Anyone else notice this...

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I had check that and the only change that was made is the V8,V9,10,V11 labels on power tubes were shuffled around (tube schematic page 62) . Don't know why. And of course the date printed on the la page.... I used software to compare. I still have a few lucid moment :shock: :roll:

On the official service schematic they use V7,V8,V9,V10 ... ?!
LPJunky said:
I had check that and the only change that was made is the V8,V9,10,V11 labels on power tubes were shuffled around (tube schematic page 62) . Don't know why. And of course the date printed on the la page.... I used software to compare. I still have a few lucid moment :shock: :roll:

On the official service schematic they use V7,V8,V9,V10 ... ?!

typo? v7 is the phase inverter.
phyrexia said:
LPJunky said:
I had check that and the only change that was made is the V8,V9,10,V11 labels on power tubes were shuffled around (tube schematic page 62) . Don't know why. And of course the date printed on the la page.... I used software to compare. I still have a few lucid moment :shock: :roll:

On the official service schematic they use V7,V8,V9,V10 ... ?!

typo? v7 is the phase inverter.

I was not refering to the user manual but the tech schematic. MB seems to have used a different labelling there. Oh well. Let's keep them confused...
iceman said:
I noticed also that "Variac" power is labeled "Tweed" on this picture on Mesa's site (linked from the

Obviously this is cosmetic.. but I guess who knows what else is a changing.. Also I'm not sure if Tweed is the new label or Variac is.

Those pictures were taken pre-production.
Still the LEDs are different though...the amp's EQ indicator has changed. Thats still definite even if just a bulb.
Well after the wait, I got mine in today... A number of differences from my old combo:
(Its in the later 00035xx's, after old combo was 000084x and 'Variac' still says 'Variac')
Heres my 1st impressions:

Slight differences:

*List of patents on the right of the back panel that I swear weren't there before.

*LED on the EQ on the fave of the amp is different/orangier red from the really red Mute one, but still is not blatantly orange except for with power off you can blatantly see it, like in that vid clip closeup.

*The print around the amp seems bolder.

*The EQ sliders section feels different... The old ones sliders would press in very slightly, in unison,in a way I never felt right with and the slider values kept screwing up, which was why I returned it. This feels nice and tight, and the slider grips feel different: The old one was plastic caps on metal slider posts, this feels like the posts're plastic maybe almost like there is twist and bend give/play... My treble band slider is slightly malformed....but I dont mind so much.
On the combo, Im sure I could remember seeing like a circuit board or something behind the sliding tracks might be wrong I remember seeing like grease n its solid black plastic all the way up and down like each slidertrack is sealed better. Im sure Im not falsely remembering that issue....I looked at that up close when it started playing about before returning for repair before it got trashed.

* The knobs all feel like they offer slightly less and more smoother resistance, and the switches for power and standby feel less efforty and smoother too.

*The tone definitely has more savagery on the low end and definition on the high.... I feel the tone across the channels is like at least a 25% better, more authorative/crisper, clearer detailed sound....the preamp knobs feel more effective, the bass seeming to let you get away with more with out flub....... How much of this is tubes/tube condition related on both my old amp, and my new one, I honestly dont know.

*The tubecage is way different to my old one.....! Dont know if thats a combo/head difference in general..

When I found out it'd be a long assed wait for a 5xxx plus issue, I was thinking will a 35xx plus era one be an improvement at all..?

My opinion is now this: If they amended things, it was earlier than 1st suspected at the 4xxx mark as this amp IS a little different..
It could be that what Ive got now is just what everyone else had when production was refined maybe.... maybe I had a bit of a lemon...

But I played another early combo in the same store mine came from, and it sounded the same as mine as my combo, (with or without extension cab) and seemed to have the same features as my old one did... Those amps in particular were slaughtered in size of sound/savagery by a Purple stripe Mark III non-widebody they had in that day.
I couldnt see THIS beast running through even a c-90 and open backed having the same problem... Epecially in Extreme, which I feel now lives up to its name. The Namm video of 2009's amp had this slightly fizzy lacking low oomph thing going on like my old combo. That seems to have changed here.

I spent an obsessive year with that amp and got to know the old amp really well, I feel, before it went....and Im positive Im not imagining the more subtle differences. Im really happy with the replacement. Thats my tuppence worth, anyhow.

Thanks for reading. :)
In the end, what is the verdict? Has Mesa tweaked the Mark V or is it just the normal differences between amps?
igfraso said:
In the end, what is the verdict? Has Mesa tweaked the Mark V or is it just the normal differences between amps?

Well, nobody replies. Then, I take it that it was just the normal differences between amps. Mesa has always denied that there were any circuit changes. Maybe they were right from the beginning.

I'd bet it's no different. I can have my pre 500 FIVE set up and sounding beautifully one day, then the next without any changes.. it's not quite right.
I read this thread a couple weeks ago and had an opportunity to try a used 2XXX Mark V and a new 5XXX. The local dealership is small and run by the owner so he was happy to let me try them both out. Since I own a 2XXX with a vertical recto cab loaded with C90s, the owner let me a/b them through one loaded with V30s. He assured me that he had never heard of a circuit change with the V and insisted that in the 25+ years hes been dealing mesas, they've never made a major change without announcing it to the consumer.

Visually, the two amps look identical. The newer one does have oranger leds for the eq indicator and also for channel 3. The tube cage is black instead of white and thats about it for the differences.

Sound wise, there was not much difference. Channel 1 sounded the same on both amps on all 3 modes. The newer version was slightly quieter and the master needed to be up a bit more to get identical tones. The tweed mode on the older one was not as bright and had a warmer tone. The other modes were identical.

Channel 2 on the new one suffered from the same master volume isssue. It was just a tad quieter than the old one...not too big of a deal. The owner and I thought the cunch mode sounded fuller but less flubby on the older one, but again, a small tweak on the bass of the new amp got very similar tones to the old

I spent over an hour with channel 3 on all modes. We couldnt hear any difference whatsoever. Nearly identical in every way and it all sounded fantastic.

I do not believe there are any changes in the circuit. I will say that the resistance of the knobs and sliders felt better on the new amp, but that could very well be because it was new. I walked away convinced that I had just played identical amps. The owner agreed and gave me a big "I told you so " on my way out.

Hope this helps.

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