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  1. S

    How much straight from the factory?

    I believe they are still $1999.00 for the heads. The price does not include shipping from Mesa Hollywood, I believe they charged me on the order of $60.00 shipping for the head. You will not have to pay sales tax if you order from Mesa Hollywood, unless you live in California! When I got mine...
  2. S

    Need a new guitar for new MARK V!

    Music Man! My JP6 sounds killer through the Mark V, like they were designed for one another. The piezo sounds amazing through the V's clean channel. Not to mention it has the best non-locking trem you will ever play. Of course, I'm biased! If you get a color other than Mystic Dream, you can get...
  3. S

    MK V Footswitch real estate?

    Not as big as it looks, camera is zoomed in pretty far. Everything is velcro'd and ty-wrapped, just pick it up and go! With the exception of the Wah and volume pedal.
  4. S

    Old vs. New Amp

    Keep it, one can't have enough Mesa amps! Especially the two you have!
  5. S

    Woo Hoo, finally ordered!

    Great decision, you will love the V! Post some pics when you get your new setup up and running, would love to see it!
  6. S

    Nova Delay vs. Boss DD-20

    Hey Hendog, I have tried both and both are excellent. I ended up buying the TC because, for lack of a better reason, I just love the lush sounds of their delays. I have nine different delay presets that I programmed myself and all are useful and fun to mess with. TC is just the best IMO when it...
  7. S

    MK V Footswitch real estate?

    I have a Pedaltrain 2 and it fits on there like it was designed to do so. Here is a pic.
  8. S

    EL34's, Someone PLEASE post a clip!!

    I think so, at least to my ears. Tone is very personal obviously, but I did not hear a drop off in low frequencies from the SED 6L6's. Going to play a bit tonight, will play around a little and see if I notice anything. It's only been about a week with the EL-34's, but so far I am sold on them.
  9. S

    EL34's, Someone PLEASE post a clip!!

    Afraid I don't have a clip to offer yet, but I just put a set of SED EL-34's in my V and I will not be going back anytime soon to 6L6's. Not quite sure what it is, sounds like it has a bit more gain and REALLY smoothed out the high frequencies. I had some SED 6L6's in it, and they are great too...
  10. S

    Mark V... the Ultimate Amp?

    My third Mesa amplifier, and by far the best. I've owned many amplifiers over the years, though not a self-proclaimed expert, and this is the best sounding amp I've ever played or tried. End of the road for me and taking it six feet under when I go! :mrgreen:
  11. S

    Do you use a noise gate? At what setting?

    I've had a Boss NS-2, an MXR, and now have the ISP as well. It is, by far, the best pedal noise gate out there IMO. I do use mine in front of the amp with great results, but will definitely try it in the loop after reading the comments here.
  12. S

    Mark V b ???

    Excellent points!
  13. S

    Mesa noob question

    Congratulations! The love for your Mark V will only get stronger as you tweak away!
  14. S

    Mark V b ???

    Way to go man! You made the right move.
  15. S

    Mark V b ???

    Wasn't trying to get you upset Hendog, just trying to ease your mind on potential problems so you will get out there and buy one! Any amp can have an issue at any time, just grab the Mark V and tear it up dude, you will be thanking yourself! Peace!
  16. S

    Mark V b ???

  17. S

    Mark V Cab Question

    Sweet. I run a JB Jr. in the bridge of my Strat and it just rips as well!
  18. S

    Mark V Cab Question

    Awesome setup man! Love the Twin Strats. Are those Lace Sensors or EMG's?
  19. S

    Mark V - Nova Delay

    ^^^DITTO^^^ I have a Nova Delay and I run it in front of my amp with good results. You REALLY have to just keep tweaking to get there. For my lead channel, I really have to keep the level very low and have few repeats, but it does not get muddy at all. The speed of the repeats is also critical...