKV Combo in the studio?

    You know there is a switch at the back to turn it of. The funny thing is I can't convinced myself that it is useless in such or such situation. How would you decide when it's safe to turn it off.
  3. L

    Anyone else notice this...

    I was not refering to the user manual but the tech schematic. MB seems to have used a different labelling there. Oh well. Let's keep them confused...
  4. L

    Anyone else notice this...

    I had check that and the only change that was made is the V8,V9,10,V11 labels on power tubes were shuffled around (tube schematic page 62) . Don't know why. And of course the date printed on the la page.... I used software to compare. I still have a few lucid moment :shock: :roll: On the...
  5. L

    best MK V Tone..

    This topis has been cover many many times those comments are too vague please refer to manual. Warning! If you connect a lower load than indicated on the output you risk frying your output tranformer if you crank the volume a bit. It's as simple as that. Safe mismatch is higher load than...
  6. L

    best MK V Tone..

    Cmon ... it's obviously connected to the 4 ohms output.
  7. L

    popping noise when switching channels with footswitch

    I made a note to check last nigth and I think the popping between 45/90w to 10w is not as bad using an RJM MiniGizmo. I remember that is was really annoying and now I that I switched to the MiniGizmo it clicks a little bit but nowhere near the loud pop that everybody know and hates. Am I...
  8. L

    Mark V Line Out

    I don't understand why wouldn't it be fine for recording? True, a good mic is a better way but a "padded" signal is a scaled down version of the original signal out of the power amp. AND you have a level knob so you adjust to the level your recording gear can accept. It all boiled down to the...
  9. L

    Mark V Line Out

    What you want to do is perfectly possible. Slave is exactly for that. It's extracted from the speakers but scaled down to line level. In addition you have a level knob so no problem there. You won't be able to do it silently though.
  10. L

    Playing Mark V through PA

    What are the GOOD and THE best in decent speaker sims to use between in this specific application?
  11. L

    footswitch or cable?

    I don't remember the exact function missing but some had a 7-pin cable when its supposed to be 8-pin cable.
  12. L

    Foot switch, clicking noise Mark V anyone have this problem

    It does default to channel one but when I also turn the amp on all the three channel ligths stay litup untill I push one of the button.
  13. L

    I just got an idea...

    Oops! I'll trust you checked and the sound is always there on the tuner out with or without the MUTE engaged. Anyhow, IF you'd keep the speakers active of course you would benefit from the Slave Out which OF COURSE comes from the speaker's signal. And for the rest, I stand by the comments I...
  14. L

    I just got an idea...

    First, I use the tuner out for silent recording (with an appropriate speaker sim box). It's fully distorted if that is what it's set to be. The signal comes from between the preamp and the power amp. Second there is a signal only when you pull on the solo knob or you step on the mute footswitch...
  15. L

    I think my Mark V FX loop is busted or ..well..odd..Halp!

    I also had problems with my loop. Sounds a bit like the symptoms I had... I lost most of the bottom low frequencies. You have to confirme its the loop by trying with the hard bypass. In addition there is a vacuum tube that feeds the loop check the manual to see which one. After I did all that...
  16. L

    Speaker cabinate hookup - Mark V Amp Head

    Yes they are 8 ohms BUT Mesa doesn't want us to used them at the same time as using the 4 ohms. They are two different windings. Electrically separated (I checked). Sounds like a good idea
  17. L

    Speaker cabinate hookup - Mark V Amp Head

    Well I did investigate these issues (see all the dirty details here if you want). First, you should not use both the 8 ohms and 4 ohms at the same time. Mesa did not want to acknowledge any other combination than what is in the manual. There...
  18. L

    El34 Question

    I don't think it matters if its the inside pair or the outside pair BUT you have to stay away from the 10W mode AND you have to keep at the 6L6 bias at the back.
  19. L

    speaker connection

    SST ! Beware! What you are doing is connecting 2 x 8 ohms loads in parallel so you actually have only a total load of 4 ohms and you risk frying your output transformer!! Because both 8 ohms outputs are connected in parallel internally and similarly for the 2 x 4 ohms outputs, you have to...
  20. L

    speaker connection

    Same thing. They are connected to each other from the inside of the chassis. Don't worry. BUT you have to have something connected before you turn the amp on.