Looking to buy a Roadster...questions

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Dec 12, 2006
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Hi All,

I'm in the market for a new amp. The Roadster combo actually caught my eye and in reading the wonderful reviews of them from this board and other online resources, I decided to try it out at a local dealer.

The channel 1 and 2 sounded awesome however I was disappointed at the sound I got from "high-gain" channels. Channel 3 sounded brittle no matter how I tweaked the settings...channel 4 didn't have the sustain nor the "umph" I remember from the rectoverb nor the dual rectifier solo head.

The one thing that I noticed was that there was "popping" noises when changing channels from 3 and 4....

I did not buy the floor model (2x12 combo) because of these reasons. But before I plunk down the cash for the amp, I wanted the other users feed back.

The demo unit I played, could this have been due to a bad preamp tube?

Does the Roadster have a similar modern high gain sound as the DR solo head?

The popping is normal, it's due to static buildup in the footswitch. Try cycling through the channels a few times before going out of standby.

Welcome crazypenguin btw, I'd be floored if your handle was a Linux reference but I don't hold out any hope :p

As far as channel 3 and 4, they are supposed to be like the 2nd and 3rd channel of the Dual Rec solo head but I've read a few things here that state otherwise. Hopefull some of our new roadster owners can chime in.
Hi Platypus,

Thanks for responding so quick.

Yes psychogentoo is a linux reference. I'm a big fan of Gentoo Linux. ^_^

I did call Mesa this morning to if I played through had a bad preamp tube...he wasn't sure but he did state that the Roadster is voiced differently (warmer than the DR Solo). so...no definite word on whether channel 3 and 4 were sounding brittle and lacking sustain due to a bad tube...
I personally thing channels 3 an 4 are different, but for me it was in a good way. i feel as though i actually have control over the bass now. then standard dual i felt as though i was just taking bass out. roadster is more of a mix. of course i only use the gain over noon on channel 3 in vintage mode for solos. th UMPH you refer to could just be a 2x12 / 4x12 thing. as far as sustain... i got no answer for that. all i know is i went in looking for a new L.P. and left with Roadster love.
psychogentoo said:
Hi Platypus,

Thanks for responding so quick.

Yes psychogentoo is a linux reference. I'm a big fan of Gentoo Linux. ^_^

I did call Mesa this morning to if I played through had a bad preamp tube...he wasn't sure but he did state that the Roadster is voiced differently (warmer than the DR Solo). so...no definite word on whether channel 3 and 4 were sounding brittle and lacking sustain due to a bad tube...

Sweet, Gentoo is my favorite as well. I know this is a guitar/amp board but UNIX is what I do for a living so I was surprised :p
In fact, my avatar is the logo for the now defunct Darwin project within OSX (the bsd mach microkernel) though not the reason for the name :)

There are lots of variables in the setup too.. the store lights, the power quality, etc. How did you dial it in if you remember?
I'm a big fan of OS X as well :)

As far as dialing in tones on a mesa, I set it up as how I setup the rectoverb and dual rectifier solos in the past. This is a ballpark setting:

Channel 4:
Gain: ~ 3 o'clock
Treb: ~ 2 o'clock
Mid: ~ 9 o'lock
Bass: ~ 3 o'clock
Master: 9-10 o'clock

I expected a similar amount of gain and sustain from these settings to what I remember of the other mesa amps...it wasn't there...

When I was buying my guitar (Jem 7V) I actually played through a DR Solo head got awesome tone, sustain etc... Since I wasn't demoing the amps at the time didn't put much thought into it.

The string gauge, pick up height, and action hasn't been changed since then. I wanted to rule out the lack of sustain from my pickups (evolutions aren't slouches in terms of output...IMO), so I tried one of the guitars at the store with EMG 81s but with similar results.

Maybe this has to do with the fx loop and output pots? I'm such a caveman when it comes to Mesa amps... ><

I may go back to that store and try out the amp again and do an A/B with a DR Solo...Even if they're voiced differently the Mesa scooped sound should still be there...no?
Not dogging on your settings choices but you're robbing yourself of a ton of sustain and tone with a gain setting of 3 o clock and a volume setting of 9-10. You're basically getting MOSTLY gain instead of the amp's EQ at that point.

Try running your channel master around 11, using the output knob as an overall volume knob if you need to be quieter (to activate.. don't bypass the FX loop on the back and the output knob will act as an overall master), lower your gain to something like 1:30 and throw some mids in there, the guitar is a midrange instrument. Playing on your own with a scooped mid setting is fine because by itself it sounds better.. but you'll easily get lost in the mix in a band situation if you scoop your mids out that low, especially since the rectifier already has a midscoop.

The lack of sustain really doesn't surprise me with your ballpark settings to be honest, but like I said, I'm only offering suggestions, feel free to ignore :)

ty! I'm gonna try that. again I'm a n00b when it comes to Mesas since I've mainly dealt with distortion from pedals (DS-1, MT-2) and multifx units (GT-5).
psychogentoo said:

ty! I'm gonna try that. again I'm a n00b when it comes to Mesas since I've mainly dealt with distortion from pedals (DS-1, MT-2) and multifx units (GT-5).

That makes sense based on the way you dialed the amp up. Mesa EQ stacks are vastly different than the typical Marshall max everything scoop mids style of dialing amps. The EQ is super interactive, a slight change in one band will effect the others in turn.

I suggest you read this:

...before going back to play. Read how the EQ works, what all the different knobs do, etc. Also check out the 'sample settings' page for some guaranteed good tones. The Rectifier series is a love/hate relationship for most.. they take a long time to dial in properly but once you're there.. you're there ;)

Let us know how you liked the settings! Also, try to use the tube rectifier first, you might prefer the 'sag' of this setting as it aides sustain.

Also, make sure your presence control is set logically, this is huge, in my opinion one of the most useful tone shaping controls on the amp. Anything above noon will give you a tighter crisper attack but you sacrifice a LOT of sustain if you ride this above noon.. the lower the setting, the more sustain you'll have but it also seems to darken up and loosen up the amp so be careful. This could have also been a factor for you in your test run?

good luck, don't be afraid to ask questions!
+1 for the tube and raise ya a SPONGY ! puts the art in playing in your right hand.

channel 3 vintage
50 watts
gain 1:30
bass 12
mid 1:00
treb 1:00
pres 10:00

give 'er a whirl i bet you walk out with her.
I usually run my mids on ch3 and 4 at around 1:00-1:30 believe it or not. Much harder feel but much better sustain and hard attack.

Platypus said:
... throw some mids in there, the guitar is a midrange instrument. Playing on your own with a scooped mid setting is fine because by itself it sounds better.. but you'll easily get lost in the mix in a band situation if you scoop your mids out that low, especially since the rectifier already has a midscoop.

The lack of sustain really doesn't surprise me with your ballpark settings to be honest, but like I said, I'm only offering suggestions, feel free to ignore :)
I've had several Recto's (see my sig), I like the Roadster the best so far.

I find channel 3 and 4 to be voiced warmer than any other recto I've played, I can actually crank the treble past 1:00 without it getting "ice-picky" and shrill sounding. I have never liked the "modern" mode on any channel, but last night I tried channel 4 in the modern mode and was floored at how much it thumped with my humbucker guitar.

I really like channel 3 and 4 for what I play. I have channel 3 set on Vintage mode with the gain around 3:30 - 4:00 when using my tele (where on all my other rectos it was 2:30 to 3:00), so there is a bit less gain it seems - but still enough for me.

Channel 3
Gain: 3:30-4:00
Treb: 1:00
Mids: 11:30
bass: 11:30
Pres: 11:00

Channel 4:
Gain: 3:00
all EQ about 12:00 except treb which is about 1:30.

I need to post clips soon of all the channels, I'll try to do that this weekend.
well, hopefully my roadster 2x12 combo should be here in the next few days from the factory warehouse. ^_^
psychogentoo said:
well, hopefully my roadster 2x12 combo should be here in the next few days from the factory warehouse. ^_^

Did you go back and play it?
awesome ! I TOLD YA ! it's a no brainer. hang in there while you have to wait. longest days of your life are about to come. but will be more than worth it.

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