Road King II or Roadster

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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2006
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I love the all in one, versatile concept that is the Road King. Now, Mesa entices me with the Roadster which I test drove and love. But, I do enjoy tinkering and love to explore the myriad options both have to offer.

Since, Roadster's price is up there I'm thinking I'll save up a little more and just get the ulitmate!

Besides the extra features in the Road King would there be a tonal differences between the two? Is the Brit mode better in the Road King than in the Roadster which seems to be getting not so good reviews?
You'd get a tonal difference when you switch to EL-34's in the power section on the Road King since the Roadster comes stock with 6L6's.

Ciao ...
I'm one of the few that put the bad rap on the roadsters Ch2 brit. I don't think it deserves a bad rap, it just didn't hit me when going through all the channels. Now that I have had it a few days and have been tinkering with both my guitar and the brit settings I'm finding a use for it.

I would say test drive both again using your guitar of choice and make your final judgement after a few hours of use. My vote goes to the roadster not only because I have it, but I think I'm glad I avoided the complications of the King. The roadster has enough settings to keep the mind boggled, no need to
go into E=Mc2 kinda stuff LOL!

Good luck and let us know what you get......... :D
"but I think I'm glad I avoided the complications of the King."

Care to elaborate -- I've not heard of any issues witht the current RK. On the contrary...wasn't it the Roadster that Mesa had a recall earlier this year?
"but I think I'm glad I avoided the complications of the King."

Care to elaborate -- I've not heard of any issues witht the current RK. On the contrary...wasn't it the Roadster that Mesa had a recall earlier this year?

You misread my point, I don't mean problematic complications. I meant the King has twice as many buttons to push and settings to deal with.

A quote right off The Mesa Boogie website for ya:

This all-tube thoroughbred shares a class with only one other amplifier - and that position is held by its brother – the mighty Road King™. In fact, the Roadster is a Road King without Progressive Linkage™ and other rear panel features that some players fear need a higher education to navigate. The Roadster now offers the plug-and-play minded guitarist a way to enjoy a myriad of footswitchable preamp choices without the power option anxiety.
I guess I don't fear those "options." I want to maximize my tonal potential. I'll definitely bring my favorite axe to this one shop that has both. Too bad they don't have a loud room; it mostly caters to soccer moms and their children for lessons :D

What I fear is that once I get the Roadster I'll want the RoadKing :lol: Now, that's a fear to reckon with!!!
I had a RK series 1 2x12 combo and sold it to get a Roadster..... Why? For the better cleans, and for me it was well worth the trade.

I also wanted to stick with the combo setup, and believe it or not the Roadster 1x12 has a more focused low end than the RK - probably due to the closed back. Over all, I like the sound of the Roadster better all around, but if you're looking at a head/cab set up I'd say that wouldn't be the case. If I had a cabinet already and had the choice between the Roadster and Road King II, I'd pick the Road King II for the extra features.

As for the Brit mode, I'm not as impressed with it when compared to the series 1 RK's Brit mode. The RK II would definately have an advantage over the Roadster since the brit mode thrives off of EL34's, and the Tweed channel thrives off of 6L6's, so you could have the best of both with a RK. The brit mode sounds fantastic with a humbucker, but is hard to get "pushed" using a single coil, where in the RK1 it was still pretty easy to get "pushed" with single coils. But the Brit mode on the Roadster/RKII is a bit "beefier" with a bit more natural low end.

Over all the Brit mode on the RKII/Roadster just needs a little more TLC to get it to sound like a pushed Marshall and definately sounds better with EL34's - But still not too bad with 6L6's. I'll try to post some clips in the next few days of the Brit mode with 6L6's vs EL34's using my humbucker guitar and some clean clips with my Tele.

Ok...... did any of that make sence?
Tele, yes you made sense! And, I'm ordering the RK II head today :lol: It should arrive in time for my birthday :D

Now, I need to put my Stiletto Trident Head BACK on the sale block as I'm sure the RK II will produce the Stiletto tones. I'll also have to unload my Fender Prosonic in foam green.
I think you made the right choice there enigma, as long as you got the funds. The Road King really is not as complicated as some people make it out to be. It's set up in a very user friendly fashion, in my opinion, and the tonal options are endless. I guess I'm one of those that doesn't like a one sound amp. Enjoy your RKII when you get it!!!!!!!!!!

I just changed my RK II Combo order to a Head/RK 2x12 Cab -- so now I've been sent to the end of the line, previous ETA was end of Jan 07, now I don't know when I'll get it....

And it's all paid 4 it bums me out even more. :cry:

But as a consolation when I initially ordered the RK II, I managed to maneauver from them a SRV Strat for $400 off retail :wink:
Machine Gun, yeah I can't wait for it to come sometime in January.

Wow, Jazzgear how'd you manage that? SRV's got the best neck!

Yeah, I am very excited about the RKII - it is the Holy Grail of Tone - I croos my fingers 8)

I just changed my RK II Combo order to a Head/RK 2x12 Cab -- so now I've been sent to the end of the line, previous ETA was end of Jan 07, now I don't know when I'll get it....

Ya know I have a post stating the exact samething, I changed my order like you did and all of a sudden I got my Head in like a week. You might get it sooner than you think, but don't hold me to it. At first I figured Guitar Center Pulled a first runner sitting in another store or something, but the serial number is beyond the resistor bulletin @ 000691 so it's fresh baked bread. I didn't get my footswitch, but I think they decided to just ship the head without it. It's made my Christmas Jolly, SHAKE AND BAKE BABY, SHAKE AND BAKE!

Ok now for the main threader... Keep this alive Enigma and let us know when you get that monster, it will be interesting to get your review........

:D :D
Thanks. I'm picking the colors for it today :lol: Since, this amp has everything I'll just have to ruin it with my custom color choice 8)
enigma, what are you thinking for a custom color? Decided yet? You'll have to post some pictures when you get it!
I brought in my PRS McCarty to play on the Road King I in the store. The sales guy was in the back of the amp flicking every possible options. It was so much fun!!!

I decided to not order a custom color just in case down the road Mesa comes out with Road King III :lol: And, I don't think people would want a purple suede RK II 8)
So are you ordering the stock setup? I'm debating that too...the custom opitons make an already expensive rig ultra expensive. And I have noticed on the bay that when these have been re-sold, they seem to all fetch on or about the same price ~$1800+ irregardless of the finish (at least the RK 1s).

So I think I am going to stay stock..mmmm? Maybe a gold or tan grill instead of the black.....
Jazzgear, my sales guy convinced me to get tbe stock version. I think it makes sense.

Cudbucket, thanks! I'll have to patiently wait.

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