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  1. shnapper

    RKII Cleans

    I have the Roadster head and well I must agree I think the cleans suck :lol: :lol: :lol: So my opinion is you should buy a crate supercleaner amp much chepaer and you won't be on this board complaining..... :) :) Now some idiot start the thread that's titled "I just played a LSS" and...
  2. shnapper

    triple rec or roadster?

    This guy I believe has or is getting the roadking, make a decision for yourself using minimal blind input from others. Seems most favor what they have or what they don't have and want to push for what they have decided on to make themselves feel better about it. There are other threads that...
  3. shnapper

    OK, Now The Roadster Questions

    Right now I'm using all my pedals through the loop because I don't want wires everywhere, all my pedals are on a SKB board. I'm using my deluxe memory man with the fat/clean ch.1 and switch it in and out during certain melodies I'm working on. I'm not digging The tube screamer a whole lot, but...
  4. shnapper

    another roadster question...

    Easiest way to check is just cross reference the serial number with the bulletin.......... IMPORTANT SERVICE ADVISORY August 23, 2006 For Roadster Amplifiers Serial Numbers VR-00001 through VR-00669
  5. shnapper

    another roadster question...

    I also was nervous, but one thing I do know about the net............ It's where most come to complain or post negative reviews, the positive reviewers are to busy playing LOL! My roadster head is fine after 3 weeks of constant use, if your worried get something else to record with as a...
  6. shnapper

    ?? Brand new Roadster up in SMOKE !!

    I don't have the combo, I have the head and have had no problems. I use it 2-3 times a day for practice cycling it on & off. I'm surprized you even used the amp knowing the mod wasn't done even if the mod had nothing to do with it failing, I would have maybe not bought that particular amp...
  7. shnapper

    I had no Idea it would show, Roadster is HERE!

    All of a sudden the footswitch is here? Just got the call at 9:27am. I thought G.C. opened at 10:00am, Totally Stoked!!!!!! I was told January, maybe mesa is upping production for the holidays? Or did I just happen to make the right order at the right time??? Stranger things have...
  8. shnapper

    Roadster 1x12 combo has landed!! UPDATED - Clips ADDED!

    Nice clips Tele, what happened to back in black? I was about ready to play along :lol: I have the same feelings on the brit, I light up my Humbucker and it helps, I don't think the humbucker (fender DH1 or something)I have is the greatest but it goes well with the hotter singles...
  9. shnapper

    Road King II or Roadster

    Ya know I have a post stating the exact samething, I changed my order like you did and all of a sudden I got my Head in like a week. You might get it sooner than you think, but don't hold me to it. At first I figured Guitar Center Pulled a first runner sitting in another store or something, but...
  10. shnapper

    The Ace - I'll admit it, I'm hooked

    After reading the specs per fender site I now know our strats are worlds apart. I thought the only difference in the two was the humbucker, but it appears my singles are hotter to match the bucker. This maybe the reason I'm finding the tweed setting on the roadster starting to come around to...
  11. shnapper

    The Ace - I'll admit it, I'm hooked

    Ya it does, Olympic white pearl.........I've only had her a few months........
  12. shnapper

    The Ace - I'll admit it, I'm hooked

    Nice review, Oh and I like the Fender strat you have, color and all :wink: [/img]
  13. shnapper

    whew!... almost lost my Roadster

    I'm with ya Matty, my upper respiratory infection that my wife BREATHED on me isn't doing me any good either. I'd rather be buzzzzzzzzzzzed LOL! Glad you like your Roadster again!! :D :D :D
  14. shnapper

    Road King II or Roadster

    You misread my point, I don't mean problematic complications. I meant the King has twice as many buttons to push and settings to deal with. A quote right off The Mesa Boogie website for ya: This all-tube thoroughbred shares a class with only one other amplifier - and that position is held by...
  15. shnapper

    whew!... almost lost my Roadster

    Uhhhh, Im lost at &^*&* fed with this amp and.............. Laney Vc30......... and supper for kids......... and best sounding amp I'eve ever had??........... So you like the roadster again?.............
  16. shnapper

    Road King II or Roadster

    I'm one of the few that put the bad rap on the roadsters Ch2 brit. I don't think it deserves a bad rap, it just didn't hit me when going through all the channels. Now that I have had it a few days and have been tinkering with both my guitar and the brit settings I'm finding a use for it. I...
  17. shnapper

    Roadster 1x12 combo has landed!! UPDATED - Clips ADDED!

    Holy Kwap! 7 button switch correct or is it an 8 switch? That thing definitely can't go on my pedal board LOL.. Thanks Merc............
  18. shnapper

    Roadster 1x12 combo has landed!! UPDATED - Clips ADDED!

    Yo Tele! Can you do me a small favor and measure your footswitch so I know the dimensions? I don't think I have enough room on my board to velcro it down, but the WxD would be nice to know........... Thanks in advance if ya see this...................... :D
  19. shnapper

    Roadster wait

    I Concur......... Even though I did get my roadster head quickly(can't tell you why)I did not get the footswitch yet. My order was originally for the 2x12 combo as yours is and I was not expected to get it until early January. My order was originally placed near the end of october so you have...