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  1. shnapper

    Help me choose an amp..!!

    Most of..........Well no all of the Amp's in Mesa's line are expensive. If you really want a Mesa save up for it and buy the one you want. I've made the mistake of buying other stuff only to lose money on it because I didn't like it and sold it off for less. Go play the a...
  2. shnapper

    Which sucks tone more, effects in front or fx loop?

    Which one? I have two WHA's right next to each other, the weeping demon and WHA from hell. Both are equally adjustable so I tuned them differently. Shold I remove one completely or run one in front and the other in the loop with the MM? Whacha Think?
  3. shnapper

    Which sucks tone more, effects in front or fx loop?

    All I have and I really can't think of any other effects I'll need are all run through the loop. I only got the Wah from hell because G.C. owed me store credit LOL. I loitered around for 2 hours last night and bought the pedal out of exhaustion LOL. If there is tone loss I can't hear it, I...
  4. shnapper

    I had no Idea it would show, Roadster is HERE!

    That's the wierd part of this whole thing, I just changed my order about 2 weeks ago from the combo to the head. I was told that I would have to start the order process all over again and that I was looking at a 6-8week wait. At first I was bummed, but I figured it would be worth the wait...
  5. shnapper

    I had no Idea it would show, Roadster is HERE!

    This metal grill? Everything is situated different in the HEAD. I think the tubes hang down on the combo no? Where as the tubes are right side up on the head. My Ch.1 is far right on the board, I think Ch.1 on the combo is far left which would make sense since it's inverted in layout...
  6. shnapper

    I had no Idea it would show, Roadster is HERE!

    Thanks, so far I have started with factory example setting ah la manual. Guitar:American Fender Deluxe HSS strat....... Tweeked them a bit, running my Memory man through Ch. 1 on tweed, trying to find the sound I like between fat and tweed with the memory man, reverb set fairly high 2 oclock...
  7. shnapper

    I had no Idea it would show, Roadster is HERE!

    WOOF, Wasn't expecting a call from guitar center until febuary 2007 LOL. All of a sudden my Roadster head is HERE!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! According to G.C. I got the first Roadster Head in the state? Since I'm new to guitar I can't really give samples, though I want to cuz I'm not that bad...
  8. shnapper


    8 votes out of over 4 thousand members?????????? Talk about a bad turn out at the polls LOL! Well at least there all positive votes so far! Come on people vote, it's your right as a Mesa Boogie owner to vote!! :D :D
  9. shnapper


    Hey all, I did a search on overall reliability and found a few threads of problems occuring in new amps mostly. I guess in shipping lots of products do take a hit from the trucking company. I've decided to run a poll on overall reliability or issues that some have experienced.
  10. shnapper

    Standard vs Traditional Recto Cabs

    That's nice to hear since I'm waiting on my roadster head to arrive. I have the standard cab sitting right here waiting for some power to be delivered. :D
  11. shnapper

    Roadster 1x12 combo has landed!! UPDATED - Clips ADDED!

    One tube running or one of each type of tube running 6L6/EL34?? I'm curious about the answer to this also??
  12. shnapper

    Found a Like new 4x12

    I think a better way to put would be tune the cab for the speaker instead of tighten woofiness without spending hours of CAD time designing the perfect enclosure. I mean were talking a guitar cab here, I don't expect it to have $100,000 mono block home audiophile definition LOL!!!!!!
  13. shnapper

    Found a Like new 4x12

    I know of the technique to fill the cab with something to reduce air space, some home speaker/subwoofer manufacturers use this to reduce cab resonance/reduce air space etc....... I also have used it in subwoofer boxes for car stereo applications as well. If you want to go one step further you...
  14. shnapper

    Found a Like new 4x12

    I was wondering that myself when I read some of the reviews on Harmony central. 90% of the reviews are possitive with few giving some technical jargon on frequency response of the v30 not being vintage sounding at all Etc... One reviewer wrote the bottom end broke up when playing harsh metal, I...
  15. shnapper

    Found a Like new 4x12

    Aye barry... It's the 4x12 rectifier standard/slant cabinet. I opened it up to have a look at things, looks good as far as craftsmanship. I prefer they would clean there solder joints and free them from flux. It's strange to me being paid to solder from numerous companies Motorola GEG...
  16. shnapper

    Found a Like new 4x12

    How do I go about breaking in the speakers?
  17. shnapper

    Found a Like new 4x12

    Went into a store with the intention on buying the little roadster 212 cab for when my roadster head arrives so I don't get stuck without a cab. They had a like new 4x12 rectifer cab for a good price so I got that instead. Now does anyone have experience with this cab, I just couldn't pass up...
  18. shnapper

    Roadster 1x12 combo has landed!! UPDATED - Clips ADDED!

    Oh no I'm good now, I just needed to calm down a bit. I'm going to wait it out knowing ahead of time that this is the amp I want. Now back to tele's thread how bout some sound clips of that sweet roadster ya got................ :D